while by breezy murmurs cool'd,

Broad o'er THEIR heads the verdant cedars wave,

And high palmetos lift their graceful shade.

-----THEY draw

Ethereal soul, there drink reviving gales

Profusely breathing from the piney groves,

And vales of fragrance; there at a distance hear

The roaring floods, and cataracts.*


St. Aubert was revived by rest, and by the serene air of this summit;

and Valancourt was so charmed with all around, and with the conversation

of his companions, that he seemed to have forgotten he had any further

to go. Having concluded their simple repast, they gave a long farewell

look to the scene, and again began to ascend. St. Aubert rejoiced when

he reached the carriage, which Emily entered with him; but Valancourt,

willing to take a more extensive view of the enchanting country, into

which they were about to descend, than he could do from a carriage,

loosened his dogs, and once more bounded with them along the banks of

the road. He often quitted it for points that promised a wider prospect,

and the slow pace, at which the mules travelled, allowed him to overtake

them with ease. Whenever a scene of uncommon magnificence appeared, he

hastened to inform St. Aubert, who, though he was too much tired to

walk himself, sometimes made the chaise wait, while Emily went to the

neighbouring cliff.

It was evening when they descended the lower alps, that bind Rousillon,

and form a majestic barrier round that charming country, leaving it open

only on the east to the Mediterranean. The gay tints of cultivation once

more beautified the landscape; for the lowlands were coloured with the

richest hues, which a luxuriant climate, and an industrious people can

awaken into life. Groves of orange and lemon perfumed the air, their

ripe fruit glowing among the foliage; while, sloping to the plains,

extensive vineyards spread their treasures. Beyond these, woods and

pastures, and mingled towns and hamlets stretched towards the sea, on

whose bright surface gleamed many a distant sail; while, over the whole

scene, was diffused the purple glow of evening. This landscape with the

surrounding alps did, indeed, present a perfect picture of the lovely

and the sublime, of 'beauty sleeping in the lap of horror.'

The travellers, having reached the plains, proceeded, between hedges

of flowering myrtle and pomegranate, to the town of Arles, where

they proposed to rest for the night. They met with simple, but neat

accommodation, and would have passed a happy evening, after the toils

and the delights of this day, had not the approaching separation thrown

a gloom over their spirit. It was St. Aubert's plan to proceed, on the

morrow, to the borders of the Mediterranean, and travel along its shores

into Languedoc; and Valancourt, since he was now nearly recovered, and

had no longer a pretence for continuing with his new friends, resolved

to leave them here.

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