She began to approach once again and Koke stared at her in shock. Surely she couldn't be serious?

Hurriedly throwing his hands up as if to ward her off Koke said, "Don't you think we should get to know each other a bit first?"

"You think too much." Was all she said as she drew perilously close.

Something firmed within Koke and he held his ground as she came up to him, "I wish to speak to your father first. After that's accomplished then there can be time for other things Loranni."

Her face was unreadable for a moment and then he sensed her sigh of defeat.

"Okay man of faith we will do it your way, but before much time passes we will be back and you shall make me whole."

She took his hand and led him from the cave room into an even more wondrous terrain of the undersea world that stretched out all around them. As mesmerizing as the surroundings were all he could think about instead was how anxious he was to return to this room with her.

Life was never going to be the same again or nearly as tame as it had been on the world above. This whole journey from the plane to now had been terrifyingly extreme, but now perhaps it was all worth it. Copyright 2016 - 2025