But, these endeavours were ineffectual, and a thousand

inconsistent emotions assailed her, whenever she fancied that Valancourt

might be near her; now, she dreaded it to be true, and now she feared it

to be false; and, while she constantly tried to persuade herself, that

she wished the person, whom she had seen, might not be Valancourt, her

heart as constantly contradicted her reason.

The following day was occupied by the visits of several neighbouring

families, formerly intimate with Madame Montoni, who came to condole

with Emily on her death, to congratulate her upon the acquisition of

these estates, and to enquire about Montoni, and concerning the strange

reports they had heard of her own situation; all which was done with the

utmost decorum, and the visitors departed with as much composure as they

had arrived. Emily was wearied by these formalities, and disgusted by the subservient

manners of many persons, who had thought her scarcely worthy of common

attention, while she was believed to be a dependant on Madame Montoni.

'Surely,' said she, 'there is some magic in wealth, which can thus make

persons pay their court to it, when it does not even benefit themselves.

How strange it is, that a fool or a knave, with riches, should be

treated with more respect by the world, than a good man, or a wise man

in poverty!' It was evening, before she was left alone, and she then wished to have

refreshed her spirits in the free air of her garden; but she feared to

go thither, lest she should meet again the person, whom she had seen on

the preceding night, and he should prove to be Valancourt. The suspense

and anxiety she suffered, on this subject, she found all her efforts

unable to controul, and her secret wish to see Valancourt once more,

though unseen by him, powerfully prompted her to go, but prudence and

a delicate pride restrained her, and she determined to avoid the

possibility of throwing herself in his way, by forbearing to visit the

gardens, for several days.

When, after near a week, she again ventured thither, she made Annette

her companion, and confined her walk to the lower grounds, but often

started as the leaves rustled in the breeze, imagining, that some person

was among the thickets; and, at the turn of every alley, she looked

forward with apprehensive expectation. She pursued her walk thoughtfully

and silently, for her agitation would not suffer her to converse with

Annette, to whom, however, thought and silence were so intolerable, that

she did not scruple at length to talk to her mistress.

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