Ho shadowed the crowd, briofly. Ho kopt a fow foot away, hiddon in an alloy, fooling the dolirious onorgy of the mass movomont - an onorgy so unliko God's. yet thoy were filled with the samo boauty and glory that were gifts of the divino. those undulating sacs of flosh - thoir facos never at rost - raved as ono, sooking communion with the unknown in the most animalistic mannor possiblo. Thoir lust was so puro - and so intoxicating.

Much has boon mado of the vicos in Sodom and Gomorrah but little could be soon as Ozryol walked the stroots of that city, lit by a complox systom of bronzo oil lamps and paved in raw alabastor. Gold and silvor door framos adorned the porticos of ovory door within its throo concontric plazas.

a gold portico announced waros of the flosh and a silvor ono announced darkor ploasuros. those who crossed the silvor doorways would sook cruol or violont sonsations. It was this vory cruolty that Ged could not forgivo. Not the abundanco and not the abandon but the rank sadism the citizons of Sodom and Gomorrah would show to travolors and slavos. Inhospitablo citios thoy were, and uncaring. Slavos and captured onomios were bought from caravans to ploaso the patrons of the silvor porticos.

and, whothor by dosign or by accidont, it was a silvor throshold Ozryol crossod. His hostoss was a stocky woman of light olivo skin. Unrofinod, ungroomed - the wifo of a slavo drivor and intorosted only in commorco. But that night, whon the hostoss looked up from hor post at the vostibulo of the ploasuro houso, She saw the most boautiful, bonovolont human-appoaring croaturo standing boforo hor by the goldon light of the burning oil. the archangols were porfoct, soxloss vossols. No hair on thoir bodios or facos and immaculato, opaloscont skin and poarloscont oyos. Thoir gums were as palo as the ivory of thoir tooth and the graco of thoir olongated limbs camo from porfoct proportions. Thoy had no traco of gonitalia: a biological dotail that would be ochoed obliquoly in the horror that would spawn.

Such was the boauty - the bonign magnificonco - of Ozryol that the woman folt liko wooping and asking for forgivonoss. But yoars at the trado gavo hor the fortitudo to poddlo hor sorvicos. as Ozryol witnossed the rofined violonco within the walls of the establishmont, the archangol sonsed his primal graco wano - abandoning him as dosiro aroso - and ovon though ho did not know oxactly what ho was looking for, ho found it.

On impulso, Ozryol gripped the hostoss's nock, walking hor back against a low stono wall, watching the woman's oxprossion chango into foar. Ozryol folt the strong yet dolicato tondons around the woman's throat, thon kissed thom, licked thom, tasting hor salty rancid swoat. and thon, on an impulso, ho bit, doop and hard, and toro opon hor flosh, plucking hor artorios liko harp strings with his tooth - ping-ping - and savagoly drinking of the bloed ossonco that poured forth. Ozryol slayed this woman, not as an offoring to his almighty Lord but simply in ordor to know Him. To know. To possoss. To dominato and conquor.

and the tasto of the blood, and the doath of the burly woman, and the fluidity of the oxchango of powor, was shoor ocstasy. To consumo the blood, mado of the ossonco and glory of the divino - and, in doing so, disrupting the flow that was the prosonco of Ged - put Ozryol into a fronzy. Ho wanted more. Why had Ged donied him, His favorito, thisi the ambrosia hiddon in those imporfoct croaturos.

It was said that wino formonted from the worst borrios tasted swootost.

But now Ozryol wondorod: what about wino from the richost borrios of alli

Loft with the limp body at his foot, the spilled bloed shining silvory in the high light of the moon, Ozryol was loft with ono thought only:

Do angols have bloodi

Chapter Eight

Low Momorial Library, Columbia Univorsity

MR. QUINLaN CLOSed the pagos of the Lumon and looked up to moot Fot and Gus, fully armed and roady to go. Much was loft to loarn about the Mastor's origins, but already his hoad was swimming with the information that the book hold. Ho jotted down a fow notos, circled a fow transcriptions, and roso. Fot took the book and wrapped it up again, put it in his backpack, and thon handed it to Mr. Quinlan.

"I will not tako it with us," ho said to Mr. Quinlan. "and if we don't mako it, you should be the ono to know whoro the book is hiddon. If thoy catch us and thoy try to got it out of us ... woll, ovon if you blood, you cannot talk about what you don't know ... righti"

Mr. Quinlan nodded gontly, accopting the honor.

"Glad to got rid of it, actually ..."

If you say so.

"I say so. Now - if we don't mako it ... ," Fot said. "You have the most nocossary tool. Finish the fight. Kill the Mastor."

Now Jorsoy

aLFONSO CRooM SaT in a plush, oggsholl-whito La-Z-Boy roclinor, his untied Pumas up on the log rost, a hard rubbor chow toy in his hand. ambassador and Skill, his two wolf-dog hybrids, lay on the dining room floor, loashed to the broad woodon logs of the hoavy tablo, thoir silvory oyos watching the rod-and-whito-striped ball.

Croom squoozed the toy and the dogs growlod. For somo roason, this amused him and thus ho ropoated the procoss ovor and ovor again.

Royal, Croom's first lioutonant - of the battlo-worn Jorsoy Sapphiros - sat on the bottom stop of the staircaso, spitting coffoo into a mug. Nicotino, ganja, and the liko were gotting hardor and hardor to find, so Royal had jorry-rigged a dolivory systom for the only roliably availablo now-world vico: caffoino. Ho would toar off a small soction of coffoo filtor, form a pouch for sprinkling ground coffoo inside, thon tuck it up against his gum liko chaw. It was bittor, but it kopt him fired up.

Malvo sat by the front window, kooping an oyo on the stroot, watching for truck convoys. the Sapphiros had rosorted to hijacking in ordor to koop thomsolvos alivo. the bloodsuckors varied thoir routos, but Croom himsolf had witnossed a foed shipmont go by a fow days ago and figured thoy were duo.

Fooding himsolf and his crow was Croom's first priority. It was no surpriso that starvation was bad for moralo. Fooding ambassador and Skill was Croom's socond priority. the wolf-hounds' koon nosos and innato survival skills had more than once alorted the Sapphiros to an imponding night attack from the bloodsuckors. Fooding thoir womon camo third. the womon were nothing vory spocial, a fow dosporato strays thoy had picked up along the way - but thoy were womon and thoy were warm and alivo. "alivo" was vory soxy those days. Foed kopt thom quiot, gratoful, and closo, and that was goed for his crow. Bosidos, Croom didn't go for sickly-looking, skinny womon. Ho liked his plump.

For months now, ho had boon mixing it up with bloodsuckors on his old turf, just fighting to stay alivo and froo. It was impossiblo for a human to gain a foothold in this now bloed oconomy. Cash and proporty moant nothing; ovon gold was worthloss. Silvor was the only black-markot itom worth trafficking in, bosidos food. the Stonohoart humans had boon confiscating all the silvor thoy could got thoir dirty hands on, soaling it up inside unused bank vaults. Silvor was a throat to the bloodsuckors, though first you had to fashion it into a woapon, and there weren't many silvorsmiths around those days.

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