She motioned and two men grabbed a hold of Koke and held him still as she approached. She ran her tongue over her lips and in a ribald comment said to those gathered, "He's a sweet one, he is, ain't he!"

The pirate crew, which it appeared that she was the Captain of, laughed uproariously in dutiful fashion.

Without any warning she reached forward and groped Koke painfully through his pants. Koke jerked in surprise and pain as the pirate Queen turned back to her leering audience with further ribaldry, "Might have to give this one a few rides myself boys before we hand him over to be sliced and made into a pretty slave!"

The crew laughed again and one called out, "Maybe we could warm him up for you Captain Sally?"

Captain Sally mock shushed the roaring crowd of pirates clamoring after what the other one of their number had just said, "Easy now boys! Don't be agoing and scaring him or he won't be of any use to me later."

The pirates laughed all the more harder and Captain Sally joined in with them. Recovering she gave Koke one last hard squeeze before letting go and saying, "I'll have me pleasure of you later sweet meat, but for now there's more manna raining down from the clouds above for us to collect. Right boys?"

The crew roared out in approval as they broke up and started making their way along the ship's rails and up into the rigging to make way with the ship again.

Captain Sally turned back to Koke and pointed an admonishing finger with a jagged dirty nail on it, "You best be ready to please me later pretty boy or I'll do the slavers a favor and slice ye man parts off myself! I has been known to like the taste of man in my stew from time to time, I have. Throw him in the brig with the others."

Koke stared agape at her in horror at the words she had spoken. As he was dragged down a hatchway she called out after him, "Now you laddie bucks stay away from him do you hear me now! Ye can all have a round or two after I've had my fill." More dark laughter rang out in response from the crew.

As Koke was drug further into the dark foul-smelling interior of the ship he couldn't but see how terribly off in terms of reality modern pop culture was in its romanticism of the age of the pirate. Pirates really were the scum of the earth and if something didn't happen in his favor he was about to be raped by a whole shipload of them. Copyright 2016 - 2025