The mention of Nikhil was a bolt out of blue for Sagar. He immediately became business like."Jiya I need to meet Ritwik so I better go right now."

He practically ran out of the room.

Jiya was shocked. One moment he was about to kiss her and then he simply walked out of the room.

Sagar did not have to meet anyone but the mention of Nikhil had made him envious.

Yesterday he had dissappointed Cynthia when he had refused to go dancing because she had planned to go with him to his appartment. Cynthia was gorgeous and he would have enjoyed with her but theses days his beautiful secretary had bewitched him.

Jiya's innocence was a major turn on because he knew that beneath that cool facade was a passionate woman and he would enjoy unleashing that passion.

She had created such a hunger in him that he had to spend the night with her because now his body ached for her.

But this Nikhil had acted as spoilsport. He knew Nikhil,s ways. Nikhil was a go getter and if he liked Jiya he would make full attempts at seduction. Sagar had to do something fast. Jiya was his for now and no one could take what belonged to him. Copyright 2016 - 2025