And her voice came into my spirit, weak and far and faint, and so that

scarce I could make to hear the words. Yet, in a while I gathered that

all the peoples of the Lesser Redoubt were in very deadly trouble; for

that the Earth-Current had failed suddenly and mightily; and they had

called her from her sleep, that she might listen whether we answered

their callings by the Instrument; but, indeed, no calling had come to

us. And they who had been of late so joyful, were now grown old with sorrow

in but an hour or two; for they feared that the fresh coming of the

Earth-Current had been but the final flicker and outburst before the

end. And, even in this short while of our speech, did it seem to me that

the voice of Naani grew further off from me; and I felt like to have

broken my heart with the trouble of this thing.

And through all that remained of that sleep-time, did I converse with

Naani, as might two lovers who shall presently part forever. And when

the cities awoke, the news went throughout them, and all our millions

were in sorrow and trouble. And thus was it for, maybe, a little month; and in that time had the

voice of Naani grown so weak and far-off that even I that had the

Night-Hearing, could scarce make real its meaning. And every word was to

me a treasure and a touch upon my soul; and my grief and trouble before

this certain parting drove me that I could not eat, neither have rest;

and this did the Master Monstruwacan take upon him to chide and correct;

for that, if any were to help, how should it be done if I that had the

Night-Hearing, and heard even now that the recording Instruments were

dumb, came to ill-health.

And because of this, and such wisdom as was mine, I made to eat and

order my life that I might have my full powers. Yet was this beyond all

my strength; for, presently, I knew that the people of the Lesser

Pyramid were threatened by the monsters that beset them; and later I had

knowledge from faint, far words whispered in my brain, that there had

been a fight with an outside Force that had harmed many in their minds;

so that in madness they had opened the gate and had run from the Lesser

Pyramid, out into the darkness of the Lands about them; and there had

their physical bodies fallen to the monsters of those Lands; but of

their souls who may know? Copyright 2016 - 2025