Three hours later, Keith and I had been five, dammit, only five minutes from going home and getting ready for the big day tomorrow. But then a lead had been found, chatter on all the networks had increased, and an attack was probable. Now we were stuck here to stop the threat; hopefully without pulling an all nighter. It wasn't looking good since it was already 7:30 pm.

Of course I should have expected it, but I was hoping just once we'd get lucky. Just once the terrorists would take a break and let us get married. Keith had laughed at this when I told him earlier and so had I. It wasn't so funny now. How in the world could we stop this threat and still have the time needed to get ready for the wedding? There were still last minute preparations to be done and then we had to drive to Baltimore to be married at a park near Keith's parent's house. There was so much to do and so little time. I was stressing and I couldn't find a way to calm myself.

I rifled through the papers on my desk and got ready for the meeting in the Conference Room to discuss the current threat. I got up from my desk and turned around nearly bumping into Keith. He smiled softly and gently touched my arm. Just that touch calmed my nerves and I relaxed a little.

He leaned forward. "We can get through this and before you know you know it, we'll be married."

I shook my head. "What if we can't? What if there's not enough time?" Not to stop the threat, he knew what I was talking about.

He scratched his neck. "We won't let this stop us. If we absolutely have to we'll postpone it a day, but either way, I'm not going anywhere and either way we're going to get married."

I smiled softly and squeezed his hand. "I know I just want tomorrow to be perfect, and now this..."

"I will do everything to make tomorrow perfect for you, sweetheart. I promise. Right now let's get though today, one step at a time and we'll get there." He took my hand in his, intertwining his fingers with mine.

I nodded, as I quickly glanced around. Seeing no one watching us I kissed his cheek. Placing his hand on the small of my back we turned and headed to Conference Room. He opened the door and I took a seat at the table smoothing out my skirt as I sat down. He sat beside me and we watched as the others came in: Amy, James, Pete, Jeff and Fred from IT. Copyright 2016 - 2024