Keith, Jeff and Pete made their way through the trees just as another agent and two SWAT guys ran up. I nearly groaned out loud when I saw who it was. Agent Dave Maloney was an egotistical jerk who drove me nuts with his chauvinist views. He was heavyset, with greasy black hair and coal black eyes. He was an agent who rarely went out in the field because few could stand to work with him.

"Agent Andrews."

I nodded curtly. "Agent Maloney."

"This is Lieutenant Charles Leeds and Special Forces Officer Jay Parker."

"Nice to meet you both."

"Likewise," Leeds said.

"So, you decided to sit this one out? Probably best. Let the guys handle this one," Maloney said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and held up my injured hand. "Hand to hand fight with a hostile, where were you?"

He pretended to ignore the comment but I knew I had gotten to him as he began talking with Parker and Leeds about his last mission.

I turned back to the computer. "Amy, is the real time feed ready?" I said into the Comm.

"Yes, I've got the entire compound on view. Just pull up the program and you're all set." I pulled it up and saw the compound from a bird's eye view. I zoomed in at the gate.

"We're at the gate," Keith said.

"Copy that, do you see the guard?" I asked. The man was resting against the fence.

"Yes, we have a clear shot. I'm taking it now," Keith replied.

Minutes passed and I waited. I then saw the man fall and heard Keith whisper for help as they drug the guard away from the gate so he wouldn't be discovered. I watched as they then entered the compound and heard the squeaking of the gate. "We're in the compound," Jeff said.

I looked at the images and the infrared. "First building to right is empty. Second building has a man moving about."

"Copy that."

More silence followed, I watched as they ran past the first building then moved to the side of the second. There was sound of a broken window from the comm, followed by curses as the man was pulled out through the window, gagged and then cuffed.

"Hostile has been apprehended. Threw a rock through the window and took him down," Pete said.

"Copy that, the main building is less than thirty feet ahead. There are a few trees that can be used for cover." Copyright 2016 - 2024