Another tremble, more crashing.

"Footsteps?" she echoed and rose, crossing to the window. "It'd have to be the size of a dinosaur or something."


She sneaked a glance at him. By the severity of his features, he wasn't joking.

"What kind of giants?" she whispered.

"The kind that want to fucking crush us."

"This place is like a nightmare." She shuddered, thoughts on the snake-like branches of the trees.

"Could be worse. Could be Hell." He winked at her. "Stay here. I have to get to the ogre before Darkyn." Rhyn threw open the wardrobe next to the door and pulled out a sword as long as her leg.

"Why?" she asked anxiously, heart flipping in her chest. "Is he that hurt?"

"Andre is giving out a Toughest Demon Award. I aim to win it." Snatching a knife, he strode out of the cottage.

Perplexed, Deidre followed him with her gaze.

"There's no such thing," Andre said from behind her. "It was my attempt to keep the two of them focused on their mission here and not killing one another. Unfortunately, they took it a little too seriously."

She turned, sighing with relief to see him alive. Karma's hair was in tight, cheerful ringlets, her eyes green. Her features glowed.

"He's balanced!" The deity all but shrieked.

"And you are a very young goddess," Andre replied. "You'll need to learn some self-control."

Karma rolled her eyes at the brotherly tone.

"I'm glad you're getting along," Deidre said, amused.

Another tremble of the earth beneath her drew her attention to the wardrobe. She didn't know how to handle any of the weapons on display there and wished she did.

"Are there enough people on our side to handle a giant?" she asked. "And where is Gabriel?"

"The forest sent him a different direction," Andre explained. "The answer to your first question is no. We aren't currently equipped to face ogres or the amount of death dealers allied with Harmony."

"Is there a plan?"

"Not to get killed before Gabriel gets this situation under control."

Worry for her mate made Deidre step out of the cabin. The earth tremors were getting stronger, the sounds of crashing trees closer. The giants came from the direction opposite of the palace, and she saw the loyal death dealers scrambling to form two fronts.

Dread sank into her stomach, heavier than ever. Fully sated after her meal, she nonetheless knew Darkyn had to be all the weaker for not having a chance to drink her blood. He was the most incredible fighter in the universe, but if he was truly cut off from his source of power and injured, he was also vulnerable to fatigue or being mortally wounded. Copyright 2016 - 2024