Now I came unto my senses, and did be in pain and a great forgetfulness

and bewilderment. And I strove that I rise; but did be held by a strange

force, that did be surely my weakness, as I to know afterward.

And I was upon my back; and a little sound did be near me, as that

something did pant. And I turned my head, very slow, because that I did

so lack of strength.

And lo! I saw that the Maid did be anigh to me, and

did be yet naked; and did pant, and pusht hard and desperate with a

great pole, which did be surely that one which I had cut when that the

Humpt Men came upon us. And therewith I remembered all, and perceived

that I did be upon the raft, and the Maid to push the raft along with

the pole.

And, at that, I made a little sound with my mouth; but the Maid not to

hear me; for she did look backward, as I should think to the shore; and

her face did be very set and anxious; and there to be a far noise of

howling, that I knew to be the voices of the Humpt Men; and so to

perceive that the Maid had come unto her senses, and had gat me somewise

to the raft, whilst that I did yet be swoond. And thus to save me ere

the Humpt Men had come.

But, in verity, how she did this thing, I never

to learn; neither she to know, but only that her love did give her a

great and desperate strength that she save me, that did be her man.

And afterward, Mine Own Maid did tell me how that she had come into her

senses, and did be there upon the earth, and somewhat did be upon her

breast; and she saw that it was my head which did be heavy upon her, and

I to be surely gone out from this life; for I was so still.

And she came from under me, and did ease me out upon the earth, and her

heart nigh brake, because that I was so be-bled, and my blood to have

stained all that did be near.

But when she had gat me restful, she saw

that I did surely live; and a great hope to spring in her heart. And

oft, as she had eased me, she had lookt about, and there did be naught

to the sight, save the body of the Humpt Man anigh, and the others dead

about and upon the flat-topped rock, as you to mind.

And she ran then very speedy to the raft, and brought water from the

river in my headpiece, and she dasht the water upon me; but I to have no

power to come unto my senses. And lo! in that moment, she to know by

some subtile telling of the spirit, that there came some danger anigh;

and she then to make that she save me, or that we die both of us

together. And she strave with me, and did carry and draw me that

weariful way unto the raft. And she gat me on to the raft; and she ran

then for the pole that did be beside the rock; and whilst that she took

the pole, she perceived her torn garments, that did be yet in the hands

of the Humpt Man, even as she had slipt them to escape him. And she

caught the garments very hasty from the hand of the Man, and ran then to

the raft; and she pusht the raft out from the shore, and leaped aboard;

and behold! as she made to use the pole, there came a sound out of the

wood. And there ran from the wood the two Humpt Men that did yet live;

and they to have trackt her, after that she did run from them; and they

ran downward to the shore, very silent and intent upon her; but she to

work with an utter despair, and to have the raft a good way out, ere

they did be come.

And surely, they either to have no power of swimming,

or to know that there did be a Dread in the water; for they made not to

come after; but did stand and stare very stupid, and afterward to howl;

and this howling I did hear when that I was come unto myself upon the

raft, as you do know. And by this telling, you to be so wise as I; for

more I know not, save odd things that I did learn afterward, that did

but set my love more holy unto Mine Own Maid; and these to have been but

small matters of love-thoughts that we did have together; and scarce

clear unto my remembering.

And lo! even as I harked unto the howling of the Humpt Men, the sound

did grow more faint and far off; for the Maid worked very desperate with

the pole. And I did feel that I would help her; but yet was so a-lack;

and surely, even as I did mean to rise, I was gone again utter from my

senses; and that dear naked One did pilot me safe and loving unto the

safe harbouring of the little island, that you do mind; and had no

thought unto herself; but only that she save me. And I to be there,

scarce offward from my death, and to have no knowing of aught, and no

more power to help or to be a shield unto Mine Own; but did be only an

helpless man, that had surely died, save for the care of My Beloved.

Yet did I fight a good fight, and have alway a great joy in the


Now, I mind nothing very clear after this for a great time; but only of

pain and weariness, and of half wakings and times when I did know

naught, and others when that I did be awake, yet did have no realness,

either in myself or in any land or place; and all to come back strange

and vague; yet with a constant knowing that there went Love about me,

and a great and gentle watchfulness; so that I was eased when that the

black mists of my weakness did uprise about me to swamp me; and I was

made to know hope, when that unknown despairs did live stealthy within


And lo! there came a time when I waked, and did be freed of uncertain

burdenings and peculiar woes and that still haze through which great

achings did come constant upon me. And surely, I was laid very nice upon

somewhat that did be soft, and there went a sweet quietness about me,

and an healthful drowse did grow in my bones.

And slowly I perceived that the Maid did kneel beside me, and did look

upon me with so great a love and gladness that it did be as that I drank

in health and a drowsy joy and peace. And surely, she stoopt and kiss me

with an utter gentle love, upon my mouth, and her tears to go sweet upon

my face; and truly I kist her again, with an utter content.

And she took my head in the comfort of her arm, and gave me somewhat

that I drink; and when I had drunk, she kiss me once again, so light as

that a pretty wind did blow hushed upon my lips. And my head she made

easy; and lo! I was gone over unto sleep, even as she tended me.

And thrice do I mind that this to happen; and at the third time, I knew

that my strength was come something into me again; and I moved my hand a

little, this way and that; and she to know that I did need her to hold

my hand; and she to do this, and I to go into sleep again, even while

that I look sleepy, yet with all my love, into her eyes.

And when I waked for the fourth time, I did whisper that I loved her;

and surely she broke into a sudden weeping, and did hold my hand very

dear against her breast.

And when I waked for the fifth time, I to know how things did be about

me, and that I did lie naked in the cloak, and did be all bandaged about

my body; and the bandages, as I did know afterward, did be from the torn

garments of the Maid.

And I look at the Maid, and knew that she did be drest again, and did be

in the garments that I did give to her, as you to mind; which did be

that one, and the inner, that the Humpt Man tore from her, and which she

had slipt, that she escape from the Man.

And afterward, I found that she had made a very cunning mend of the

garments, whilst that she did sit so utter long beside me to tend me;

for she had gotten threads from her torn garments, and had made needles

from thorns that did grow on the little bushes of the island; and the

thorns did brake oft, and she then to have another, and so to persist an

hundred times. And this way she did be drest very nice and dainty.

And Mine Own Maid perceived how that I lookt with interest at her, and

did mind, very natural, how that I last to have seen her; and she then

to blush gently; and did kiss me, that she have her pretty face

something from mine eyes. And truly, I to wish the more that I be

strong, that I kneel in a glad reverence unto her; for this way did be

my love, and ever so; and you likewise, that have truly loved.

Now I did begin that I grew very steady unto my strength, again, and

Mine Own Maid did tend me alway, and she gave me a broth of tablets and

the water at set times, by the telling of my timepiece. And oft she

washt me and did change the bandages, and did wash and dry the bandages,

that she use them over again; for we did be so lacking for such matters,

as you to know.

And on the fifth day, I was come utter to ease; and did be wondrous

happy, and Mine Own to make pretty talk unto me; but had me to be alway

quiet, because that I did be yet so weak.

And on the sixth day, I to be let answer Mine Own, and to say how great

I did love her, the which mine eyes had said alway, while that I did lie

in silence. And I to be assured by the Maid that she did be in health,

and recovered; but indeed, I saw that she was gone very thin, and that

her eyes did be weary, even while that they had so great a love and a

gladness to me.

And I made Mine Own to bring her tablets by me, as she did alway, and

when that I had kist them, and she to have eat and drunk, I bade her to

make me the broth ready; and when she had made the broth, I askt that

the Diskos be set anigh to me. And afterward, I bid her to my side, and

had her to lie by me; and I took her pretty head upon mine arm, and told

her that she to lie thus and to sleep, and to have no fear that she

weary me; for that I to be but the more rested to have her so, beside


And she in the first to trouble that she be too heavy for mine arm; but

truly, I showed that my strength was something come back to me; for I

prest her gentle unto me, and she then to nestle content, and to be gone

into an utter sleep, and to have been in a sore need of the same.

And Mine Own did sleep for twelve great hours, and had scarce any life

in all that time, save when once she did make a little and gentle

moaning, and did afterward set her pretty face more nigh to me in her

sleep. And surely, I had neither weariness nor lonesomeness; but did lie

with an utter content; and did look downward upon the Maid, where she

did sleep in the hollow of mine arm; and truly she did be most wondrous

lovely and dainty; and the goodness of her face did seem as that it made

an holiness about my heart, so that my spirit was uplift in a quiet and

constant glory of love.

And I drank a part of the broth at the third hour, and at the sixth

hour, and at the ninth hour, when that I finished it; and my right arm

did be free to this purpose and to the Diskos; and surely I did twice

and thrice set my hand upon that great weapon, as to a true comrade;

and, in verity, I could think the weapon did know and did love me. And

this thinking to be because I did be so uplift, as I have told; yet

truly, the Diskos did be a strange and wondrous thing, and did be alway

thought to have an oneness with the man that did use it.

And in the twelfth hour, the Maid awoke sudden, and came upward out of

mine arm, all in a sweet haste, that she know that I did be well; and

she did be eased wondrous, when that she saw how I laughed with a quiet

joy but to see her dear eyes, and her pretty trouble. Yet did she be in

reproach to herself, when that she lookt to find how the hours had past.

But, indeed, I did make a mocking sternness with her; and forbad that

she even to say one little word more upon this matter; but to be glad

that I did be so utter happy, and she likewise.

And truly, when I had said this, that impudent Maid did set her little

fist against my nose, and to threaten me. And, in verity, I laught so

hearty that the Maid did be in fear I should set my wounds again to

bleed, and did reproach herself again; but, in truth, I came to no harm.

And when that I could speak, I askt the Maid whether that there had been

brothers to her, because that she did play so natural. And this I askt,

not thinking; and lo! in a moment I perceived my thoughtlessness; but

said naught, save to take the hand of Mine Own, that she know utter that

I did not be heartless. And she to nod very quiet, and afterward kist my

hand, and slipt from me. And I knew that she was gone a little way off,

lest she weep; and I did be in trouble for her and for mine a-lackness;

but truly I could do naught, only that I called very gentle unto her.

And she to return soon, and did smile loving and cheerful upon me; but,

indeed, I saw that she covered her weeping, whilst that she had made me

new broth. Yet, before I would take the broth, I would have her to mine

arms; and she to submit very glad and happy, but to keep her pretty

weight from me, lest she hurt my woundings.

And afterward, we both to eat, and be happy in glad talk.

And presently, I did sleep; but would have her to be nigh to me, even

though she did be wakeful; and so we to be utter content together.

Now, the seventh day, as it might be called, was a wondrous happy time;

and when I waked, the Maid did be sleeping as a child to my side, and

her face nestled against me. And she to waken in a moment; for thus had

she drowsed and watched through all the hours whilst that I had slept.

And we then to eat and to drink together, after that Mine Own had made

me easy with a gentle washing and care. And I now to be allowed that I

have my tablets whole, and the water afterward, as when that I did be

well; and this to please me, as you shall think; for I did ache that I

be strong very speedy, that I have power to guard Mine Own Maid again,

and to go forward with our journeying, that I have the Maid unto the

safeness of the Mighty Pyramid; and surely, now that I had my tablets

whole, I to feel that I did grow near unto fitness again; and moreover,

they did satisfy my hunger the better than the broth.

And the Maid to give me my tablets oft, so that I eat a great many; and

I did make her to count; and surely there did be sufficient, if that I

get strong pretty quick. And so I made no refusing of the tablets; for I

did need them, that I make blood again within me, else should I be

lacking, when that there came any need anigh.

And we kist each the tablets of the other, and did drink from the same

cup, and did be utter happy; and did be part like children, but also to

be man and maid.

And presently, the Maid did shift my bandages, as alway, and washt me

proper, and had me into comfort. But she did keep me alway very

low-lying; and truly I scarce to mind; for I was not gotten enough of my

strength, to give me to feel irked. And further, as you shall think,

there did be that lovely One with me alway; and did make sweet quips

unto me, and talkt and did laugh, and oft did come into singing; for she

did be so sweetly joyed that I was in life and did mend so proper.

And afterward, she went off from me a little, to her toilet; but I to

ask that she be so swift as might be, and she to promise very merry; and

she came back in a little while, and her hair to be in a lovely cloud

about her shoulders, and her pretty feet yet to be bared from her bath,

which she had in a pool beyond some bushes; and she to say that I did be

so impatient a man, that she to be forced that she do the half of her

dressing with me; but truly, she came thiswise only because she to know

how I did delight in her thus, and to watch the way that she set up her

abundance of hair; and she to be hungry also that she be with me, and to

love me that I watch her, even while that there did be oft a little and

quaint stirring of shyness in her dear heart.

And I had her to come beside me, and to sit anigh to my hand; and I made

presently that I did scold her, because that she had no proper care to

her pretty feet; and I bid her to set her feet toward me, that I look

the more close at them. And she to be a pretty rogue, and did think I to

mean to kiss them--and truly not to think alway wrong--but I then to

have another planning; for I had pluckt a hair very sly from her head,

and she but to have said an Oh! to me, and to have thought no more. But,

indeed, when that she gave her feet to me, I held them so strong as I

might, and I bound her pretty toes together with the hair; and surely

she did be a captive unto me, and we to laugh, as that we to be both

children. And afterward she stole back her feet from me; but, in verity,

I knew that she had a wondrous heed that she brake not the hair that

bound her; but did sit beside me bound in that pretty way; but yet to

hide from me that she did not brake the hair.

And she then to do her hair upon her head, very lovely; and afterward,

I put up my hands, and took it down again; and she then to kiss me and

to ask how that she should ever have it proper upon her head, if that I

did alway so tease her.

And she then to take her hair, and did set the abundance of it upon both

sides of my face, and then to kiss me, as I did look up at her, from out

of so much beauty.

And afterward she cut a lock of my hair, and a lock from her own dear

head; and she did plait the two locks together, so that our hair did

blend and be together; and afterward she hid it in her bosom. But I did

be then out of content, and would have done likewise, only that it did

so weary me to uphold my hands; and she to cut a second lock from my

head, and a second tress of her own most lovely hair; and she made me to

kiss the hair that did be from her, and she then to kiss the hair that

did be from me; and afterward, she did plait them together, and gave

them to me. And I set the hair, for that time, under the great bandage

that went over my heart; and truly, she did be then the one that lackt

content; for she to say that the second plaiting did be kist, and the

first to lack; but I to refuse to exchange; so that we made up a

quarrelling, and did presently have to be kist, unto forgiveness. And,

truly, have you not likewise known such glad foolishness, when that you

were in the love-days.

And she then to make me to be quiet, and to keep my hands downward from

her hair, because that the uplifting did prove overmuch to me; and she

took my great hands then, and did threaten how dreadful she use me, if

that I be not humble. And truly, I said that I did be an humble man; and

she then to hold my hands with but one small one; and surely, her hand

did be so small that she not able to hold me, save by the thumbs. And

she then with her free hand to cover mine eyes, so that I might not see;

and whilst that she did hold me thus so utter helpless, she to kiss me

very dainty and impudent upon the mouth; and afterward she loost me, and

did be demure.

And we did be then silent a space; and presently, I put forth my hand,

that did be very great, yet to be gone white and to tremble, because

that I did lack so utter of blood. And the Maid to know what I did mean,

and she clenched her hands into two fists, and set them both into my one

hand, and surely they did be little fists; and I then to be happy; for

this did be a wondrous pleasure alway unto me; and she to have her lids

a little downward upon her eyes, and to be quietly happy. And, truly,

how I mind it all so plain.

And afterward, I did plague her very gentle that she to be all a-lack,

if that she did try to use her hands to aught, because that they did be

so small. And she in a moment to have her two arms very dear about my

neck, and did kiss me with an utter love and tenderness upon the mouth,

and afterward went from me, lest that she have me to overset myself.

And I did then to make her to sit by me, and I did tell her a tale how

that a young man did once live in the olden days, and did meet with the

One Maid Upon All The Earth. And how that they loved and did be married,

and she to die, and of the utter and desperate madness of grief that

nigh destroyed the man; and how that he sudden to wake into the future

of the world, in a New Time, and did come to learn that His Own did also

to live in that Time. And he then to make that he find her; and did

truly come unto her. And how she did be different in her beauty; but yet

to be utter lovely. And the man did hold an utter reverence to the Maid,

that had been his wife in the olden dream-days, so that his reverence of

love did live in him like a constant pain and anguish of sweetness and

trouble, and of holy thoughts that did be bred of her lovely

companionship, and of his memories.... But, in truth, I gat not further

in the tale than this; for Mine Own did have come sudden into weeping,

and had gotten to her knees, and did hold my hand against her breast,

and did put her hand gentle upon my lips. And, in a moment, she to

whisper somewhat through her tears; and there to be dear Motherhood

within her face; and a sudden shining of Memory in her eyes, that had

been near dreadful, only that it did seem to be to her as that she were

part dreaming. And the strange and solemn pain did come also unto me

through the part-open gateways of my Memory. And I to remember very

clear and with an anguish in that moment. And I told Mine Own how that

the babe had gone onward, after that the Beloved had died. And there did

be then an utter quiet upon us.

And lo! sudden the Maid did bend unto me, and I to take her into mine

arms, out of the vague dreamings of her Memory-dreams. But, ere she did

be come outward entire from the haze of the Past, she to try to set

somewhat into words concerning this memory-vision of the babe; but

someways to be strangely dumb. And I did be silent likewise, because of

all those things that did be between us forever and forever.

And presently, she kist me, and was herself again; and she went from me

to attend unto our food.

Now, that did be truly a lovely day; for I to have gat sufficient of

strength that I did be able to have interest, and talk with Mine Own

Maid; and she now to be well rest, and to have ease in her dear heart

concerning me.

And surely we oft to laugh, and did make jests utter glad and foolish.

And indeed, I do mind how that I askt Mine Own an olden puzzle, that did

come out of the vagueness of my Memory-dreams. And she to be like a

person that doth hear a strange familiar thing; and lo! sudden she to

say, as that she gat knowledge from beyond Eternity, that it did be when

that he was a little hoarse. And you to know the jest, and to have

troubled it oft at school; but, in verity, it did be a strange thing to

have from our Memories out of all the deep of Time. And we, in truth,

never in that Age to have seen or to have known that ever there did be

an Horse, or to mind the likeness of one. And this to be but a little

matter; yet of strange and peculiar interest, as you to agree. And,

indeed, we did both to look one at the other, when that we had ended,

and did wonder what an horse did be; yet in the same time did have a

vague inward knowing.

And so we to look ever backward through dim Ages; and surely we gat

presently from jests, unto solemnness; and the Maid to be nigh again

unto tears. And, in truth, I then to bring our thoughts and our speech

forward from the Abyss of the Years, and did cease from Memory-dreaming

for that time; and so to have the Maid again in joy; yet mayhap

something wistful odd whiles.

And presently, I to tell the Maid an hundred thousand things concerning

the Mighty Pyramid, of which I had so oft said somewhat; but never to

have gat so great a chance as this unto a plenty of time and so nice an

oneness in the way that our minds did go.

And surely, the Maid did be eager in a moment, and did be husht; and

again to ask constant concerning all matters.

And, in verity, there went a great while this way; and the Maid to have

an utter wonder and excitement of all that I to tell; for truly, it did

be as that a man of this age should come downward from a great star in

the heavens, and to tell of wonders and new things; and you to

understand how she did feel.

And of all things that did most have a happiness unto the Maid, I to

perceive that the great Life and Humanness of the Millions to dwell

within her imaginings as a cloud of warmth and quiet joy; for I did show

this thing to her, so well as I was able; and, in truth, you shall tell

me in honesty whether that I have made the same likewise clear-seen unto


And she, as you shall mind, did be a maid that had grown all her life in

a Refuge that did be shaken with hauntings, because that it lackt the

power of the Earth-Current to protect; and with a People that did be

weak-conceived through great thousands of years; and where love did

bloom something faded, even in youth; and youth to have lack of the

life-blood of an utter joy, such as did be ours and likewise to many

that did be of the Mighty Pyramid.

Though, truly, there did go millions then, as now, that did never to

know love; though the name did be in their mouths, and they to have

belief that the sweet kernel did be in their hearts; but, in verity,

THIS to be love, that your life shall bound in you with abundance, and

joy dwell round you, and your spirit to live in a natural holiness with

the Beloved, and your bodies to be a sweet and natural delight that

shall never be lost of a lovely mystery that doth hold a perfect peace

each unto the need of the other; and all to be that there go round

about you a wonder and a splendour all the days and the nights that you

shall be--the Man with the Woman, the Woman with the Man. And Shame to

be unborn, and all things to go natural and wholesome, out of an utter

greatness of understanding; and the Man to be an Hero and a Child before

the Woman; and the Woman to be an Holy Light of the Spirit and an utter

Companion and in the same time a glad Possession unto the Man. And lo!

if one to die, then the soul of the other shall fail; and that one never

to have full life again, in that bitter parting. And this doth be the

true Human Love; and all else that be not like to this with the Man and

with the Woman, doth be but a borrowing of the name of Love for that

quiet desiring, which is but an Endurance beside Love, which doth be

between they that be not mated both in their souls and in their bodies.

And this telling to take no heed to those base joinings that be made for

purposes of wealth or Desire or other piteous ends; for, in verity,

these to have no more dealings with the thing that I do tell upon, than

hath the merchanting of goods, or the need of a glutton. But the thing

that I do have upon my heart doth be that dear and uplifting Power of

Love, which I to set forth in this mine own story; for, in truth, I to

have known love, and to need death when that I be parted from Mine Own.

Now, surely, Mine Own did come twice and thrice unto weeping, as I did

tell of this thing and that, which did set her memory backward unto the

ways of the Lesser Redoubt. And presently, I did cease from my tellings,

because that she did so be gone into pain of her memories. But, indeed,

she then to beg me that I go forward again; for, truly, she to need in

the heart that she know, and to strive to be no more in grief for the


And I then to say on, and did tell upon the Might and Wonder and great

Olden Delight of the Underground Fields, that were below the Great

Redoubt, as you do know. And I told how that they went downward an

hundred strange miles, that did be dug of the labour of Millions and of

the years of Eternity.

And I set out unto Mine Own concerning that there did be wondrous

villages spread through that great and hidden Country that did be in the

underground; and how that great millions of the Peoples did live there,

and made a constant labour in those deep Lands and Countries, that did

be truly so monstrous in all as an huge Continent.

And I showed Mine Own how that there did be wondrous processes that did

be learned in the Ages; and how that water did be made in chemistry; and

truly she to nod to this, because that she did mind upon the powder that

we did use; but truly the powder to have to be made in the first, as you

shall think; and we but to advantage ourselves of that which did result,

and I to speak to her of the making of the powder, rather than of the

way that it afterward to make chemistry with the air, unto water.

And I told the Maid how that there did be mighty underground pipes that

went across the Night Land, and did be, mayhap, oft so much as twenty

great miles deep in the world, and did come upward into the seas of the

Land; and all to have been made secret and hid from the monsters of the

Land, as I to know from much readings of the Histories.

And Mine Own then to tell me that they did lack to have any such great

wonders below the Lesser Redoubt; but that there did be utter monstrous

caverns, where that there had been alway a strange and uncouth Country

of Husbandry, and lit from the Earth-Current; and they also there to

bury their Dead. And all had been a-lack through great thousands of

years, as she did know of their Records, and had grown dim-lit and

lonesome, and a Land of deepness to starve the spirit with an utter

strangeness and discomfort, where that the men went quietly as ghosts,

through many ages; and all a place in dire want of sound and laughter.

Yet this all to have been surely different a monstrous Age gone, when

that the Earth-Current did be a power in the Lesser Redoubt, and the

Humans to be in plenty, and of good and natural health and courage of

life. And, truly, to mind upon that Place, doth alway to set a fresh

wonder in me, that Mine Own did be so lovely and wholesome of spirit and

wise and in knowledge and good force of her being. But so it did be with

her; and she to have been surely alway That One that did be Mine Own.

And I then to tell Mine Own Maid concerning the lowest Field, which did

be the Country of Silence, and was the Place of Memory unto all the

great Millions, where did linger and bide the ghosts of an hundred

billion griefs and the drifted thoughts of sorrowful hearts; and there

to live a great hallowedness and a mystery of silence and an holiness

and a Greatness, as that it did be the Expressing of all that doth be

Noble and Everlasting that ever did come out of the heart of Man and all

the lost Dead of Eternity; so that the spirit of a man did seem to go on

great wings, unto lovely and splendid resolvings, if that he but to walk

lonely awhile in that Country, that surely did be never lonesome unto

the spirit.

And lo! the Maid did be all husht, as I did speak, and did look downward

unto me with her eyes very bright, and lovely with the thinkings and

tears that did stir within her.

And sudden she to ask whether that I did make my resolve to my journey,

whilst that I walkt in that place; and she to look very intent and

beautiful upon me, as she did question. And, indeed, I saw that she to

mean a lovely praise unto me, as you to perceive; and truly, I did feel

a little strange, as that I did be both glad and shy in the same moment.

And she then to ease me of any answer; for she gat upward upon her

knees, and she put her two hands to the sides of my face, and bid me to

look into her eyes and to know that she loved me with her soul and with

all that did make her to be.

And afterward, she kist me very gentle upon the forehead, and did be

then husht awhile, as that she to be in thought; yet oft she did look

downward at me, and did have a beauty of love and honour within her

eyes, so that they alway to shine, as she did look at me.

And presently, the Maid did sit again beside me, and slipt her two hands

into the one of mine, as did be ever my desire, and she to love that she

give me this delight, and likewise, she to have joy to herself in this


And we then again to have talk; and I did tell Mine Own somewhat of the

History of the Olden World! and she did have dim memories, as in dreams,

of the days of light; yet scarce that she could believe it of truth. But

she to have knowledge of the Olden Love Days within her spirit, and to

mind that there did be alway, as it did be, a lovely and golden light

upon the world; but she not to know truly whether this to be but the

holy glamour-light that Memory doth set about a past loveliness; and to

have no remembering of the Sun; but yet to be made ready by her memories

unto believing. And I to know of certainty; but yet even I that do tell

this My Tale, did but perceive the Days of the Light, as in a far and

vague dream; and to remember it but in the chief by the glory of lost

sunsets that had cast an holiness upon my heart, and of the hush of

Dawns that had made ready my spirit in the Gone Ages to look quietly

unto my death.

And surely you to go with me in all this thing, and to have felt within

your own spirit that uplifted wonder that doth shake the soul with the

lost Beginning and with the unknown End, when that you have lookt

through the sorrow of the Sunset, and stood silent before the Quiet

Voice that doth make promise in the Dawn.

But, in verity, we that had near lost our Memory of the surety of these

great wonders, did have memory of Love; and this to be most beautiful

unto my heart; for it but to show the more how that love doth live

forever, and doth make an holiness in all places; and doth give

Companionship and Satisfying; so that to have love, is to have all, and

to have escaped this Wonder is to have missed to have Lived.

And I to find then that Mine Own did have no knowledge of the way that

the World did be in that Future Age; and did lack to know that there

abode mightily above us in the everlasting night, the dead starkness of

the world, where did be--mayhap two hundred great miles above us--snow

and the eternal desolation of a lost world, that did be once the lovely

world of the olden days, which did be now given over unto Night and


And mayhap there did wander upward there Memory, and did go companioned

by Grief. But, indeed, I to delight to think that Hope and Love did

build houses of joy about the Dead; and there to be no true death; but

only the dying of days. Yet, surely, this doth be sorrow enough unto the

heart and the soul, if that they did be days when love did make a

mystery of light about the spirit, and the Beloved to have been anigh to

make ever a sweet wonder unto the heart.

But I to cease from these thoughts; for we to face our life brave and

wise, and to take both the sorrow and the joy unto our developing, and

to hold up the face with courage when that Grief doth come anigh; and to

see that we grow not to bitterness, but unto sweet wholesomeness. And

there to be Joy again, and we then the better abled to have that delight

into our hearts; for how shall Joy ever to come truly again to that

heart which bitterness hath made a place for the abode of sorrow.

And truly, I to cease from these thinkings also; for my story to wait

upon me, and these things that I do say do be plain unto you, and to

have no need to the telling.

And so did I tell Mine Own Maid of the things that I did learn from the

little metal book; and she to be in a constant wonder and delight and

with an awe and newness upon her. And sudden, there did some olden

memory stir within her; for she askt me, in one instant, whether that I

did remember when that the Cities did move alway unto the Westward.

But truly I had no remembering of this thing, and did look at her

awhile, with somewhat of a trouble upon me; for, that there should be

aught lacking in my memory of those times that we did be together upon

this world, was a fear unto me, and a vague sorrow alway, if that I did

but to let my thought go that way; though, indeed, I did ever strive to

wiseness, and did have knowledge that there doth be an heart-wearing and

despair and needless trouble in vain regrets; but yet these to be

natural unto the spirit, if that you to know love; and do be but the

complement of the love-joy, and mayhap to have a use unto the sweetening

of the spirit, if that they be not let to over-ride the reason.

And whilst that I did look unto Mine Own, that she help me to remember,

she did strive with her Memory. But in the end, did fail to come unto

aught of clearness, save that she did see, as in a far dream, yet very

plain, a great metal roadway, set in two lines that went forever unto

the setting Sun; and she then sudden to say that she did see in her

memory the Sun, and she to have a strange and troubled amazement upon

her. And there did be Cities upon the great road; and the houses did be

strange-seeming, and did move forward eternally and at a constant speed;

and behind them the Night did march forever; and they to have an even

pace with the sun, that they live ever in the light, and so to escape

the night which pursued forever, as she did tell, and a dread and

terrible chill that did live in the night. And there did be cities far

forward in the morning Sunshine, that did have gone before at speed, and

set the husbandry of the world, and to be finished and gone forward

again ere that certain of the latter cities did come to that place to

the reaping; and the night to come presently to that place; but this not

to be for some part of a year after that the crops were taken. But how

long this might be, she not to remember.

And all this the Maid did say to me, as out of a strange dream, and I to

have set it down, and to have made it so clear to you as she to have

told it; and surely it doth be plain then that she to speak of a time

when that the day did be grown to a monstrous length, because that the

world did turn but slow and weary.

And it to be a sureness, as you shall perceive, that but to stand still

in that age of which Naani told, was to be left presently in an utter

night and chill, that should last mayhap a great and weary year. And, in

verity, it doth seem that all Humanity did travel forever in that

strange age, when that to stay was to die unprepared in the bitter

night, and to go forward, was to be forever in the sun. And truly, this

doth be so strange seeming to me, as to you.

And much I questioned the Maid, and did have an hurt within my heart,

and a pain of jealousy and sadness to grow in me; for surely she did

speak of some life that she did live, when that I did be elsewhere,

either in Life or Unknowing. And, in verity, what man then should have

taught Mine Own to love him? And she then mayhap to have had no

remembering of me.

And truly I questioned very desperate, and the more so because that I

was yet weak, and lacking my strength to be composed. But she neither to

remember me nor any other man of that time; and to have no memories,

save these bare things that she to have spoken out so strange, and which

did come sudden unto her out of all the deepness of the years and the

lost sorrows and joys and wonders of that which doth make a World of


And surely my questionings brought a distress upon Mine Own, both

because that she did be troubled by the way that my love did bring me to

this strange anguish, and because that she also to have pain, and a

sudden fear that there did be ever a time when she not to have known me,

or to have permitted the arms of another.

And she did then strive that she be both wise and strong, and to give

help unto me, and to take reason unto her own easing. And truly she to

show how that she did be all unknowing of any love in that far backward

time; but it to be possible in reason that she to have gone to another,

in natural course, the while that her heart did yearn alway in vague

trouble unto Her Own, that her spirit did mayhap never to have

forgotten. And, truly, this doth be the way of Life, and a bitter thing

and a sorrow to Joyous Love to think upon; yet I here to be set to the

tellings of Truth, and to have heed to all that reason doth show to be.

But Mine Own did also have us both to remember that there did be equal

right to think that she had died Mine Own Maid in that life; for that it

did be not out of reason to think that she had been void-hearted unto

all men, because that she had known in her spirit that she did once to

meet Her Own, and did be thereafter untuned unto all other men that ever

did live. And this all to be in a mist, and we to go vainly. And of her

will, she did think that no man did ever to have possessed her, save I;

yet this to be mayhaps only the prompting of her love; and she then to

kiss me, and to say that there did be no surety in aught, but only that

we did have been together before, and have borne a love so great that it

did live through Eternity; and we to be now together, and maybe all else

to be but dreams.

And truly I did have a fierce hope that this be so; and the Maid

likewise so to hope, yet to be less bitter with rebellion than I, though

in pain upon the thought; for she did be so utter and dreadful glad and

in happy thankfulness that we did be now come together again in the end;

and did mean that she conquer all that should be like to set a greyness

upon our joy, and to be steadfast unto this end.

And I afterward to be likewise in wisdom, when that I was come the more

to strength, and to mind that I suffer vainly for that which did have no

surety, as I have shown; and moreover I did have no power upon the past,

either to learn aught or to mend aught; so that I did go the way of an

Human, and did shake free from these broodings, and strove unto

forgetfulness; which, in truth, doth be both a Terror and a

Mercifulness, as doth chance. And I kist Mine Own Maid, with somewhat

more of the years within my love; and she to kiss me very sober and

dear; and to desire only for my happiness, and to be utter mine own.

Now, we then to eat and to drink, and the Maid to see me unto comfort in

all things, and my bandages all right; and she then to make that she

have on her footgear and her hair to be bound; but indeed I bid her that

she to dare do this thing, when that she to know how I did delight that

her little feet be bare to mine eyes, and her hair most lovely upon her

shoulders; and she to be very happy that I so to have an utter pleasure

in her dear beauties, and did sit beside me again, and set her feet very

sly where they did be anigh to my hand; for she to know that she did be

Mine Own, and I to be her Master, and she to have joy that she to have

to render her beauty unto me; for she did be that true complement unto

me that the heart of a man doth ache for eternally.

And so, presently, did end that lovely day of quiet speech and

togetherness; and the Maid did prepare me for my slumber, and she then

to lie anigh to me, and her head to rest gentle beside me, so that her

pretty face did be near unto my breast upon the right side; and she to

give me at the first a loving and sober kiss that did be somewise to set

a guard upon her tenderness, and afterward did sleep content and gentle,

as that she did be in the same moment a child and a woman.

And I also to come unto slumbering; yet did know vaguely how that Mine

Own did rise a little upon her elbow, this time and that, and look very

loving into my face, that she have assurance of my comfort and

well-being; and once I did waken, proper, and lookt at her, and she then

to kiss me gentle upon mine eyelids, and bid me to sleep; and so did

come herself unto her sweet slumber. Now when that I did come to my

proper wakening, I to hear the fizzing of the water, and to know that

the Maid did be risen a good while, and had made her toilets, as I

perceived in a moment, when that she came unto me; for her hair did be

in a lovely cloud upon her shoulders, all combed and made ready against

my waking; and she to have bathed, as I supposed, in some warm pool that

did be among the bushes upon the island; and she now to slip her

foot-gear, that her feet be bare unto me, as I did love, and to stand a

moment, and her eyes to twinkle gently. And I lookt at her with love and

honour in mine eyes, as you shall know, and she to have dancing of sweet

pleasure in her heart, that I so to look upon her with holiness and with

natural love, and surely the last doth be unnatural if that it do lack

the first; but my love did burn upward out of my being, so that the

flame of my spirit did light the fires of my heart, and my Reason to add

coals unto that fire that hath lived for ever, and doth be as that it

shall be never quenched.

And Mine Own in a moment did kneel beside me, and, truly, someways in

her deep intenseness unto me; for our love did make all the world holy,

and she to be both uplifted and as that she must give all the humbleness

of her heart unto the greatness of my love; and this she to feel, and

her deep and utter love, to make it as that she did be all a passion of

humbleness unto me, so that in her soul I did rise in that moment upon

the wings of my love, and to seem that I did be all the world and all

time and all place and all that ever she did need unto her.

And she put out her arms to me, and her eyes did shine with those tears

that do never be shed; and lo! in a moment, she did be upon my heart,

and we two to be husht together in content; for our need did be in the

other. And truly, where there do be two together with love, there doth

be neither lack nor need; but eternal fulfilment.

And in verity this to be my Hope for that which doth come

Afterward--that all doth be leading unto so glad a joy as this, and that

all pain and grief and all that doth make the shaping of Life, doth be

but a process by which we be eternally perfected from living unto

living, unto each Fulfilment that doth be but the doorway unto greater

Fulfilment in the Beloved.

And, presently, Mine Own Maid did loose herself gentle from me, and

washt me and tended me; and very husht and tender, and something

down-ridded of her dear and lovely eyes.

And we then to eat and to drink together, and joy so great and quiet did

be upon us, that it did be as that we had gone into an eternity of peace

and an utter content. And surely, as the thought did stir in me, it did

be of beauty that we did be both of us true unto the other, in that

life, and I never to have kist a maid, until that I kist Mine Own, and

she to have been likewise, and to have fended all men from her, because

that they did be Strangers unto her inwardness, and so we two to be so

utter together, both in that our spirits did be knit, being each the

complement of the other, and because that we had no secret pains of

remembered things, to set any apartness between our hearts.

And in verity, I to think back then upon my jealousies, that I have

told, and to know that Mine Own did never to have given herself lightly

to any, neither to have taken lightly; and her spirit to have been alway

mine through all the Everlasting; and mayhap this to be how all Peoples

shall come to be in the length of time, only that to us had come the

great wonder that we did early meet; though this also to bring that

utter pain, which doth seem to slay, when that once you have known the

Beloved, and to be parted.

And so I to think, and did presently ponder with a great and strange

pity upon they that did not yet have met the Beloved, and they mayhap

not to have kept all for the Beloved; but to have been light with that

which doth be the Treasure, because that Love had not come to show them

that they did unknowingly squander the strange and holy glory which doth

be the possession of they that shall come to the Beloved and say, All

that is thine have I kept for thee. And the Beloved to know and to have

peace in the remembering. But what doth be the peculiar sorrow of they

that have gone over-lightly, when that they shall meet the Beloved; for

then shall there be a constant and inward regret, as a thorn in the

heart, that they not to have observed alway that holy care of all which

doth pertain unto love; and they nigh to moan in the spirit, if they

had but known, if they had but known. Yet, in the end, of their pain,

shall they grow unto all loveliness, if that now they have truly come

upon Love, and to live with Love; for this to be the especial glory of

love, that it doth make unto all Sweetness and Greatness, and doth be a

fire burning all Littleness, so that did all in this world to have met

The Beloved, then did Wantonness be dead, and there to grow Gladness and

Charity, dancing in the years.

And there to be yet one thing upon which, mayhap, I not to have thought

sufficient; for it doth be this, that they who did err, as I have shown,

shall be the greater for their Pain; and let this be to cheer you, if

that you have done foolishly, and thought not upon that day when the

Beloved shall come; for Pain is but the voice of Development or

Destruction; and truly you to suffer the first, if that Love doth work

in you; but truly, the more that you have lacked, the greater shall be

your pain; for the more change there doth need be in you.

And so would I have you now to think, and to know that the Beloved shall

come, and so shall you live in glad care of all your being, that you be

able to come unto the Beloved in that day, and to say with beauty and

human joy in your heart, even as I have said; and thus shall you miss

that bitter pain. But yet, truly, you to be like to heed not this, until

that Love doth come upon you; and I therefore to cease from this vain

setting of mine inward reasonings.

But truly, when that day be come, as I have told, you to know how that

there went alway with me in this mine own story which I tell, the

simplicity of Truth; and how that I did be minded only that you to know,

and thereby that you have gentle wisdom that you lay not up pain for

that day. Yet, if you do lack to go with me, you to need that developing

which shall then come upon you.

And so shall you perceive how my thoughts did go to and fro, as I did

eat with Mine Own; and so in the last I to find that I did think very

serious; and I then to cast from me this pondering, and to have that

utter joy which did be upon us, and to seem that it did fill all that

strange Country of Seas.

And lo! after we did be done of eating and drinking, which did be but a

little time, as you shall think, the Maid did ease me to an upward

sitting, and had my back very nice to an olden stump which did be light,

and she to push unto me.

And Mine Own did sit then beside me, so that mine arm did come most

natural about her; and she there to be nestled all gleeful and content,

so that my heart did be doubly tender unto her. And I took the abundance

of her hair, and set it about my neck, and upon my breast, so that it

did near to cover me in the upward part; and we both then to laugh as

that we did be two children, because that Love did make us so utter

young in the heart; and our hands to be hid under the beauty of the

Maid's hair, and I to have her then that she explain just how great she

did love me; and you that go with me, do know how that this doth be a

delight that is never done, neither to be set only into words.

And all that day we did be wondrous happy, save once when we saw that

there were Humpt Men upon the shore, about the Flat-Topt rock where did

be the fight; but what they did there, we not to be able to see, only

that presently they went away; and indeed seemed to have no thought unto

us, neither any knowledge; and so did be gone again into the forests;

and we saw no more of them, after that time. And afterward we to be lost

utter in happiness.

Now, upon the tenth day, I did be so come into health that I to walk a

little way to and fore upon the island; and Mine Own did go with me, and

so I to pace a good while, and afterward to rest again.

And Mine Own then to bring mine armour to me, which she had scoured very

nice; but truly, the Armour did be sore broke and bent, and did be

jagged inward this place and that, with the monstrous strength of the

Humpt Men, when that they did strike me with the great sharp stones.

And, in verity, how I should ever come again to wear this protection, I

to be in doubt. Yet, truly it had been a wondrous suit of strength that

had kept my life within me when that I had been so deadly beset; and I

to know that it to be yet like to save both our lives, if that we could

someway straighten it, and ease the broken jags from wounding me afresh.

And I thought a time, and the Maid with me; and afterward we gat that

stump upon which I had leant, and had this to be for an anvil; and we

found then smooth stones of different sizes, and these to be for

hammers; and we wrought all that day, with restings, upon the armour;

and surely, we beat it into a very good shape, from the inward, and the

broken parts we beat smooth, so that they should not wound, and in the

end to have mine armour fit to go upon me.

And I, by now, as you shall think, to be drest part in my garments; but

not all; for there did be yet some of the bandages upon my body, so that

for the main I did wear the cloak, that the bandages be easily come at.

And all that day did be utter happy, whilst that we workt; for we to be


And on the morrow, as we do say, which was the eleventh wakening upon

the island, the Maid and I to talk long and oft, whilst that we yet

worked upon the armour; and we to ponder the best way that we continue

to our journeying; for, indeed, I was not come to my strength; yet was I

very earnest that we go forward early; but in the same time, I did fear,

lest that we meet with aught of Danger, and I to be a-lack, because that

I was yet weak.

And presently, the Maid and I both to think upon the same thing; for she

to cry out concerning the raft, and I to have the same word in my mouth.

And, in verity, this to be a great thought; for then should we be able

alway to be free of the Humpt Men, and to have frequent rest when that

we be weary, and to sleep with an ease in the mind; and, indeed, I to

hope that the labour of oars should be something less than to go upon

the feet.

And surely, we talkt upon this a good while, and afterward we left the

armour, and went over to the raft, and so to learn whether we should

have power to make it something more stable, and that we have some way

that we should put a solid matter between our bodies and any monster

that should chance to swim under us.

And we went then together over all the little island; for I did search

for some bush that should have a long tendril in plenty, and supple, and

so to suit for binding. But, truly, there did be no such bush in all the

island; and this to put me in trouble, as you shall suppose; yet was

there a sufficient plenty of small and upright trees, that did seem very

good for any purpose of structure.

And when we had gone all about the island, and found naught that should

bind, the Maid to say with a pretty jesting that we should cut her hair,

and plait it to be for cords. And, surely, even as the words did come

from her, they to set me upon the thing that should supply our need; for

I stoopt sudden to the grass that did grow oft and plenty in this place

and that, and was so tall as my thigh, and to my head in the middle of

the dumpings where it did sprout. And lo! it was wondrous tough.

And the Maid to have likewise perceived the thought, almost at that

moment; but I to have been the first this time, and so to tease her; for

truly, we had grown that we did nigh alway to discover all things in the

same instant, as you mayhap to have seen. But I did surely be first this

time, and must kiss her, as we do kiss little ones, that they be eased

in their dismays and disappointments; and she to see how I did mock her,

and she to pretend to weep; and surely how could she even to pretend,

when that she did not be able to keep her pretty mouth from searching

with laughter unto mine; but must be kissed full and plenty in our

constant joyfulness.

And we cut then a good arm-load of the grasses, using the knife, and had

those to our camp; for we did be homely now unto that place, as you

shall think. And the Maid then to show me plaiting, and how that we

could work in the grass piece by piece, so that we should plait unto any

length that we to need.

And all that day we workt, and did be very happy together; but when that

we came to the time of our slumber, the Maid had done twice and thrice

so much as I; and surely she came over to me, and kist me very grave,

that I should be not to fret, even as I did kiss her with gentle mocking

concerning the thought about the grass; and so did she make level with

me, by this impudence and quaint sweetness.

And on the next day, which did be the twelfth, I took the Diskos, and on

that day I cut down six of the trees; and alway the Maid did bring her

plaiting, that she be near me; and when I had cut the six trees, she had

me to cease, lest that I risk to open any wound. And truly they to have

healed very wonderful.

And afterward, we to plait all that day, and did also finish the armour;

and did be content and utter happy.

And on the thirteenth day, I counted the tablets, and found that we yet

to have sufficient, if that we came unto the Mighty Pyramid within any

reasonable time. But I insist that I should eat no more now than did be

my usual way; and though Mine Own did beg and to coax me, and even to

try whether that a naughty and loving anger should do aught to shift me,

I not to alter from my deciding, which was based upon my reason and upon

my intention that Mine Own should never to go in hunger-danger, whilst

that there did be life in my body. And when that the Maid did show this

dear and pretty anger, I to take her into mine arms, and to tell her how

I did reverence and love her, and that she did be all beauty unto me,

and I but to love her the more, because that I did know the reason for

her dear shaping of anger unto me.

And she then to kiss me, and yet to beg again that she have her way in

this thing; but presently I did show her that my reasoning was sound in

this matter; though I said not that my strongest thought did be unto her

own needs. And she to have to agree with me in her brain, even whilst

that her heart did ache to feed me. And truly, I to love her but the

more, as you shall think.

And this way shall you ever to manage a dear and sensible woman that

doth both love you and hath reason in her; for the wise man and he that

hath an heart unto bigness, doth be never hasty to command. But, indeed,

I speak not now of the way that you shall go with a woman that hath the

love-foolishness upon her; for this to be a different matter, as you do

know; and a woman then to require a double wit and tenderness in the

governing; but also to need to be commanded, mayhap with sternness; yet

with the more love.

Now, when that we wakened on our fourteenth day upon the Island, we gat

to work, so soon as we had washt and eat and drunk, and Mine Own to see

how my scars did go.

And I cut seven more trees that day, which made thirteen in all; and

afterward I trimmed the trees very nice. And when this was done, I cut

twelve good sapling-trees, and two more very thin, that I did mean to be

for paddling the raft upon the water. And Mine Own Maid did sit near me

alway, and never to be ceased from her plaiting.

And whilst that the Maid did plait, and make gentle and happy talk with

me, I presently to sit beside her, and had her belt-knife to my need;

and therewith, when I had cut bark from a tree, I made a foot-long

cross-piece of wood which I did fasten with pegs and some lashing unto

the end of one of the paddle-shafts.

And I took then a piece of the bark, so big, mayhap, as would cover my

thigh, and shaped broad one end and thence to a point; and when I had

made holes in the piece of bark, I lasht the broad end to the

crosspiece, and the end that did be narrowed, I lasht secure to the

shaft, and likewise made holes down the length of the bark, and lasht it

also thereby to the shaft, and thiswise I had a pretty good paddle,

that did be about ten feet long in the clear shaft, and the head to be

somewise two feet more, mayhap.

And when this was done, I shaped the handle so small as might come into

the grasp of the Maid, and did jest her very loving and gentle that she

give me so great a work, because that she have her hands so little. And

truly, she presently to stop me of my mocking; for she put her pretty

hands upon my mouth, and I then to have to mumble and to laugh, and so

she to go forward again with the plaiting.

And when I had made the one paddle, I made also the other; but something

more rough and heavy, and suited unto my strength; and so did be very

well pleased; for they did be made more of my Reason than of memory; yet

had I used somewhat of the kind upon the quiet lakes which did be in the

Country of Silence.

And we then to join in the plaiting, and thus with happy talk and our

times of eating, until that we did be come again to our slumber.

And on the fifteenth day, when that we had gotten up and washt and eat

and drank, the Maid did look unto my bandages; and did consider that I

be healed very good, if but that I not to overstrain my body. And we

then to dance, half in play and half in victory, but gentle; and

afterward she to come with me that she give me aid that we get the trees

unto the water.

And in six hours, we rolled the trees down to the shore, and did begin

then that I lash the saplings across the trees, and thiswise to hold

them secure into a raft. And the midmost tree I put something more

forward than the next; and so, until that which did be the front was

shaped somewise like to the bow of a ship. And the saplings to hold the

trees thiswise, when that I had set the lashings about every sapling and

every tree, where the saplings did go across.

And all that day I worked pretty constant and steady, until that Mine

Own had me to cease awhile, lest that I bend overmuch, and so to put

strain upon my scars. And I to be reasonable; but yet to go forward

again with the work; only that I did rest now, this time and that; and

so did all to prosper.

And on the morrow, which did be the sixteenth day upon the island, I

made an end of lashing the saplings across the raft; and I set up also,

two rests for the paddles, so that we might row if we stood upon the

raft; and afterward, being ready, we gat together our gear, and set all

upon the raft.

And I put the pole that the Maid had used, also upon the raft, and

loosed the straps from that first raft, and had the straps for our

requirement, as heretofore. And mine armour we made safe on the raft;

but the Diskos I had to my hip, as ever; and so did we be ready to leave

that little island of refuge, where we had been so near to sorrow, but

yet had come utterly upon joy.

And surely, Mine Own did take me by the arm, and she to stand a little,

and to look with me unto that bed of soft herbage where she had laid me,

when that I did be so nigh unto death; and she then to kiss me very

sweet and loving and gentle, and all a-tremble with the tears and love

that did stir in her; and I to set mine arms about her in love; and so

we to turn and to put off then in the Raft. Copyright 2016 - 2025