From the side of one of the buildings three men in camouflage pants and dark green shirts came towards the limo with assault rifles. I turned to Keith who nodded and we reached for the doors. Presley ducked down putting his hands over his head.

Using the door as I shield I immediately opened fire on the men. The element of surprise was on our side and two men quickly fell. The third opened fire but Keith took him out as the man appeared to radio for back up.

"Send the team in, I repeat, send the teams in and close the perimeter," I said into the two way. Two more men came running out from the other abandoned building and I ducked back behind the door as bullets flew through the air.

I took aim and fired off at one man. I was shocked when I felt myself being thrown against the car; my gun went flying and slid under the limo. I realized my mistake of not keeping an eye on my side; I had left myself open in doing so. I quickly switched to defense mode as the man came at me. He dropped down on top of me before I could get up and tried to strangle me but I fought him off. He went for a knife in his pocket and I struggled to take it from him. He was a stocky and strong individual, and as I looked at his face I realized it was Landow.

"Amanda!" I heard Keith yell from the other side of the limo.

I fought harder, grabbing his wrist now with both of my hands. As the knife came towards me, I kneed him in the groin. He lost focus and I turned the blade jamming it into his shoulder, I then felt him being lifted off of me. Keith threw him against the car and knocked him unconscious. He handcuffed Landow, and then dropped down on his knees beside me.

I slowly sat up and glanced down at the blood flowing freely from my right hand. Not good. I figured I was still in shock because I wasn't in pain. Dammit, I should've been more careful. Keith pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket as he yelled to the other agents who had rushed in: "I need a medic!" He wrapped the handkerchief around my hand to stop the blood flow.

The wind had been knocked out of me when I had been thrown to the ground and I was having trouble breathing. I sucked in rapid breaths. Keith still holding his gun just in case; put his arms around me and held me close. I leaned into him and struggled to catch my breath. Copyright 2016 - 2024