'No, you may not intend it now,' said Blanche; 'but you do not know to

what the nuns may persuade you to consent: I know how kind they will

appear, and how happy, for I have seen too much of their art.'

When they returned to the chateau, Lady Blanche conducted Emily to

her favourite turret, and from thence they rambled through the ancient

chambers, which Blanche had visited before. Emily was amused by

observing the structure of these apartments, and the fashion of their

old but still magnificent furniture, and by comparing them with those

of the castle of Udolpho, which were yet more antique and grotesque.

She was also interested by Dorothee the house-keeper, who attended them,

whose appearance was almost as antique as the objects around her, and

who seemed no less interested by Emily, on whom she frequently gazed

with so much deep attention, as scarcely to hear what was said to her.

While Emily looked from one of the casements, she perceived, with

surprise, some objects, that were familiar to her memory;--the fields

and woods, with the gleaming brook, which she had passed with La Voisin,

one evening, soon after the death of Monsieur St. Aubert, in her way

from the monastery to her cottage; and she now knew this to be the

chateau, which he had then avoided, and concerning which he had dropped

some remarkable hints.

Shocked by this discovery, yet scarcely knowing why, she mused for

some time in silence, and remembered the emotion, which her father

had betrayed on finding himself so near this mansion, and some other

circumstances of his conduct, that now greatly interested her. The

music, too, which she had formerly heard, and, respecting which La

Voisin had given such an odd account, occurred to her, and, desirous of

knowing more concerning it, she asked Dorothee whether it returned at

midnight, as usual, and whether the musician had yet been discovered.

'Yes, ma'amselle,' replied Dorothee, 'that music is still heard, but

the musician has never been found out, nor ever will, I believe; though

there are some people, who can guess.' 'Indeed!' said Emily, 'then why do they not pursue the enquiry?' 'Ah, young lady! enquiry enough has been made--but who can pursue a

spirit?' Emily smiled, and, remembering how lately she had suffered herself to be

led away by superstition, determined now to resist its contagion; yet,

in spite of her efforts, she felt awe mingle with her curiosity, on

this subject; and Blanche, who had hitherto listened in silence, now

enquired what this music was, and how long it had been heard.

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