The Kings had poured a shitload of money into the place and I doubted they’d have a problem with the length of my shorts. I turned around so I could see my butt from behind and shrugged. It’s not as if my cheeks were hanging out.

I pulled my hair into a one-sided low ponytail, threw on some gloss and mascara and then grabbed my meds out of the top drawer of my dresser.

I stared at them for a few moments, that familiar feeling of resentment washing over me.

These two little bottles told the world that I was defective and I hated how that made me feel. Would I ever be able to get over the feeling that I was somehow less than anyone else? That I deserved less than say, Kendall or Joe?

That Ben deserved someone better than me?

With a sigh I popped my lithium and after a few moments popped a klonopin as well. What the hell. I may as well stick to the program.

After washing them down with a swig of water, I stuffed them back in my underwear drawer, grabbed my purse and headed for the lobby. It was just after one and Ben was due to pick me up any minute.

He was waiting for me near the front desk chatting with Joe and glanced up just as I exited the elevator. Seeing him was like a punch to the gut and when a slow, sexy smile drifted over his face heat curled in my stomach.

I think I stumbled a bit, in fact I’m sure I did, and when he nodded to Joe and headed toward me, something pressed into my chest. Something heavy and scary and it took my breath away.

Ben Lancaster did that to me with just one look.

He didn’t stop until his lips were on my mouth, his hands around my waist. The kiss was slow and lingering, his tongue lazy, meticulous. I folded like a house of cards and melted into him like a marshmallow.

“I missed you,” he said into my mouth.

I bit his bottom lip and smiled, enjoying the way his hands moved down my back until he cupped my butt possessively. “It’s only been a few hours.”

“I know.”

We stared at each other in silent understanding because I felt exactly the same way. Fingering the collar of his oat colored shirt, I splayed my fingers near the base of his neck. “Do we have to go? Matt’s gone for the day so the loft is empty.”

“Is it?” he said softly.

I nodded. “We could hang out and watch movies.”

“Hang out,” he said with a grin.

Again I nodded, pushing my hips into him. “Yeah, and watch movies.”

“Or we can go play a round of golf with Jason and his girlfriend and then go back to my place where I’ll,” he bent low and shivers exploded over my skin when his warm breath hit my neck. “Make sure you’ll have a good time.”

“A naked good time?”

“A naked good time,” he answered with a low growl.


He dropped a kiss on my mouth and grabbed my hand. “Promise.”

Our afternoon of golf wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be. First off, Ben’s buddy, Jason was a nice guy and his girlfriend, Cherry (the name was real, I asked) while on the quiet side wasn’t bitchy, or stuck up. She wasn’t a groupie who’d snagged an athlete—she was the real deal.

Cherry and Jason had dated through high school and managed to stay together during his college years and then his draft to Minnesota. She was a Southern girl and though she wasn’t fussy about living in St. Paul, she loved her guy and the sacrifice was worth it.

We played 18 holes of golf and then spent a few hours in the clubhouse, drinking (them, not me) and eating. Everyone was relaxed and happy and I couldn’t remember feeling this content in a long time.

Every so often Ben’s hand would caress the back of my neck, or whisper along my bare thigh. He’d even tried edging up my shirt but I shut that down right away. I’d caught a few members staring and though the old Georgia would have been more than happy to snub her nose at their stuffiness, the new Georgia cared about that shit.

I was on my way back to the table from the bathroom when a hand snaked out and caught my shoulder, spinning me around so fast I nearly fell on my ass.

“What the…”

Brilliant blue eyes stared down at me from beneath midnight black floppy bangs, and an otherwise shaved head. Copyright 2016 - 2024