As soon as Henry left the room, Jasmine turned on him. She stalked towards him and there was fire in her eyes. He was unbelievably aroused by the picture she made. “How dare you act like a horses ass, you pompous, corporate drone!” she shouted at him.

She was less than a foot away, as she stared him down, with anger pouring off of her. He’d seen her angry before but he expected steam to start coming out of her ears at any moment. His own anger was rising to the surface. How dare she talk to him like that?

He pressed the button down on his phone. “I want zero interruptions into this room. I don’t care if the place is on fire,” he growled into the intercom.

“Yes sir,” came the reply and then the connection went dead.

He started stalking towards her. She seemed to realize her predicament, because she began to retreat fast. Her temper evaporated, as her eyes rounded. He must have looked a little more frightening than he thought but his cool had left and his anger was boiling over.

She was the one who left him because he was poor. She was the one who thought she was still miss high and mighty. She kept trying to rub in his face he’d been replaced by her boyfriend. He couldn’t even think, he was so mad.

He backed her up until her legs hit the table. She stood pressed up against the hard surface. There was no escape. Her breath quickened, making her breasts rise and fall faster against his chest. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips were swollen from her nervously chewing on them.

Her eyes were still rounded in fear. If it had only been fear, he may have been able to pull out of his anger but he also saw some excitement in their depths. She still wanted him but she was fighting herself, as much as she was fighting him. He needed her now!

He felt a low growl rumble from his throat. He closed the small gap between them, crushing his lips onto hers. He grabbed her neck to pull her closer, pushing his tongue against her lips, demanding entrance.

She reached her hand up to push him away but instead she ended up gripping his shirt. She couldn’t stop her own body’s betrayal. She was on fire as his lips turned from almost abusive to seductive. He accessed her mouth and then tangled his tongue with hers.

She could feel the heat pooling in her core as he deepened the kiss and pulled her so close to him she didn’t know where her body ended and his began. Her hands slipped up behind his neck and she found herself pulling him closer.

He groaned, as she tangled her tongue with his. She couldn’t get close enough. She pressed her aching core against his arousal and was surprised to find out the groan she heard was her own voice.

He suddenly grabbed her hips and sat her on the table, moving so he could fit between her thighs. Her silky skirt slid out of the way and then he was pulling her forward. The table was the perfect height, so he fit against her in the most intimate way possible. He ground his erection against her core, needing the clothing to be out of the way.

He couldn’t think beyond anything but his need. He was hungry and only she could satisfy him. He broke the kiss long enough to trail his lips down her neck. He whisked the shirt off of her in seconds and then gasped in pleasure at the scrap of lace, which was barely covering her incredibly luscious breasts. They were spilling out of the material, begging for his touch.

He didn’t disappoint her. He unlatched her bra and then cupped the glorious weight in his hands as he brought his head down to take her hardened, dusky pink nipple into his mouth. He sucked the pink bud deep inside his mouth and felt his erection jump as she groaned out her pleasure. The noises of ecstasy were quickly pushing him to completion. He couldn’t think, hell he could barely stand there.

He moved his head to lavish her other nipple and then brought his lips back up to hers, no longer being able to keep from kissing her. As he continued to kiss her with years of pent up passion he undid his pants and then ripped her scrap of panties away. She groaned as he pressed up against her moist opening.

He reached down with his hand to feel if she was ready for him. She was wet, hot and tight and he couldn’t wait one second longer. He removed his hand and with one quick thrust, pushed himself deep within her core.

He groaned in complete ecstasy, as his shaft was gripped by her tight folds. He wasn’t going to last long. He continued to kiss her, as he grabbed her hips and thrust deeply in and out. She was crying out in pleasure, as he pushed his long length deep inside her body. She was surrounding him with her tight heat and it was the most pleasurable thing he’d ever felt.

He’d never had such intense or pleasurable sex in his life. She’d been a girl before, she was all woman now. She yelled out and then he felt her tight heat start gripping him in convulsions. Her entire body started shaking and that was all it took to send him over the edge. He groaned as he shot his release deep inside her.

His body continued shaking as he kept them connected until the very last spasm ran through their bodies. He reluctantly pulled back and then stared down at her. She was flushed, sitting there on the table, with her beautiful breasts exposed and her mouth swollen from his kisses.

Her normally perfect hair was pulled free of the bun and with her flushed cheeks, she was the most gorgeous creature he’d ever seen before. She looked like she’d just been devoured, which made him want to start all over again.

He was getting ready to kiss her, already feeling at a loss without her touch. Her expression changed from one of complete satisfaction, to horror at what she’d done. He knew the moment was over and now was the time for consequences.

She reached her hand up and slapped him hard across the face before he knew what was happening. He was shocked from the sting of it. He brought his hand up to his cheek, feeling the heat. He smiled a bit at the strength she’d exhibited. He’d never had a woman give that reaction after sex. They were usually purring with their content. He knew he was a great lover.

He quickly took a step back, because smiling had been the wrong thing to do. She was furious. “Sorry about that Jasmine but you can’t blame the whole thing on me, you didn’t say anything to stop me,” he said to her, with his normally cocky voice back in play.

He was feeling anything but calm but there was no way he’d show that. If he thought one time was going to be enough to wash her from his system, he’d been very wrong. It would take being with her for a while before he was able to finally let her go. Just the thought of entering her tight heat again was raising his blood pressure, among other things.

Jasmine glared at him and then gathered up her clothing. She looked down at her torn panties with horror and then walked into his private bathroom and shut the door with a resounding click. She didn’t slam it in a fit of rage as so many women would’ve done. The click seemed to make much more of a statement. She didn’t reappear for a while. Derek was grateful for the time to gather himself together.

When Jasmine finally came out of the bathroom, her face was a mask. No one would be able to tell she’d just come apart in his arms. She was almost as good as him at wearing a mask.

“That won’t happen again,” she said to him, in the most professional voice she could muster. He looked at her words as a challenge and he never had been able to resist a challenge.

He said nothing to her. He was surprised she didn’t go stomping out of the office like so many women would’ve done, cursing him, or trying to yell sexual harassment. He was impressed. She sat down at the table and started going through the files again.

He called the secretary and had some drinks brought in and then had her leave the door open. He didn’t trust himself to be all alone, locked up in the office with her for the rest of the afternoon. He was having a hell of a time knowing she was right there, with nothing on underneath that skirt to keep him from touching her again.

They spent the rest of the day calling people into the office for interviews. He wasn’t real pleased to find she was correct about most of the people who came in. Those she’d fought to save were smart and knew how to do their jobs. The only one he was really struggling with letting go was Henry.

At five on the dot Henry poked his head in the door. “Hey, I don’t want to interrupt but I forgot to tell you Gina wanted to invite you over this weekend for some candle party thing she’s throwing,” he said to Jasmine. She laughed her first real laugh since Derek had stepped back into her life.

“Tell her I would love to come. Can I bring anything?” she asked him.

“She also told me to tell you not to bring a thing. She made sure I enforced that since you always go out of your way to make your own parties amazing. She said it’s her turn to pamper you a bit,” he added with a smile.

“Okay I get it, tell her I can’t wait and I’ll see you both this weekend,” she responded.

“No way am I staying with all you ladies. No offense but I’m taking off for the day with the guys to do some shooting,” he said. He then turned and left the room. Derek felt a little bit stupid of his jealousy now, considering the guy was obviously married.

At least he wouldn’t have to fire him. He thought he may even wrangle an invitation to go shooting with them, just so he could swing by the house and check up on Jasmine. She stood up and gathered her Jacket.

“We aren’t done yet,” he said automatically.

“I’m done. I have something to do tonight. It’s my normal quitting time and all the other employees are leaving. There’s nothing that will not hold over until tomorrow. Fire me if you want, I don’t even care anymore,” she said with defiance. She didn’t wait for his response; she just marched out of the room.

He sat there, a little stunned and a little turned on. He wasn’t used to being defied, ever. He was both impressed and irritated. He wasn’t sure which emotion was stronger. He decided to call it a day and gathered his stuff to head out.

It wasn’t until he reached his vehicle he realized he hadn’t used protection. He couldn’t believe how stupid that had been. He never forgot to use protection, it was just one of those rules he was emphatic about. He was sure he had nothing to worry about but he’d keep an eye on her over the next few months. He guessed her job was safe for at least that long.

Chapter Five

Derek got home and found his cousin sitting in his den with a drink in his hand and a smile on his face. He was immensely pleased to see the man. They were closer than any brothers could possibly be.

“I’m going to have to talk to the doorman again about keeping the riff raff out of here,” Derek said, not meaning one word of it.

“Yeah, I know what you mean, it seems like they will let any old bum in off the street nowadays. There’s no more home security,” Drew replied.

“At least we agree,” Derek said.

“How are you doing, Cuz?” Drew asked him.

“I’m great Drew, and you?”

“Well since I found your hundred year old scotch, I’m feeling pretty good,” Drew said, with an impish smile on his face as he held up the expensive bottle, which had considerably less liquid in it.

“Okay if you’re going to drink my best stuff, then the least you can do is pour me a glass,” Derek said, as he shed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. Copyright 2016 - 2024