There was applause, which abruptly petered off as Frank somewhat narcissistically added into the mic, "A professional within the field of Biblical Archaeology."

People turned their heads to look at one another in general puzzlement as to why someone of my professional background would be giving a speech about anything in such a place as this. I was very much alone in choice of belief in this place it would appear.

I couldn't help but fathom why I was being given the opportunity to speak to these people in a way that might truly open their eyes to the need for salvation that existed in everyone's life. Why would the opposition open the door to me to share my faith with people who needed to hear it as badly as the audience before me did?

"They have no choice but to honor My wishes, even in this. Every man must choose and you are My last witness to these people who have sought all their lives to be blind to who I am and the very role of My existence in everything for by My words everything has come to be."

Feeling very much like I would be stoned for what I was about to say I stepped up to the mic in search for the words needed to say to these people in order to open their eyes. How did you tell these people about something so monumental so well hidden from them that never once had the idea ever occurred to them that they had been actively misled and directed down paths of obscurity for their entire lives?

"So……." I immediately stopped talking as the sound of my own voice being amplified loudly for a moment stunned me. Gathering what little wits I still had about me I spoke again, "What do you all know about our planet, Earth?"

I pause momentarily to let my rhetorical question have weight to it before continuing with, "Well, no doubt the first thing that comes to mind from your earliest experiences at school in kindergarten class is that it is round or as NASA would say, shaped like a sphere. Well, already in speaking to you, I've given you two errant facts about Earth. For one Earth is not a planet as it does not rotate around the Sun. Secondly Earth is not a sphere, but rather it is a flat dimensional plain. A dimensional plain that is vastly complex in terms of its makeup."

I couldn't have spoken further if I'd wanted to because of the uproar that arose from the audience gathered before me, which was suddenly one in both their dislike of me and for the inexcusable affront I had just issued to the vaunted status of basic science and geometry so well programmed into the leading majority of the populace. I glanced at Frank as both insults and tantrummed denials were hurled at me from the now mostly standing academia that filled the rows before me. Copyright 2016 - 2025