But there was presently, such a power and horror of Monsters and Evil

Things in that Valley of Shadow, that the Road Makers were made to go

Backwards into the Red Light which did fill the Westward Valley, and

came from that low Sun.

And they went back unto their Cities; and lived there mayhaps an hundred

thousand years; and grew wise and cunning in all matters; and their Wise

People did make dealings and had experiment with those Forces which are

Distasteful and Harmful unto Life; but they did this in Ignorance; for

all that they had much wisdom; thinking only to Experiment, that they

come to greater knowings. But they did open a way for those Forces; and

much harm and Pity did come thereby. And then had all People to have

Regret; yet too late.

Now, presently, when an hundred thousand years had gone, or it may be a

greater space; there came slowly the utter twilight of the world, as the

sun to die the more; so that presently it gave but an utter gloomy

light. And there grew upon many of the Peoples of the Cities of the

Valley, a strangeness and a wildness; so that strange things were done,

that had been shameful to all in the Light. And there were wanderings,

and consortings with strange outward beings, and presently, many Cities

were attacked by monsters that did come from the West; and there was a


Then was an Age of Sorrows and Fightings, and Hardenings of the Spirit

and of the Heart, for all that were of good Fibre; and this did breed a

Determined Generation; and there grew up into the World a Leader; and he

took all the sound Millions; and did make a mighty Battle upon all

Foulness and upon all that did harm and trouble them; and they drove

their Enemies down the Valley, and up the Valley, and did utterly

scatter and put them to flight.

Then did that Man call all his Peoples together; and did make it plain

how that the Darkness grew upon the World, and that the Foul and

dreadful Powers abroad, were like to be more Horrid when a greater Gloom

came. And he put to them that they Build a Mighty Refuge; and the Peoples did

acclaim; and lo! there was built, presently, a Great House. But the

Great House was not Proper; and that Man did take all the Peoples to

Wander; and they came to the Bight; and there was built at last that

Great and Mighty Pyramid.

Now this is the sense and telling of that book; and but late had I read

it; and talked somewhat of it with my dear friend, the Master

Monstruwacan; but not overmuch; for I had taken so sudden a mind to GO,

that all else had dropped from about me. Yet, to us it did seem clear

that there was no life in all the invisible upper world; and that,

surely, that Great Road whereon the Silent Ones did walk, must be that

same Road which the hardy Peoples of that age did make.

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