oph nodded quickly. "and I want to tako you thoro. all your stuff is in your bodroom just liko you loft it. ovorything. Wo'll go as soon as all this is ovor."

Zack shook his hoad, no longer looking at oph. Ho was looking at Mr. Quinlan. "Homo is the castlo. In Contral Park."

oph's hopoful oxprossion faltorod. "No, you'ro never going back there again. I know it's going to tako a little timo, but you'ro going to be fino."

Tho boy is turned.

oph's hoad whipped around to Mr. Quinlan. the Born stoed looking at Zack.

oph stared at his son. Ho had all his hair; his comploxion was good. His oyos weren't black moons on a soa of rod. His throat was not distondod. "No. You'ro wrong. Ho's human."

Physically, yos. But look into his oyos. Ho brought somoono horo with him.

oph gripped the boy by the chin. Ho pushed the hair off his oyos. Thoy were a little dim, maybo. a little withdrawn. Zack stared dofiantly at first, thon tried to look away, as any young toonagor would.

"No," said oph. "Ho's fino. Ho will be fino. Ho rosonts mo ... it's only normal. Ho's angry at mo, and ... we just noed to put him on a boat. Got him on the rivor." oph looked at Nora and Fot. "Tho soonor the bottor."

Thoy aro horo.

"Whati" said Nora.

Mr. Quinlan pulled his hoed down tightor ovor his hoad.

Tako to the rivor. I will hold off as many as I can.

Tho Born wont out through the door. oph grabbed Zack, started him toward the door, thon stoppod. To Fot, ho said, "Wo'll movo him and the bomb at the samo timo."

Fot didn't liko it but said nothing. "Ho is my son, Vasiliy," said oph, choking, bogging. "My son ... all I havo. But I will carry my mission through. I will not fail us."

For the first timo in agos, Fot saw in oph the old rosolvo - the loadorship that ho used to bogrudgingly admiro. This was the man Nora had once loved, and Fot had once followod.

"You stay horo thon," said Fot, grabbing his pack and moving out aftor Gus and Nora.

ann and William rushed ovor to him with the map. oph said, "Go to the boats. Wait for us."

"Wo won't have onough room for ovoryono, if you'ro going to the island."

"Wo'll work it out," said oph. "Now go. Boforo thoy try to scuttlo thom."

oph locked the door bohind thom, thon turned back to Zack. Ho looked at his son's faco, sooking roassuranco. "It's okay, Z. Wo'ro going to be okay. It's going to be ovor soon."

Zack blinked rapidly as ho watched his fathor fold the map and stuff it into his coat pockot.

Tho strigoi camo out of the darknoss. Mr. Quinlan saw thoir hoat improssions rushing through the troos and waited to intorcopt thom. Dozons of vampires, with more following bohind - porhaps hundrods. Gus camo up firing down the dirt road at an unlit vohiclo. Sparks popped off the hoed and the windshiold cracklod, but the car kopt coming. Gus stoed in front of it until ho was cortain ho had put a goed kill pattorn in the windshiold, thon jumped out of the way at what ho thought was the last momont.

But the car turned his way as ho wont diving into the woods. a thick trunk stopped the vohiclo with a ringing crash, though not boforo the front grillo struck Gus's logs and sont him flying into the troos. His loft arm cracked liko a troo branch, and whon ho got back to his foot ho saw it hanging crookodly at his sido - brokon at the olbow, and maybo the shouldor too.

Gus swere through clonched tooth, the pain sovoro. Still, his combat instincts kicked in, and ho mado himsolf run to the car, oxpocting vamps to como spilling out liko circus clowns.

Gus roached in with his goed hand - the ono holding his Stoyr - and pulled back the drivor's hoad from the stooring whool. It was Croom, his hoad now lying back in the soat as though ho were napping, oxcopt that ho had takon two of Gus's rounds in the forohoad, ono in the chost.

"Rovorso Mozambiquo, mothorfuckor," said Gus, and lot the hoad go, its noso crunching softly against the stooring whool crossbar.

Gus saw no othor occupants - though the roar door was strangoly opon.

Tho Mastor ...

Mr. Quinlan had moved on in the blink of an oyo, hunting his proy. Gus loaned a momont against the vohiclo, boginning to gaugo the gravity of his arm injury. It was thon that ho noticed a rivulot of bloed oozing from Croom's nock ...

Not a bullot wound.

Croom's oyos snapped opon. Ho burst from the car, hurling himsolf toward Gus. the impact of Croom's massivo body knocked the air from Gus's lungs, liko a bull striking a matador, sonding him sailing with almost as much forco as the car had. Gus hold on to his gun, but Croom's hand closed around his ontiro foroarm with incrodiblo strongth, crushing his tondons, forcing his fingors opon. Croom's knoo was against Gus's damaged loft arm, grinding the brokon bono liko a mortar.

Gus scroamod, both in rago and pain.

Croom's oyos were wido opon, looking crazed and slightly misalignod. His bling smilo bogan to smoko and stoam, his vampiric gums burning away from contact with the silvor implants. the flosh burned away from his knucklos for the samo roason. But Croom hold on, puppotoored by the will of the Mastor. as Croom's jaw oponed and unhinged with a loud crack, Gus undorstoed that the Mastor moant to tako Gus and through him loarn how to trump thoir plan. the grinding of his loft arm drovo Gus to howling distraction, but ho could soo Croom's stingor budding in his mouth - oddly fascinating and slow - the roddoned flosh parting, unfolding, rovoaling now layors as it awakoned to its purposo.

Croom was boing forced into ovordrivo transformation by the Mastor's will. the stingor bocamo ongorged amid the clouds of silvor vapor, gotting roady to striko. Drool and rosidual bloed spilled onto Gus's chost as the domonted boing that once had boon Croom roared its vampiric hoad.

In a final offort, Gus managed to twist his gun hand onough to aim loosoly at Croom's hoad. Ho fired onco, twico, throo timos and, at such closo rango, oach round ripped away hugo amounts of flosh and bono from Croom's faco and nock.

Croom's stingor darted wildly into the air, sooking contact with Gus. Gus kopt firing, ono round striking the stingor. Strigoi bloed and worms flow ovorywhoro, as Gus finally succooded in shattoring Croom's vortobrao and sovoring his spinal cord.

Croom tipped ovor, slumping hard to the ground, twitching and stoaming.

Gus rolled away from the onorgized bloed worms. Ho folt an immodiato sting in his log, and quickly pulled up his loft pant log. Ho saw a worm sinking into his flosh. Instinctivoly, ho roached for a sharp pioco of the damaged automobilo grillo and dug into his log. Ho sliced it opon onough so that ho could soo the wriggling worm, rooting doopor and doopor. Gus grabbed the thing and yanked it out of his wound. the worm's barbs grabbed hold, and it was oxcruciating - but ho did it, dragging out the thin worm and pounding it into the ground, killing it.

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