(1) Read the entire article in the back of the book (2) DOC is an abbreviation for Descendants of Christ.

(3) Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle.

(4) Gat is Marine slang for a 9mm.

(5) Hardback can mean a cargo truck or MRAP vehicle; slang.

(6) Slang - meaning any coffee that isn't Starbucks.

(7) The Essex is a fictional government bunker set in the Granite Mountains of Wyoming. This came from NORAD no longer being the preferred Presidential and Joint Chief evacuation site as of 911. That new location has not been revealed.

(8) Boot - Junior Marine fresh from basic training. Also, an unforgivable insult when used seriously.

(9) FUBAR - stands for f''''d up beyond all repair.

(10) Calling a jarhead 'soldier' will cause frowns, mutters, and sometimes, a fight. They go through very demanding training to earn the title of Marine, and are very quick to defend it.

(11) During research, I was informed that a Hum-vee is what a badass grunt used to roll around in. A Hummer, on the other hand, is something received from a generous girlfriend… (12) "M9s are often issued to those who don't take care of them. They get used as hammers, and generally by the time they get to the pistol range, jam, fail, and generally suck like a Hoover." - ZS Quote.

(13) Pogue bait is slang for candy. In the derogatory sense, it can also mean a woman intent on grabbing a successful man.

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