Raina smiled. Typical Steven. Even when they were just talking on the phone, he was always so formal. “Of course we can have dinner. I have a lot to tell you, too. I think you’re going to be excited when you hear my news.”

He knew she was trying to work out a deal for her own reality show and had already agreed to allow himself to be filmed for a certain number of episodes after they were married. He’d even given her pointers on negotiating with the network.

Steven was truly her perfect complement. Someone calm and steady to keep her focused on what was really important. He never raised his voice or lost his temper.

She thought of her last conversation with Nick. Calm and steady were not the adjectives that came to mind. She’d probably used every four-letter word in the English language during that conversation.

She looked up and saw her sister standing in the doorway of Jackson’s house. “Oh, I have to go. I’m meeting Ridley for lunch.”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow. Just text me the time and place and I’ll meet you at the restaurant.” He paused for a moment and then said, “I’m glad things seem to be going well for you, Raina. I want you to be happy.”

She frowned as the call disconnected. She enjoyed spending time with Steven, but she couldn’t help wishing he wasn’t always so… stuffy. He’d been so busy working on his latest acquisition deal that she’d barely seen him over the last month. He was flying back and forth to New York several times a week and holed up in his office the rest of the time.

Raina considered herself a completely modern, enlightened woman and wasn’t even slightly ashamed of her healthy sex drive. Which was why it was a shame that she didn’t really miss the sex when Steven was traveling. They’d never been overly demonstrative with each other and to be honest, their sex life was much like the rest of their interaction. Calm, steady, and mature.


Steven was simply too cultured to get worked up about much of anything other than business.

It probably didn’t help that she’d met him right after the most intense sexual experience of her life. No, don’t think about Nick. She refused to believe that one night with Nicholas Alexander had ruined her for all other men.

Besides, sex isn’t everything, she thought, feeling slightly disloyal. Steven wasn’t the most exciting man, perhaps, but he knew what was important. He’d never hurt or embarrass her, at least. He’d be a steady father figure for the three children they planned to have.

She pushed open the car door just as Ridley noticed her.

“Raina! You’re here.” Ridley stepped onto the porch and set the oversized pot of flowers she was carrying down on the step. “Come on, I’ve just finished cooking.”

When Ridley had invited her over for lunch the prior day, she’d agreed before she remembered her doctor’s appointment scheduled for ten o’clock. If she’d been thinking clearly, she would have rescheduled lunch.

The last thing she needed after hearing that her chances of having a baby were getting worse every day was to watch her sister and Jackson coo at each other.


RAINA LOCKED THE car and watched her sister stroke the blooms on the potted plant like she was petting a dog. For as long as she could remember, her sister had loved flowers. Personally, she could barely tell a daisy from a sunflower, but Ri had an exhaustive memory for the different types and how to care for them. Since she’d moved into Jackson’s house, his yard had been completely redone, the walk leading to the front steps taking each visitor through an array of colors and scents.

Raina took a deep breath of the fragrant air as she passed the clusters of flowers lining the walkway. Ridley pulled her into a quick hug. “I hope pasta is okay. I didn’t feel up to much else.”

Instantly, Raina was on alert. “Are you feeling okay? Is your scar giving you trouble?”

Just a month ago, Ridley had been held at gunpoint and shot by a stalker. Every time she thought about it, Raina experienced a surge of helplessness. Nothing would ever erase the raw fear she’d felt when she’d gotten the call that her sister was in the hospital. Especially since the call had come from Nick. What if she hadn’t answered? It had been a sober reminder that their feud affected more than just the two of them.

“I’m doing my physical therapy and of course, Jackson won’t let me do anything. I’m still pretty tired. Once I’m able to move around more, I think I’ll feel better.”

Raina followed Ridley into the house, noting all the changes her sister had made in recent weeks. Under different circumstances she’d probably tease her about playing house with a guy she’d just met. But even someone as cynical as she was could appreciate that Jackson was truly in love with her sister. You could practically see the hearts and flowers circling the guy’s head when he looked at her.

If it wasn’t so damn sweet it would be nauseating.

“So, what have you been up to? Besides being waited on hand and foot by your hot fiancé,” Raina teased.

Ridley looked uncomfortable and then said, “I met our father.”

Raina’s mood immediately soured. “Oh. So, what are we having for lunch? I’m starving.”

“That’s all you have to say? ‘What’s for lunch?’ Don’t you want to know what happened?”

“Not really. I understand that you’re curious about him, but I don’t particularly need to hear excuses from some guy about why he abandoned his wife and two kids.”

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