And, surely, she loosed it even the more sudden, and with a little

gasping of astonishment, because it was so great and hard. And

afterward, she walked by me very silent, and seeming thoughtful; but she

went never any great way off from me.

And, truly, if the Lady Mirdath had a strange pleasure in my strength, I

had likewise a constant wonder and marvel in her beauty, that had shown

but the more lovely in the candle-light at dinner.

But there were further delights to me in the days that came; for I had

happiness in the way that she had pleasure of the Mystery of the

Evening, and the Glamour of Night, and the Joy of Dawn, and all


And one evening, that I ever remember, as we wandered in the park-lands,

she began to say--half unthinking--that it was truly an elves-night. And

she stopped herself immediately; as though she thought I should have no

understanding; but, indeed, I was upon mine own familiar ground of

inward delight; and I replied in a quiet and usual voice, that the

Towers of Sleep would grow that night, and I felt in my bones that it

was a night to find the Giant's Tomb, or the Tree with the Great Painted

Head, or--And surely I stopped very sudden; for she gripped me in that

moment, and her hand shook as she held me; but when I would ask her what

ailed, she bid me, very breathless, to say on, to say on. And, with a

half understanding, I told her that I had but meant to speak of the Moon

Garden, that was an olden and happy fancy of mine.

And, in verity, when I said that, the Lady Mirdath cried out something

in a strange low voice, and brought me to a halt, that she might face

me. And she questioned me very earnest; and I answered just so earnest

as she; for I was grown suddenly to an excitement, in that I perceived

she knew also. And, in verity, she told me that she had knowledge; but

had thought that she was alone in the world with her knowledge of that

strange land of her dreams; and now to find that I also had travelled in

those dear, strange dream lands. And truly the marvel of it--the marvel

of it!

As she to say time and oft. And again, as we walked, she gave out

word that there was little wonder she had been urged to call to me that

night, as she saw me pause upon the road; though, indeed, she had

learned of our cousin-ship before, having seen me go by on my horse

pretty oft, and inquired concerning me; and mayhap daintily irked that I

had so little heed of Lady Mirdath the Beautiful. But, indeed, I had

thought of other matters; yet had been human enough, had I but met her

proper before I see her. Copyright 2016 - 2025