I pulled at the bow, watching as it released its grip on the box wrapped in white paper beneath it. I tore at the taped corners, ripping the paper away as I glimpsed the familiar red font I’d grown to love. My breath caught in my throat.

“Jack.” My voice hitched.

“I know it’s not like the one you lost, but Melissa said it’s better,” he started to explain. “She said this is the one you dream about.” His proud smile lit up his whole face.

“It’s incredible. But…” I shook my head reluctantly. “I know how much this camera costs, Jack, and it’s too much.”

His smile wavered as he asked, “Do you remember the night your camera got stolen?” His jaw tensed as I nodded. “Do you remember what I said to you?” I shrugged. “I said I’d get you a new one. I promised. Besides, it could be months before the police release yours from evidence.”

“But, Jack…”

“But nothing. Kitten, I’m getting drafted today. By the end of the afternoon, I’m going to have more money than I’ve ever had in my life. I wanted to do something nice for you. And I made you a promise.” His voice pleaded, desperate for my acceptance.

“I’ll pay you back,” I offered, feeling the self-imposed weight subside.

“Consider it an investment in your future.” He reached for my face before tilting my chin toward him. “I believe in you. You have a gift. You are so talented. Now you can show the world.”

Little tingles pricked the backs of my eyes with his words. “Saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but thank you, Jack. I can’t believe you did this.”

“I’d do anything for you,” he said before pressing his lips against my cheek.

“I got the internship,” I told him softly.

His eyes lit up. “You did? I knew you’d get it! What’d they say? I mean, when they said you got it, what were their reasons?”

“They said I had real raw talent that impressed them. ‘A beautiful eye and a unique perspective,’” I quoted, my eyes burning with unshed tears.

“They have no idea how right they are. Congrats, babe!” He lifted me off the bed and swung me around the room in his arms.

“I was going to have to turn them down because I didn’t have a camera anymore,” I admitted as one tear escaped. “But now I can accept it.”

“You can just call me your hero if you want,” he taunted, placing my feet back on the ground.

“You’re so irritating.” I sniffed back the tears and pretended to snarl at him and he laughed heartily.

“I’m just playing. I’m proud of you. You deserve it.” He kissed the side of my head. “Hey, bring it with you today. Gramps said he wants to see it in action.”

“I love him,” I said with a laugh, imagining Gramps limping around with a giant-sized professional camera.

“And I love you. Now hurry up, ’cause we need to get to the house before the cameras do.” He pushed me and smacked my behind.

I tumbled forward before gaining my balance. I turned toward my handsome boyfriend and said, “I’m proud of you, you know? I’m excited for you today.”

His eyes brightened. “Thanks, Kitten.”

“Are you nervous?” I asked, realizing he never expressed any fear when it came to this subject.

“Not really. I’d be nervous if I wasn’t sure whether or not I was getting drafted, you know what I mean? If I had to sit there and wait to find out if they were going to crush my dreams or let me hold on to them a little bit longer. Those are the guys who have it rough. Not me.” His eyes held mine in a serious gaze.

“So you’re one of the lucky ones?”

“I’d like to think so.”

“You’re not worried about anything? The money, where you’ll be playing, or what team you’ll get on?”

“I’ll be getting paid to play baseball. Paid…to play…a sport I love. I don’t care about the team, how much they pay me, or where I have to go to play it. I just want to do this for as long as they let me,” he answered, flashing the dimples on his cheeks.

“Well, I think they’re the lucky ones,” I explained, “whatever team drafts you. They’re lucky to have you.”

He avoided my gaze as his cheeks flushed with color. “Thanks, Kitten.”

I slipped into some white dress shorts paired with an off-the-shoulder tan sweater. I brushed my hair, letting the golden strands fall down around my shoulders. When I stepped back from the mirror, Jack whistled. “Kitten, the whole world is going to be in love with you after this.”

“What are you talking about? I’m in shorts and a sweater,” I argued, looking down at my attire.

“You clearly don’t see the way yourself the way guys do. If I was watching ESPN today, I wouldn’t care at all about Jack Carter. I’d want to know everything about Jack Carter’s girlfriend.”

I felt my cheeks warm. “Shut up. You’re totally embarrassing me.”

“Maybe you should stay here. It’s one thing to have half the school in love with you, but I don’t think I can handle half the viewing population wanting my girl.” He sniffed, running his hand through his black hair.

“You’re ridiculous.”

He inhaled one long breath before shaking his head with his exhale. “I’m gonna have to put a huge rock on your finger before I leave so everyone knows you’re unavailable.”

My pulse quickened. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Crazy about you,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.

“No, I think you’re just crazy.” I laughed as I willed my heart to calm down.


Jack led me through the screen door, his fingers intertwined tightly with mine. “Gran? Gramps? We’re here!” he shouted into the house.

I looked around as Gran walked from the entryway in the kitchen wearing a light blue floral dress, a short string of pearls resting at her throat. Gramps followed behind her, dressed in carefully pressed brown dress slacks and a tan button-down shirt.

“You two look so nice!” I squealed.

“So do you, dear. Come here and give me a hug.” Gramps shuffled toward me with a smile.

I hugged him and he whispered in my ear, “Did you like your present?”

“I did! It’s amazing. I can’t wait to show it to you later,” I said with a large smile.

Gramps clasped his hands together. “Oh good! I want to learn all about it.”

Gran reached for me and I leaned down toward her to give her a squeeze. “You look lovely, dear. I’m glad you’re here,” she said happily.

“Thank you. I’m happy to be here.” My heart squeezed with love as I watched Gran meander back into the kitchen, humming happily.

“Have you heard anything about that internship yet?” Gramps asked, his wrinkled face looking hopeful.

“I got it!” I shouted, then winced a little at how overexcited my voice sounded.

“That’s great, dear. Oh, that’s just great news.” Gramps beamed at me with a wide smile.

“You got the internship, sis?” Dean’s voice cut through the noise in the room as he appeared, rubbing his tired eyes.

“I just found out. I wasn’t going to take it, but now I can.” I shot a thankful glance toward Jack before finding myself wrapped in Dean’s arms.

“Congratulations. That’s awesome.” Dean caught me up in a tight bear hug, then released me with a proud smile.

A quick rap at the door reminded us all why we were gathered there in the first place. Jack pulled the curtain back and peered toward the porch. “It’s just Marc and Ryan.”

He opened the front door for his two well-dressed agents, who sauntered in with their hands filled with paperwork, a bottle of champagne, and a box of baseballs. “How you feeling, champ?” the taller of the two asked Jack.

“Good, thanks,” Jack responded confidently, reaching out his hand to help carry the load.

“Hey, Dean. How you doing?” Dean smiled at the men as they playfully boxed in the living room, almost dropping their things.

I resisted the urge to pull my brand new camera out of my bag and shoot the interaction. The taller man stopped as he noticed me and walked in my direction, his arm outstretched. “You must be Cassie,” he said before shaking my hand.

I smiled and nodded. “I’m Marc and this is my partner in crime, Ryan.” He gestured toward the other gentleman.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I responded politely.

“It’s nice to meet you too. Jack, you held back on how good-looking your girl is.” Ryan winked at Jack with a chuckle.

“Settle down. I haven’t signed any agreements with you two yet.” Jack smirked before wrapping his arm around my waist and pressing me against him.

“This is fun!” I wiggled my shoulders with excitement, then leaned into Jack’s hard chest.

“Oh, you like this, do you?” He dropped his arm and started to tickle my side.

I screamed and ran away, pretending to hide behind Dean for protection. “Save me, Dean,” I shouted, grabbing his arms and cowering as he moved his body to block me from Jack’s playful attack.

“What’s going on?” Gran’s voice echoed into the living room before she popped her head in. “Oh dear, stop it! Come sit at the table…that esspen will be here any minute now!”

I laughed at Gran’s pronunciation of ESPN. She said it like it was a word, instead of separate letters. No matter how many times everyone told her it was E, S, P, N, she still insisted on pronouncing it ESS-pen.

“Are you okay, Gran?” Jack dropped a kiss on the top of her head before enveloping her frail frame in his strong arms.

“I’m just a little anxious is all,” she admitted, her voice cracking.

“It’s going to be great, isn’t it, fellas?” Jack narrowed his eyes toward his soon-to-be agents.

“Of course it is,” Ryan reassured.

“This whole thing is nerve-wracking,” Gran declared. “Why aren’t you nervous?” she asked her grandson, and I watched the smile take over his face.

“Because there’s nothing more I can do. I’ve worked my ass off and I’ve left it all out on that field every day for years.” He shrugged one shoulder. “It’s out of my hands at this point.”

Her cheeks scrunched as she beamed with pride. “How’d you get so smart?” She cupped his face with both hands and planted a kiss on each cheek.

“I learned it from you. Now come sit with us and relax.” He led her by the hand toward the kitchen table when the chime of the doorbell stopped them. “You sit, Gran. I’ll let them in,” Jack told her sweetly.

The chatter of voices filtered from the open front door and into the kitchen where we all sat waiting. Jack walked in followed by two cameramen, a reporter, and a producer. They discussed how things would work—that we would basically be filmed waiting for the phone to ring and for Jack to get his offer. They would film the reaction when the call came, and then interview Jack and possibly us after. And they kept reminding us not to look at the cameras and to act natural.

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