She laughed. Said she couldn’t and told me not to worry. Seamus was just a friend. And besides, she’d just be in the way.

“I know this is serious for you, Ben. I see it. Shit, you can’t keep your eyes off of her. But with Georgia…” she shrugged. “Unless she’s willing to share everything with you, I don’t see this working out. You’re not the kind of guy who does things half way. You never have been.”


“No, I’m serious, Ben. Be careful. She’s different from any of the other girls you’ve dated. I’ve spent the last week at your place and she’s been there every day and I don’t feel I know her any better than I did the first day I met her.”

“Maybe she doesn’t like you.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Maybe, but that doesn’t change anything.”

“Eden. Fuck, what are you trying to say?” Irritated, I scowled at her. “She’s the coolest girl I’ve ever met.”

“I know she is and that’s why I want you to promise me you’ll be careful with her. You’re not used to meeting anyone who’s cooler than you. This is a first.” Eden bent forward and kissed my cheek, yanking the top of my Cubs cap until it bent low over my eyes. “I love you dick head.”

And then she was gone.

I took a moment and thought about what she’d said and even though it rubbed me the wrong way, Eden was right. But she was also wrong.

I’d been paying it cool, watching Georgia from the sidelines all week—busy with the landscapers, the roof guys, the window guys. My older sister had flown in for two days and Matt had come out to see the place, as well.

We ran together every morning but Eden joined us too.

So the more I thought about it, I decided that my sister was being a little unfair. There had been no time to get to know Georgia. Not really. The few times I’d been able to get her alone we’d made out like a couple of horny teenagers—Christ the girl could kiss—and kissing didn’t lead to conversation.

It led to heavy petting. And a fuck-load of cold showers.

I began to move through the airport and once I was inside my truck pulled out my cell phone. I was going to send Georgia a text but then thought, fuck it, and called her instead. I was done keeping my distance.

Done waiting.

I wanted to know everything about this girl and I was going to start digging in tonight. Eden was gone, I had my place to myself and there were no distractions. No excuses. It was game on.

She picked up on the third ring and I couldn’t hide the goofy grin that spread across my face at the sound of her voice.

“Hey,” she breathed.

“Hey.” I cleared my throat. What the hell was wrong with me? I was already tongue tied. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” she said quickly. “I mean, I’m having lunch with Seamus in half an hour but other than that, nothing.”

Seamus. Seamus the fucking cat. I was going to find out who this guy was if it killed me. My good mood washed away, replaced with irritation. “Maybe I’ll swing by.”

A pause. “Swing by?”

“Sure, I’d love to meet your buddy.”

Another pause. The damn pauses pissed me off. It was like she was trying to think of something to say and if she was doing that it meant that this Seamus guy wasn’t just a ‘friend.’ Who the hell was he?

“You wouldn’t enjoy lunch with Seamus.”

“I wouldn’t.”

It was funny how this girl was able to tie me up in less than a minute. I thought of Eden’s words—of how she was holding back—and I clenched my teeth together. Even more pissed I glared out the window, thumping my palm against the steering wheel.

“No. He’s…well, he’s just different and you’d find him boring.”


“It sounds like you don’t believe me.”

I didn’t. Her voice was at least a pitch higher than normal and I knew something wasn’t right. Was she cheating on me?

Panic hit me hard and I blew out a long, hot breath. Maybe her feelings weren’t as deep as mine. I thought of what Eden had said and my mood darkened. Had I read this all wrong? Was she playing me? Copyright 2016 - 2024