Julia suddenly realized the significance of what she'd done. She scuttled backwards off his lap. "Oh my god, I'm taking advantage of you. I'm a cougar," she wailed.

"What?" Steven exclaimed. He firmly grasped her arm to stop her escaping. "You are not a cougar," he said in exasperation. "There are only four years between us. And you're not taking advantage of me."

"Really?" she sniffed.

"Really," he promised. "I've wanted to do that since the first day I met you and it was wonderful."

"Oh," Julia said happily. "Well, in that case…" she reached for him again. But he held her down with both arms. "Wait a minute. You're not a cougar, but you are intoxicated," he said cautiously.

"I'm not intox…intoxicated," she said indignantly. Steven raised an eyebrow quizzically but didn't comment. "Ok, I guess I am," she admitted sheepishly. "But that doesn't change anything."

Steven shook his head and continued to hold her at arm's length. "It means I should leave you alone to sleep it off," he said firmly.

"You're leaving?" she asked in dismay. He gently removed her hands from his shirt and stood up. "If you still want this tomorrow, I'll be waiting," he promised.

"I will still want you tomorrow," she assured him. She got up and showed him to the door. "Do I at least get a goodnight kiss?" she asked coyly. Steven leaned over to give her a quick peck on the cheek but she wasn't having any of that. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his to give him a real kiss. The thin fabric of her dress didn't obscure much and she knew he would feel her breasts pressed against him. She could feel the heat radiating from him and his desire obviously hadn't decreased one little bit.

"Do you still want to go?" she asked mischievously.

Steven groaned. "Please don't make this any more difficult than it already is," he begged. Julia reluctantly let him go. She said goodbye and watched him leave, yet again. Then she stripped off her dress and collapsed on the bed, smiling to herself. Tomorrow, she repeated silently.

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