But it was all good now. She was here. Right here in front of me.

For several long moments we stared at each other and when I was sure she wasn’t going to pull away, I advanced, watching her eyes follow me until I stopped beside her window.

Slowly it slid down and I bent over, leaning my elbows on the lip of the window, my gaze taking in the face that had starred in more porn star fantasies than I would ever share. Those eyes. That hair. That mouth.

I was tight, my muscles bunched, my heart beating way too fast. But even more pressing, I ached to touch her. To reach forward and claim that mouth and to taste her again. When the hell had I ever felt like this over a girl?

She cleared her throat and tapped the steering wheel with her fingers. A blue halter dress left her shoulders and most of her legs bare, and my mouth went dry as my eyes took a trip down her body. When they traveled back up, goose bumps rolled across my skin as we made eye contact.

“Hey,” I said softly, drinking her in, in one long gulp.

She jerked her head, a quick little nod, but didn’t say anything, her expression shuttered, closed…and if I didn’t know any better I would say just a tad bit jealous.

My grin widened and a scowl touched her mouth.

“What’s so funny?” she asked sharply.

There were no questions, no nice, safe conversation. There were her dark, furled brows, her steadily tapping fingers and her green-eyed jealousy.

“Are you going to turn off the engine and get out of this car?”


“Huh.” I leaned an inch or so closer. Holy hell the smell of summer caught me hard and my gut clenched as I let the scent waft over me. In me. Through me.

“So you came all the way out here to ring my doorbell and then leave without even saying hi?”

She licked her lips, that soft pink tongue mesmerizing as it swiped along her bottom lip.

“Ben, I don’t know what I was doing coming out here, but obviously you’re busy and I don’t want to interrupt.”

“Busy?” My grin was goofy. Oh, this girl was so jealous and I fucking loved it. It meant that she cared. It meant that she’d made it through whatever it was she’d needed to work out. She’d come for me and that was enough.

Her face was less than two inches from mine and my gaze roved over her features hungrily as she arched a delicate eyebrow. “The girl?”

“The girl.” I repeated cheekily.

Her eyes flashed and her nose pinched in that delicate way that drove me crazy. “The girl in your house? The one who’s half dressed?”

I leaned all the way inside, taking her by surprise, my mouth seeking hers before she had a chance to move away. For a moment there was a slight hesitation and then I felt her surrender. Her lips parted and I slipped inside, my tongue tasting, licking and taking from her as my hand crept into her hair so that she couldn’t move.

It was a long, slow kiss, one that delved deep and had us both panting heavily when I finally pulled away. I had to take a moment and catch my breath. “That girl,” I said huskily, “is my sister, Eden.”

Her eyes widened and I traced the line of her brow with my thumb, before caressing the corner of that mouth that was driving me insane. “Oh,” she said softly.

I pushed away from the car, liking the way her gaze swept over my bare chest, before settling onto the steering wheel—the one that her hands gripped so tight, her knuckles were white.

“So are you going to park this thing and come inside?” I paused and then whispered. “I missed you, Georgia.”

She exhaled—a long, shuddering sort of breath and then cleared her throat. “Okay,” she said simply, and I moved away as she reversed her car once again and slipped it beside my truck.

As soon as she was out of the car, I had her in my arms, hugging her close just so that I could feel her again. Every single inch of her pressed up against me. I groaned and sank my nose into her neck, chuckling when she shuddered.

I couldn’t help myself and my hands danced along her spine, slowly moving over her hips until I cupped her ass and just held her. I held her for a long time and the only sound in my ear was her short staccato breaths, and the rush of blood in my ears.

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