Jackson nuzzled Ridley’s neck and held there, like he was just breathing her in. “I certainly hope so,” he whispered against her neck.

It was easier to be around them lately, even when they were being so openly affectionate. Nick had stuck to their agreement. He didn’t hide his feelings but he didn’t pressure her to return them. Over the past few weeks, they’d settled into a comfortable rhythm. He didn’t seem bored or confined by married life, either.

Not yet, anyway.

She knew it was dangerous to get attached to the way Nick treated her, but it was hard not to enjoy it. Even couples who’d been deeply in love for years admitted the feelings you had in the beginning didn’t last. Their honeymoon phase would wear off just like anyone else’s, but in the meantime she was just going to soak up the attention. She’d have to be a total ice queen not to enjoy having a handsome man at her beck and call.

She hugged herself and remembered how Nick had kissed her until her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head before leaving for work that morning. The whole lovey-dovey thing was a lot easier to understand from the inside looking out. Feelings this strong had to have an outlet. When she was around Nick it took active thought on her part not to touch him or look at him or grin like a fool.

How ironic was it that all the things she used to scoff at were the things she most looked forward to now?

Ridley pursed her lips. “It just took the right man. And a couple of the erotic novels that I ordered online.”

Jackson popped her on the bottom playfully. “Let’s hope I had more influence than a book!”

“I would say yes but I think you are greatly underestimating the power of a hot book.”

“Did you tell her the good news?” Jackson motioned toward Raina.

Ridley shook her head. “I didn’t get a chance yet.” She turned to Raina and grinned. “We’ve decided to move up the date of the wedding. To Labor Day.”

Raina did a quick mental calculation. “Labor Day as in two weeks from now?”

Ridley nodded. “I know it’s crazy but Julia said the pastor was performing a wedding out of town that weekend but they just found out that wedding was canceled. We’d mentioned to her before that we kind of wished we’d just run off and gotten married like you and Nick did. So when she heard about that cancellation, she immediately asked Pastor Robbins if he would consider marrying us that weekend instead.”

“Wow. That’s amazing. But what about all your plans? Your dress and the flowers and everything.”

Ridley closed her eyes and leaned back against Jackson. “We decided we didn’t care about all that. We’re going to have it at the farm and I don’t care if I’m holding wildflowers when I get married. As long as I’m Mrs. Jackson Alexander at the end of it.”

Ridley looked behind Jackson to the empty doorway. “Anyway, where is everyone? I thought the guys were coming over tonight.”

“They are. Everyone’s just running a bit late.” Jackson reached around her and snagged a stray piece of pepperoni, popping it in his mouth before Ridley smacked his hand.

“Not until everyone else gets here,” she chided.

Raina pushed away from the window and walked over to the chair where she’d left her bag, trying to hide her disappointment. “I forgot it was poker night. I’ll get out of your way so you can get ready.”

She pulled her phone out of her bag and then rolled her eyes when she saw that Steven had called. He’d been calling lately and even though she’d been ignoring him so far, she had to wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to just answer and get it over with.

“Is everything all right, Raina?” Jackson pinned her with a stare. “Do you want me to call Nick?”

“No!” Raina pasted on a smile when he didn’t look convinced. “I’ll just see him at home later.”

She was getting way too used to leaning on Nick. It would be that much harder to deal with things on her own once they went their separate ways. Enjoying the attention he gave her was one thing, needing him for comfort was another.

It was time for her to get used to comforting herself again.

*   *   *   *   *

“MR. ALEXANDER? YOU have a call waiting on line one.” Kaylee’s voice came over the speaker, jolting him out of his daydream.

“I’m not taking calls now, Kay. Take a message.”

He still hadn’t had any luck finding a present for Raina. They’d gotten pretty close over the past few weeks. He wanted to get her something that was special, but everything he found seemed trite and impersonal.

She seemed to be opening up to him, sharing her hopes for the future. He’d even been able to see a few episodes of her show before they went to postproduction. Raina had asked his advice on which scenes to cut and seemed to really value his opinion. It was exactly what he’d hoped for. The only thing that she wouldn’t do was talk about their future child.

“I tried to, sir, but he keeps calling back.” Kay sounded flustered. Her confidence level had increased dramatically over the past few weeks as she adjusted to her position. She’d gotten used to handling his clients with aplomb.

“Don’t worry about it, Kay. I’ll take care of it.” Nick picked up the phone. “This is Nick.”

“So, it seems you’re still just as sleazy as ever, Nick.” The voice on the other end of the line was only slightly familiar.

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