He felt the sigh all the way down to his toes. Damn she could go from almost frightening to downright exotic in a split second. He wanted that look on her face as he slipped deep inside her body. His pants were getting far too tight, the more his thoughts strayed.

“Um, thanks for the coffee, now go away and come back at a descent hour,” she said and began shutting the door in his face. He was so shocked at being dismissed so completely he almost allowed her to slam the door. At the last second he put his foot in the door, stopping her progress. He looked at her like she’d lost her mind.

“I need to talk to you,” he almost growled.

“Whatever it is, it can wait until Monday morning. I brought my work home and will have everything ready for you,” she said with exasperation. She thought he was there about work. Well, he reasoned with himself, what else would she think he was there for?

“I’m coming in Jasmine. We’re going to talk,” he said in his most authoritative voice. That tone had made more than one person back down and tremble. She merely shrugged at him as if she could care less.

“Whatever Derek, hurry up then, so I can lie back down. What time is it anyway?” she asked. She then turned towards her clock and gasped in outrage as she turned back on him. “It’s freaking six thirty in the morning,” she yelled, as if she couldn’t possibly believe he’d dare to approach her so early. “On my day off,” she continued.

She was now steadily walking towards him, with a look so full of fury, he actually found himself retreating a step. When he realized what he’d done, he stood still, not ever being willing to cede ground.

She got within inches of his face and poked her finger hard into his chest. “This had better be a life or death matter,” she growled at him. He was so unbelievably turned on he forgot about why he was there or why they needed to talk.

He grabbed her cup, which made her gasp again in fury and then set both of them on a nearby table. He then grabbed her in his arms and kissed her with all the pent up desire he’d been holding in the entire week.

She punched him in the chest for about two seconds and then her body went limp in surrender. He was only planning on kissing her, to show her he was the one in control but once his lips were connected with hers, he couldn’t seem to stop himself. His hands ran down her back, to grip her luscious behind and pull her up tight against his aroused body.

She gasped in his mouth, as her body connected with his and she felt the arousal pressed into her core. She threw her arms around his neck and held on tightly, as he devoured her mouth with his. His hand continued to grip her tightly, lifting her completely off the ground and he turned them so her back was pressed up against the wall. He ground his hips against her, trying to relieve the intense pressure in his pants.

He wanted her and if she came to her senses and told him to stop he may die right there on the spot. He was tangling his tongue with hers as his hands massaged her beautiful behind. She was so unbelievably curved in all the right places. Her backside was a perfect fit in his large hands. He squeezed a little tighter and she let out a growl of appreciation.

“Where’s your room?” he asked her, before once again kissing her senseless. She lifted her arm and pointed down the hallway, without ever speaking. He took that as a yes from her and started heading in that direction, with her wrapped around his waist.

He reached an open doorway and could smell her scent drifting out to him. He knew it was her room. He strode through the doorway and lay her down on the bed. He stripped his clothing away and then pressed down into her, connecting their lips once more, before either of them could realize they were making a mistake.

He broke contact with her only long enough to pull the shirt over her head and yank the shorts off. He threw them, not caring where they landed. He was finally stretched out against her fully, skin to skin. He knew his body was so on fire that he was most likely burning her. He couldn’t stop touching her. His hands roved from her beautiful breasts, down her thighs and back up again.

He finally stopped kissing her, only to trail his lips down the smooth column of her throat. He licked along the pulse point, feeling his own skip a beat, as he realized how quickly hers was pounding. She’d been passionate when they were young; she was downright exotic as an adult. He reacquainted himself with all her curves, appreciating the maturing her body had done.

He brought his mouth down the mounds of her breasts and sucked in the tightened nipple. She arched her back as he continued to massage the aching nipple, reaching down to hold his head close to her body. He nipped at the swollen bud and then licked over the spot, making another moan escape her body.

He switched to the other side, giving her other breast equal attention, before continuing his journey down her body. He wanted to explore every single inch of her he’d missed out on over the last ten years.

He reached her stomach and ran his tongue over the satin skin. When he got lower, towards her core, he discovered a few little scars, which only added to her sexiness. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever made love to. He could barely keep himself from exploding all over her bed, as he continued his journey to her core.

He finally reached her sweet womanhood and flicked his tongue over the swollen pink flesh. She was so unbelievably beautiful. The taste of her made his erection pulse painfully, with his desire to sink into her tight opening.

He flicked his tongue out and kissed her in the most intimate way a man can kiss a woman, until she was writhing underneath him and moaning out his name. He slipped his fingers inside and discovered she was more than ready for him. He couldn’t wait any longer. He crawled quickly up her body and then locked his lips back with hers.

She greedily took everything she could from him. She was rubbing her hands all over his bulging muscles as she squirmed to bring them closer. “Please Derek,” she cried out, when he still hadn’t united them.

He spread her legs apart and then rubbed his engorged member along her folds. The heat from her was making his head light. She was so wet and hot, he couldn’t play any longer. He grabbed her hips and thrust deep inside her in one quick motion. She cried out, as he filled her up with his full length.

He paused for a moment, so he could try and control himself. He wouldn’t be able to give her pleasure if he didn’t get himself under control. She wiggled her hips in need and he couldn’t take anymore. He started thrusting hard, in and out of her, while holding her hips tightly in his hands.

Their tongues continued to mimic their lovemaking, tangling and thrusting into one another’s mouths, as they both groaned out their intense pleasure. He began thrusting into her harder and faster, as he felt the exquisite pleasure shooting through his body. He felt her own body tensing, as she reached higher, towards her release.

She gasped out loud and her mouth opened wide, releasing him. She threw her head back into the bed and cried out as her body started convulsing around him. She gripped him tightly, deep within her womb and he almost lost consciousness as he felt his release shoot deep inside of her tight body. It felt like lightening shooting through him, as his erection continued to pump within her core.

She was still gripping him tightly in spasms and he drained every ounce of himself inside her. It was the most intense orgasm he’d ever felt in his life. His energy had been depleted and he fell against her sweat slickened body. They were both breathing in deep gasps of air.

He realized he had to be crushing her and turned their bodies so he was holding her tightly against him, side by side. They were still connected in the most intimate way a man and woman could be and he couldn’t find the will power to pull them apart. She wiggled, seeming to try and get even closer to him, as if she couldn’t let him go either.

They lay there for several minutes, until their breathing slowed down and the intenseness of their lovemaking began to dim. He knew the moment she realized what she’d done again, because her lax body stiffened and she began to push him away.

He reluctantly let her go and was sorry to feel the connection broken, as she pulled free from his body. He somehow felt empty and he couldn’t understand it. He’d never before wanted to stay connected to a woman. He’d always been the first one to crawl out of bed and leave before she could possibly want to do the after sex cuddling.

He realized Jasmine was truly the only woman he’d made love to, instead of just bedding. He’d never understood the difference until that moment.

Jasmine was staring at him with wide eyes, filled with shock. She quickly grabbed her sheet and covered herself up and he felt more disappointment. He enjoyed looking at her curvy body and wanted to continue to explore her.

“I…I…d…don’t know why that keeps happening,” she sputtered to him, as her cheeks filled with color.

“Because we have undeniable chemistry,” he said, with his trademark, cocky smile. He was feeling pretty good at that moment. He hadn’t planned on starting his day out ravishing her but he could think of far worse things he could’ve been doing.

“I don’t sleep with strangers,” she blurted out.

“We’re not strangers Jasmine, so don’t try that crap on me. You were a virgin the first time I took you and from the feel of your body, you haven’t taken too many more lovers,” he said, with far too much confidence. He was laying there in all his naked glory and her eyes strayed to his still half aroused body part. She quickly snapped her gaze back to his face and then her eyes narrowed as his grin became full-fledged.

She reached out her hand and slapped him hard once again before he had time to react. His smile was wiped away and he pounced on her before she could scramble away. The sheet slipped down and her body was barely covered as he held her down with his own body, which was becoming, once again, fully aroused.

“I allowed you to slap me once, it won’t happen again,” he growled, before locking his lips with hers. She tightened her own together and glared at him. He smiled and then licked the swollen bottom lip before pulling it into his mouth and gently nipping it. She gasped, as the fire started building in her stomach again.

She couldn’t figure out how he turned all her rational thoughts to jelly with barely a touch. She was already losing her battle to distance herself from him. He ran his tongue over hers again, as he held her hands up high above her head. She slowly opened to him and when he inserted his tongue back into her mouth she wiggled in pleasure. He was slowly making love to her with only his tongue and it was completely erotic.

Her stomach was clenching, as her desire woke fully back up. He held her hands together with both of his and then moved the sheet from her body as he ran his other hand down all her curves. She was soon begging him to love her again.

“Say you want me,” he growled, with his impressive manhood pressed up against her opening. Her body was on fire and she wanted him deep within her but she didn’t want to utter those words of surrender. She shook her head no.

He continued to stroke her with his tongue and then inserted his fingers deep inside her moist heat. “Say it,” he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver of delight down her spine. She couldn’t fight him anymore. She wanted him more than she wanted air. “I want you. Please,” she finally begged him. He removed his fingers and then slowly pushed back inside her. Where they were frantic and wild only moments before, he was now gentle and loving, pushing slowly in and out of her.

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