The Viscount, knowing the power the Dauphin-Queen had over Monsieur

d'Anville, thought it not amiss to employ the interest of that Princess

to engage him to serve Mademoiselle de Chartres, both with the King and

the Prince de Montpensier, whose intimate friend he was: he spoke to

the Dauphin-Queen about it, and she entered with joy into an affair

which concerned the promotion of a lady for whom she had a great

affection; she expressed as much to the Viscount, and assured him, that

though she knew she should do what was disagreeable to the Cardinal of

Loraine her uncle, she would pass over that consideration with

pleasure, because she had reasons of complaint against him, since he

every day more and more espoused the interest of the Queen against hers.

Persons of gallantry are always glad of an opportunity of speaking to

those who love them. No sooner was the Viscount gone, but the

Queen-Dauphin sent Chatelart to Monsieur d'Anville, to desire him from

her to be at Court that evening. Chatelart was his favourite, and

acquainted with his passion for this Princess, and therefore received

her commands with great pleasure and respect. He was a gentleman of a

good family in Dauphiny; but his wit and merit distinguished him more

than his birth: he was well received at Court. He was graceful in his

person, perfect at all sorts of exercises; he sung agreeably, he wrote

verses, and was of so amorous and gallant a temper, as endeared him to

Monsieur d'Anville in such a degree, that he made him the confidant of

his amours between the Queen-Dauphin and him; this confidence gave him

access to that Princess, and it was owing to the frequent opportunities

he had of seeing her, that he commenced that unhappy passion which

deprived him of his reason, and at last cost him his life.

Monsieur d'Anville did not fail to be at Court in the evening; he

thought himself very happy, that the Queen-Dauphin had made choice of

him to manage an affair she had at heart, and he promised to obey her

commands with the greatest exactness. But the Duchess of Valentinois

being warned of the design in view, had traversed it with so much care,

and prepossessed the King so much against it, that when Monsieur

d'Anville came to speak to his Majesty about it, he plainly showed he

did not approve of it, and commanded him to signify as much to the

Prince de Montpensier. One may easily judge what the sentiments of

Madam de Chartres were, upon the breaking off of an affair which she

had set her mind so much upon, and the ill success of which gave such

an advantage to her enemies, and was so great a prejudice to her

daughter. The Queen-Dauphin declared to Mademoiselle de Chartres, in a very

friendly manner, the uneasiness she was in for not having been able to

serve her: Copyright 2016 - 2024