Axton was sitting there with his legs stretched out in front of him, ink-black hair still damp from his shower, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and a sly-ass grin. My eyes narrowed on him even as my body was waking up in ways that the shower had been helpless to aid in. “You’re dripping toothpaste down your chin,” he informed me before turning his gaze back to the television.

I wiped my chin with the back of my hand. “I thought I was bunking with Marissa.”

Axton snorted. “Wroth is like a mother bear where Rissa is concerned. He might like you, baby, but he doesn’t trust anyone with Rissa. Not even Liam. They have a suite down the hall. Which leaves Linc and Liam to bunk, Devlin and Harris…” He rolled his eyes. “And of course the real kicker and the reason why two best friends are now at each other’s throats, Natalie and Z.”

I frowned. “I could have shared a room with Nat and you could have bunked with Zander. Or they could have gotten single rooms.”

“That was what Devlin said. But the hotel is booked solid. Not even Em could get it sorted.” He shrugged. “And there is no fucking way you are sleeping anywhere but here. I’ll concede to you wanting to sleep on two different buses because I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself, and neither bus is exactly equipped to give us privacy. Which I plan on fixing before the fall tour.” He stood and walked toward me slowly, making me completely forget that I had a mouth full of toothpaste. “But staying in a hotel means that you are in my room, in my bed, all night long. Okay?”

I should have argued. Told him that I didn’t want to sleep in the same bed with him. Sleeping with him would make things—feelings—break through the walls I was trying to keep erect. But stupidly I didn’t. My lips remained closed as he stopped just inches away from me and gripped my hips in his big hands. Mutely I watched as his head lowered and he nuzzled the sensitive spot under my ear. “Go finish brushing your teeth, baby. I’ll order us some dinner and we can relax a little before we have to head over to the show.”

I leaned into him for a moment, savoring his clean male scent filling my nose, the feel of his bare chest against my towel-clad one, his arms just holding me. I was so damned stupid, but I didn’t want to give this up. Not yet. Would I ever be willing to give it up? I sure as hell hadn’t been last time, but had broken it off with him as a form of self-preservation. This time, I was scared that not even that would help me let him go.

By the time I got back from rinsing my mouth out, Axton was back on the sofa. Thankfully ESPN was no longer on. Unfortunately it was CNN. I glared at the screen as I sat down next to him and reached for the remote. “Nope. I’m not doing depressing news. Let’s order a movie.”

Axton sighed, like it was a big imposition, but relinquished his hold on the remote while I found the new releases and scanned down the list. He draped his arm around the back of the sofa casually before finally wrapping it around my shoulders and pulling me closer against his side. Without looking up from my movie hunt, I laid my head on his shoulder. My hair was still damp, but I had brushed it out so it didn’t look scary with all the tangles. I’d also thrown on a T-shirt and a pair of boy shorts so that I wouldn’t be in nothing but a towel when room service arrived.

“You smell good,” he murmured as he buried his face in my hair. “I love how good you smell without ever touching a bottle of perfume.”

I could only ignore the way he was touching me for so long. His lips skimming over my ear, his fingers caressing up and down my arm. Both made me shiver and goose-flesh to pop up everywhere on my body. I picked a movie at random and hit accept before tossing the remote aside and lifting my head.

“What’s wrong?” Axton started to ask but my lips cut him off. Fuck the move, and fuck the food. All I wanted right then was my sexy rock god.

He lifted me as if I weighed nothing at all and positioned me so that I was straddling his hips. We both groaned at the feel of his dick as it fit so perfectly against my mound. “Fuck, baby. I was gonna wait, but if you want me now, then take all that you want.”

“Plan on it.” I left his lips to nibble a path down his inked neck, sinking my teeth into the dagger just above his jugular and sucking. Hard. His entire body stiffened and I felt his dick twitching between our bodies as he fought for control.

“You smell good too, babe,” I breathed at his ear, releasing his flesh reluctantly. “But you taste better.”

“Dallas… Baby…” His head fell back against the sofa, his eyes lowered to half-mast as he watched me explore the rest of his body with my hands. When I got to the piercing in his nipple I tugged on it playfully. “Evil bitch,” he chuckled.

“You like it,” I said with a wink as I lowered my head to take the little hoop into my mouth and sucked. My hands continued to explore while I rolled the ring around in my mouth, making him groan repeatedly at my sensual assault. When his dick twitched again I pushed my lower body against it harder, rubbing his impressive length against my aching clit.

Strong hands thrust into my hair and jerked my head back roughly. “You. Are. Killing. Me,” he growled. “I need inside of you. Now.”

I pouted out my bottom lip, despite how much wetter his words made me. “But I just started.”

“Try again later. I can’t make any promises; I can’t control myself when you are touching me.” He pulled my head down and captured my lips in a hard, possessive kiss. His tongue thrusting deep, tasting all of me.

I wanted to kiss him back, but the hands in my hair didn’t allow for much movement. Since his hands were occupied I reached between us and pulled his boxers down enough to let his cock free. Running my fingers over the silver hoop that I had found the night before, my thighs started to quiver in remembered pleasure. The way that piercing had rubbed something inside of me the night before. There was nothing like it. It had hit just the right spot making me thank whoever had invented such a piercing.

Releasing his flesh, I started tugging on my boy shorts, just as desperate to have him inside of me as he was to be there. What I was about to do was crazy, but right then and there I didn’t care. We had never not used a condom before, but I wanted to feel all of him. Wanted to experience all of his hot, hard, silkiness along with that silver ring inside of me. Just for a minute, I silently promised myself. Just for a minute I would get to know what it felt like to have all of him, completely bare. Copyright 2016 - 2024