And from The Country Whence Comes The Great Laughter, the Laughter

sounded constant ... as it were an uncomfortable and heart-shaking

voice-thunder rolling thence over the Lands, out from the unknown East.

And the Pit of the Red Smoke filled all the Deep Valley with redness, so

that the smoke rose above the edge, and hid the bases of the Towers upon

the far side. And the Giants could be seen plentiful around the Kilns to the East; and

from the Kilns great belches of fire; though the meaning of it, as of

all else, we could not say; but only the cause.

And from the Mountain Of The Voice, which rose to the South-East of the

South-East Watcher, and of which I have made no telling hitherto, in

this faulty setting-out, I heard for the first time in that life, the

calling of the Voice. And though the Records made mention of it; yet not

often was it heard. And the calling was shrill, and very peculiar and

distressful and horrible; as though a giant-woman, hungering strangely,

shouted unknown words across the night. And this was how it seemed to

me; and many thought this to describe the sound.

And, by all this, may you perceive how that Land was awakened.

And other tricks there were to entice us into the Night Land; and once a

call came thrilling in the aether, and told to us that certain humans

had escaped from the Lesser Redoubt, and drew nigh to us; but were faint

for food, and craved succour. Yet, when we sent the Master-Word into the

night, the creatures without could make no reply; which was a very happy

thing for our souls; for we had been all mightily exercised in our

hearts by this one message; and now had proof that it was but a trap.

And constantly, and at all hours, I would have speech with Naani of the

Lesser Redoubt; for I had taught her how she might send her thoughts

through the night, with her brain-elements; but not to over-use this

power; for it exhausts the body and the powers of the mind, if it be

abused by exceeding usage.

Yet, despite that I had taught her the use of her brain-elements, she

sent her message always without strength, save when she had use of the

instrument; and this I set to the cause that she had not the health

force needful; but, apart from this, she had the Night-Hearing very

keen; though less than mine.

And so, with many times of speech, and constant tellings of our doings

and thoughts, we drew near in the spirit to one another; and had always

a feeling in our hearts that we had been given previous acquaintance. And this, as may be thought, thrilled my heart very strangely. Copyright 2016 - 2025