"So there are two demons loose somewhere in my underworld," past-Death said, uncertain what to think. Gabriel's underworld. Whatever.

Tymkyn started to smile then ducked his head. He moved towards Andre and wrapped an arm around the Immortal.

The blue-green glow was sticking with Andre, at least until he stepped foot outside the cell, at which point it darted down the hallway.

Past-Death moved for them to exit the cell, puzzled. She turned to follow the glow with her gaze and saw it disappear into the cell that once held the deity.

"Where's Gabe?" Tymkyn asked.

"Roof. Fighting sentries," she replied, distracted. "Wait here for a moment." Past-Death trotted down the hallway towards the locked door. She placed her hand against it and waited for the lock to click before pushing.

The glow was settling back where she'd originally found it, on the ring located at the center of the pile of bones. Crossing to the remains, she bent to retrieve the ring and straightened, peering at it.

"You've been following me around, haven't you?" she murmured. "You led me to them and back here again. Any chance you'll just appear and fix everything?"

Nothing happened.

Was it possible a godship could be passed through a relic such as the ring? She didn't have the memories to know for certain, but something about this ring had gone out of its way to find her, take her to the three in the cell, sit on Andre's shoulder and bring her back here.

"Deidre?" Karma called. "We must leave."

She pocketed the ring and left. The three waited in the hallway, and she hurried to them, thoughts racing with options on how to help them leave.

Footsteps and the sound of rustling weapons and armor from the direction of the stairs made them freeze. Past-Death tried to determine how many came. It sounded like much more than the four of them could face with no weapons and one wounded.

"Hide," she whispered. "We have to hide. Maybe we can throw them off and run."

"Better idea," Tymkyn said and motioned her forward. "I will not face Gabriel's wrath if you get hurt on my watch. Take the Immortal." Carefully, he helped stabilize Andre while past-Deidre replaced him supporting the wounded man. "I've seen what this little girl can do." Tymkyn motioned to Karma. "You two hide, and we'll take care of them."

Past-Death hesitated but nodded, sensing how badly injured Andre was. She hobbled with him to a cell several down from the one where she'd found them and maneuvered him inside, gasping as she rested him against the wall. He sank to a sit, and she glanced at the door. If anyone made it down this far, they'd be found for sure. Closing the door would tip off the dealers who knew the cells were supposed to be open when not occupied. After a moment of internal debate, she pulled out a dagger and sat beside Andre, ready to defend them if needed.

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