
I wasn’t surprised when I went back down to the beach and found Emmie asleep in the lounger Drake had carried down for her the day before. The big umbrella protected her from most of the sun, but it didn’t shade her body from me. She was wearing running shorts and a bikini top that barely held in her tits. Tits that I realized had grown at least a cup size.

Fuck! I had been a total freak for Emmie’s tits before, but now I was practically salivating for a taste of them.

Deciding to let her sleep, I walked into the water hoping that the coolness would relieve my sudden raging hard-on before I woke her up. It felt great to relax and not have to worry about what city we were going to end up in the next day. Life on the road had gotten old, and I was ready to settle down and make a home for us.

Making a mental note to call Rich later to find a realtor, I walked toward the shore and Emmie.

She was still sleeping soundly but I was ready to talk, or at least just sit and hold her. Grinning, I shook my wet head. Cool drops of water landed across her body and she jerked awake. Her sunglasses were pushed up and she glared up at me. “You ass!” she exclaimed.

Chuckling, I dropped down beside her on the lounger. She felt deliciously warm against my damp body. “You’re freezing. Is the water that cold?”

“Nah, it feels good to me.” I stole her sunglasses and placed them over my own eyes. Settling back, I cuddled her closer. “This is nice.” When she was comfortable with her head on my chest I told her about wanting to buy a house. “Let’s buy a house on the beach somewhere. Not that one…” I nodded toward the house behind us “…but something similar. Bigger.”

She seemed surprised. “Really?”

“Yeah. I like the beach and you seem happy here. We can’t live on a tour bus and in hotel rooms forever, Em.” I glanced down at her still flat stomach. It was mind-boggling to me that she was already four months pregnant and still not showing. Unconsciously, I skimmed my fingers up and down her bare arm. “Would you like to live in Florida or California.”

A small smile teased at the corners of her lips. “I don’t care.”

“Okay, I’ll call Rich later and have him find us a realtor. I want us to have our own place before the summer is over. Plus, I want to tell him that the tour for this fall is off. We can’t be traveling so much when you are seven months pregnant.”

Her head snapped up so fast she nearly clipped my chin. “What? You can’t cancel the tour.”

“Sure I can. You can’t tour with us that pregnant, Em. And I’m sure as hell not leaving you at home like that. Rich will get over it.” In a year or two. Rich and Emmie didn’t get along at all. I was just about fed up with Rich, and it wasn’t like we needed him anyway. Emmie had the connections now and the skills to handle any and all our needs as a band. She had been doing it practically from the time she came to live with us. When she turned eighteen, I had made sure that Rich put her on his payroll.

“But, Nik…”

I pushed her glasses up onto my forehead, giving her a look that told her to shut up. “Don’t argue with me, Emmie. Nothing you say is going to change my mind. There are more important things than a fucking tour.”

Her eyes widened but after a moment she smiled and rested her head back on my chest. “Whatever you say, Nik.”

“That’s right, woman!” It felt so good to just lie there, talking and holding her. “Let’s take a nap. I’m exhausted.” Her leg lifted and entwined with mine. Oh, shit. She nearly brushed against my now hard dick. “Then we can go get some dinner.” I ran my fingers through her hair, something that had always soothed me as much as it had her. “Just you and me …”

Her head snapped up again. “Like … a date?”

She sounded surprised and excited. I couldn’t help but smile, happy that she wanted to go out with me. “Just like a date, baby girl.”

Chapter 11

Dreams Don’t Come Close

After our nap I went to shower while Emmie got ready. My heart was racing. I don’t think I had ever been so nervous to go out with a girl in my life. Of course, it was the first time I was officially going out with a girl. I don’t think I had ever actually been on a date my entire life. Even before the band had become a sure thing, I had only cared about fucking. I hadn’t wanted to get attached to a girl while I was growing up, so I avoided all forms of commitment.

Emmie had never been the type of girl to linger in the bathroom over how she looked. When she wasn’t ready by the time I finished dressing, I went looking for her. I knocked on her bedroom door once before opening it and peeking in. “Hey, babe. Are you ready—” I broke off when I saw what a mess the room was.

I hadn’t been in the shower more than twenty minutes. Since then her room looked like it had vomited the contents of her luggage across the room. My eyes caught the sight of one of her bras hanging from the bed post and my cock swelled. Clearing my throat, I forced my eyes back to Emmie. “Em?”

A sob that tore at my heart escaped her. “I have nothing to wear.”

It was so unlike Emmie I could only attribute her shift in personality to the pregnancy. I knew I had to tread carefully or she would end up kicking my ass out. “Your room suggests differently, baby. What’s the matter?”

“All I have are stupid jeans and most of my shirts have the Demon’s Wings logo on them. I don’t even own a freaking dress! Not one skirt. All my panties are cotton and my bras are boring!”

I blinked in surprise. “And you want a dress, skirts, and underwear that aren’t boring?” My gaze went to the bra again. “That bra hanging from that bed post is pretty fucking hot.”

Her glare nearly singed me. “I want something I can wear on our date that you will want to tear off me with your teeth. I want to be sexy!”

How could she not know that she was the sexiest woman I had ever met? Had I been that good at keeping my feelings hidden from her? Calling myself a million different kinds of a fool, I moved to lock her door then returned to her. “Stand up, Em,” I commanded.

She just stared up at me curiously, and I grasped her hands and pulled her up. Tenderly, I lifted her chin and forced her to meet my gaze. “Have I ever lied to you, baby girl?” After only a small hesitation she shook her head. “Then listen to me, baby, because I don’t want to repeat myself. Okay?” Her teeth latched onto her bottom lip, and I swallowed a groan. I was going to be the one nibbling on that succulent lip before the end of the night. “You are the sexiest woman I have ever met. You don’t need more than a pair of ripped jeans, a tattered old shirt, and simple underwear to make me want to strip you with my teeth. Fuck, girl, you make me hard just being in the same room. If I smell your perfume, or whatever the hell it is you wear that makes you smell so damn amazing, I can’t walk straight.”

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