“I was raised to believe that when you need help, your family is there. I’m not sure how much you know about Jackson’s story, but his late wife got pregnant while I was a senior in college. It took us all by surprise.”

He figured she had to know bits and pieces about Jackson’s life before he was widowed. Ridley had probably told her about the accident that had killed his first wife.

“I bet. What was she like?”

Nick considered his words very carefully. “Cynthia was a sweet girl. She was pretty quiet.”

Raina watched him take a sip of his drink. “It’s okay if you didn’t like her.”

Nick put his drink down. “I didn’t say I didn’t like her. She was really nice. Just perhaps not the best match for my brother.”

“You don’t have to mince words around me, Nick. I understand. Not everyone gets to have that picture-perfect movie love.”

Nick took her hand. “It’s not that rare. I see it in my parents, and Jackson has found his perfect match in Ridley.” He looked at her long enough that he hoped she could hear what he wasn’t saying.

And I have my perfect match in you.

She cleared her throat and looked away. “Anyway, I’m really glad Ridley has Jackson now. He and the boys are exactly what she needs. I worry about her sometimes.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Nothing. It’s just that Ridley’s been communicating with our father a lot lately. I worry that he’s using her soft nature to worm his way into her good graces. She’s planning to go visit him in Maryland soon.”

“You don’t want to go, too?” Nick asked.

“I wanted to meet him, but that doesn’t mean I trust him completely. Everybody seems to think I should just forgive and forget all those years he wasn’t around,” Raina snapped. Then she sighed. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to take it out on you. This topic just puts me on edge.”

Nick pushed his half-eaten sandwich aside. “I think you’re doing what’s best for you by being cautious. After all, what if he decides to up and disappear again? There’s nothing wrong with taking this slowly. He’s been gone this long, so surely he can wait until you’re ready to take the next step.”

Raina relaxed back into her seat. “Thank you. That’s pretty much how I feel about it, too.”

His phone vibrated in his pocket and Nick pulled back. “Sorry, I meant to turn this off.” He looked at the screen for a minute and then looked up at Raina. “We need to go. Now.”

He pushed his chair back and pulled out several twenty-dollar bills, tucking them under the salt shaker.

“Nick, what’s wrong?”

Raina stood and followed him down the sidewalk. He turned into a little corner store and walked to the checkout aisle. Where are they? Where are they? He didn’t read tabloids, but he knew they were usually sold right near the cashiers. He knelt down and grabbed one of the papers on the bottom row. The bold headline was easy to read.


Nick handed the magazine to the cashier and a few minutes later they were outside on the sidewalk again. He flipped to the article and read it quickly.

“Whatever’s in there isn’t worth getting worked up about, Nick. Lies are what tabloids are known for.” Raina watched him with a sad smile. “I’m just sorry that you have to deal with it now, too. Was it something about me or you?”

He looked up at her. “No, it’s about my mom.”

Raina choked. “What?”

He ran his hands over his hair. “Apparently one of my mom’s friends sold a story to the press. They printed an email my mom wrote. I’m really sorry.”

“Well, it’s not her fault that one of her friends is a sellout.”

“It’s not that. The email was about you. Here.” He handed her the paper. She skimmed the article quickly.

- - - Family Trouble for Leggy? - - -

Sources close to the Alexander family share their worries about the marriage of Raina “Leggy” Winters to finance whiz kid, Nicholas Alexander. Nick’s mother, Julia, is quoted in an email to our source as saying:

“We didn’t hear anything from Nick, just some story on the Internet that he’s married some woman we barely know. I don’t know what to think! How do I know she didn’t kidnap my son?”

Sources also confirm that Raina is not only persona non grata with her new in-laws, but she’s not even on speaking terms with her own father! Leggy’s dad was reportedly distraught when she refused to meet with him earlier this month. The honeymoon seems to be over for Leggy already.

Raina handed the paper back. “It’s okay, Nick. I’m not upset.”

“You aren’t?” He peered at her closely. “I can understand if you are. I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”

She sighed. “Nick, the tabloids are a necessary evil in my life. But I chose this life. Your mom didn’t. She should be able to vent to a friend about her daughter-in-law. She didn’t even say anything that bad, just that she wasn’t sure what to think. Although the fact that she was worried about me kidnapping you is pretty ironic.”

Nick chuckled. “I’m glad you’re taking this so well. Because the text I got was from Bennett. Mom is pretty upset about this. I think we should go smooth things over.”

She slipped her hand in his. “Of course. When family needs you, you’re there. Let’s go.”

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