Nick stood and joined her at the window. If it was possible, he was even more handsome with his clothes all rumpled and his tie askew. He looked like he’d just been rolling around in bed. Which made her think about what he’d just offered to do.

Focus, Raina!

“You want to do this because you like my DNA?” she asked skeptically.

“You are without a doubt one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen,” he stated. “Clearly you’re smart, your career trajectory proves that, and you seem healthy, fertility issues notwithstanding. I want children and I want them to have the best mother possible. Why shouldn’t it be you?”

He said it so matter-of-factly, as if he picked out the mother of his children every day.

“Nick, are you serious? Please don’t toy with me about something like this.”

At that, his face softened. “With all that you know about me, have I ever been cruel? A little too persistent, perhaps, but never mean.” He looked tense despite his relaxed pose, the lines around his eyes and mouth more prominent.

“No, you haven’t. That label probably applies more to me than you.”

“Well, I’m guessing you had your reasons.” Nick regarded her from beneath lowered lashes. “I bet you never expected this. Contemplating carrying the child of a man you hate.”

She squirmed. Was there any tactful way to respond? Even though he drove her crazy and she didn’t really want to get emotionally attached to him, it didn’t mean she wanted to hurt him. She was just trying to keep her own emotions in check so she wouldn’t grow to depend on him.

“I don’t hate you, Nick. I could never hate you.”

“Well, then, what is it? Tell me what it is that’s keeping you from saying yes.”

“I’m trying to understand why you want to do this.”

“Raina, men are wired differently than women. I think we only have three levers. Food, money, and sex. Most men don’t have a biological clock. We have children when we feel it’s time to settle down. This is a little earlier than I’d planned, but if I wait I might not find anyone as well-suited to me as you are. Especially sexually.”

“That makes sense but, Nick, let’s be real. You’re used to having a lot of women. Getting pregnant can be a lengthy process. It’s going to screw up your game if you’re spending so much time with me.”

He curled his hand around her neck, tangling his fingers in her long curls. His thumb stroked her bottom lip. “You’ve already screwed up my game because I can’t get the night we spent together out of my mind. I can’t sleep without reliving it. I can’t focus on anything without screwing it up. I can’t breathe because all I want is the one thing I can’t have.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to father my child.”

“It does if I don’t want you with anyone else.” His fingers tightened against her skin. The little bite of pain was unbelievably arousing.

“You’re jealous,” she breathed.

“Hell yes, I’m jealous. Just the thought of you with someone else…”

It was startling to realize he wanted her so much that he was willing to go this far to keep her from turning to another man. Part of her was alarmed. This level of intensity was exactly the kind of thing she avoided. Emotions ran too high when jealousy was involved. But she was honest enough to admit that what he was offering was too good to turn down.

“Well, I guess we could have a lawyer draw up one of those contracts. So you’ll know I’m not after your money and visitation is clearly spelled out.”

"We won’t need that.” Nick’s hand trailed down her back, drawing slow circles on the small of her back.

She bit her lip to hold in a moan. His hand felt so good it should be illegal. “Aren’t you worried about me trying to keep the baby from you later?”

He looked her deeply in the eyes. “No, I’m not. I don’t think you’d want to keep a loving father away.”

Raina looked away. “Well, what about finances? You’re a little older, so I’m sure you’ve accumulated more wealth than I have.”

He shrugged. “Money is my business, so yeah. Probably.”

“Aren’t you worried that I’ll try to get my hands on your money?”

“Nope. I’m actually expecting that you will.” He smirked and tapped her on the end of the nose. “Which means I’ll just have to work harder and earn more.”

Raina gaped at him. “You’re being awfully cavalier about this. You really don’t care if I take the baby anywhere and spend all your money?”

“That’s what wives do, isn’t it? At least according to most of my married friends.”

“Married?” Her mouth fell open.

“Oh, hell. I’m making a mess of this, aren’t I? Raina, I’m not just giving you my DNA and then walking away. I have conditions. If you want my baby, then this isn’t going to be a turkey-baster job. You’ll get it the good old-fashioned way. And I promise you, we’ll both enjoy it.” He leaned down until their eyes met. She shivered when he held her gaze. “But you also have to give me something I want just as much.”

He leaned down even farther until their lips were just a breath apart and then said, “You.”

*   *   *   *   *

NICK KNEW HE was walking a fine line. Raina looked like she was shell-shocked, her brown eyes slightly unfocused as she swayed against him. It probably wasn’t fair to expect her to make a decision about something this monumental right away, but a huge part of him wanted to pressure her for an immediate response. Copyright 2016 - 2024