Ludovico smiled, and Emily also, who enquired what was the motive of

these men for carrying him off.

'I soon found out, madam,' resumed Ludovico, 'that they were pirates,

who had, during many years, secreted their spoil in the vaults of the

castle, which, being so near the sea, suited their purpose well. To

prevent detection they had tried to have it believed, that the chateau

was haunted, and, having discovered the private way to the north

apartments, which had been shut up ever since the death of the lady

marchioness, they easily succeeded. The housekeeper and her husband, who

were the only persons, that had inhabited the castle, for some years,

were so terrified by the strange noises they heard in the nights, that

they would live there no longer; a report soon went abroad, that it

was haunted, and the whole country believed this the more readily, I

suppose, because it had been said, that the lady marchioness had died

in a strange way, and because my lord never would return to the place


'But why,' said Emily, 'were not these pirates contented with the

cave--why did they think it necessary to deposit their spoil in the


'The cave, madam,' replied Ludovico, 'was open to any body, and their

treasures would not long have remained undiscovered there, but in the

vaults they were secure so long as the report prevailed of their being

haunted. Thus then, it appears, that they brought at midnight, the

spoil they took on the seas, and kept it till they had opportunities of

disposing of it to advantage. The pirates were connected with Spanish

smugglers and banditti, who live among the wilds of the Pyrenees, and

carry on various kinds of traffic, such as nobody would think of; and

with this desperate horde of banditti I remained, till my lord arrived.

I shall never forget what I felt, when I first discovered him--I almost

gave him up for lost! but I knew, that, if I shewed myself, the banditti

would discover who he was, and probably murder us all, to prevent their

secret in the chateau being detected. I, therefore, kept out of my

lord's sight, but had a strict watch upon the ruffians, and determined,

if they offered him or his family violence, to discover myself, and

fight for our lives. Soon after, I overheard some of them laying a most

diabolical plan for the murder and plunder of the whole party, when I

contrived to speak to some of my lord's attendants, telling them what

was going forward, and we consulted what was best to be done; meanwhile

my lord, alarmed at the absence of the Lady Blanche, demanded her, and

the ruffians having given some unsatisfactory answer, my lord and Mons.

St. Foix became furious, so then we thought it a good time to discover

the plot, and rushing into the chamber, I called out, "Treachery! my

lord count, defend yourself!" His lordship and the chevalier drew their

swords directly, and a hard battle we had, but we conquered at last, as,

madam, you are already informed of by my Lord Count.' Copyright 2016 - 2024