It was heady to feel how much he wanted me and I felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of need for him that his kiss and touch awakened within me with every passing moment. My legs curled around his waist and I held onto the powerful shoulders that had my strength many times over in ability.

I knew where this was headed and I wasn't doing anything to stop it. No, instead, I was doing everything I could to encourage him.

I left being upright against a tree trunk to suddenly feeling myself being pressed into the sand. This was right. This was so right!


The old headman of the island turned away from the beach and the couple who lay on it to make his way back into the forest and to the village beyond. His face was wreathed in a smile even as his soul felt at peace.

Change was coming. Change for the better. He had known that ever since the girl from above, who was like his people had come to them.

Change however would have to wait for a little while the old man thought to himself. A native boy passed him in route for the beach, but the old headman waved him off. There were to be no interruptions of the couple that lay on the beach experiencing love.

He explained as much to the people of the village and they looked at him askance as the concept of giving privacy to a lovemaking couple was not of their tradition. The headman insisted all the more vehemently, as he helped usher in the change to his people that he knew the girl and the God, who had given him a vision of the future, would bring to them.


The ship heaved to and there was a plop as the castoff rope landed in the water with a splash. The attempt was unsuccessful, but the second attempt snared the prize.

The rope was pulled back in and up the side to the throng of curious onlookers. The rope thrower's hands had no sooner secured his prize than it was wrestled out of his hands by a violet jerk of another's.

"Ere clear back now ya scurvy swine and let Captain Sally give it a look!"

The pirate crew only for a brief twinkling of time held back before they closed in to stare at the unrolled scroll in the Captain's hands from overtop one of her bony shoulders. Captain Sally squinted at the scroll before her, but she had no head for numbers and letters, an X was good enough for her.

"Hey we're ya be Swogs? Get yourself over here before I'ze cut something off of ya you'll miss!" Copyright 2016 - 2025