Oh! the joy

Of young ideas, painted on the mind

In the warm glowing colours fancy spreads

On objects not yet known, when all is new,

And all is lovely!


We now return to Languedoc and to the mention of Count De Villefort, the

nobleman, who succeeded to an estate of the Marquis De Villeroi situated

near the monastery of St. Claire. It may be recollected, that this

chateau was uninhabited, when St. Aubert and his daughter were in the

neighbourhood, and that the former was much affected on discovering

himself to be so near Chateau-le-Blanc, a place, concerning which the

good old La Voisin afterwards dropped some hints, that had alarmed

Emily's curiosity.

It was in the year 1584, the beginning of that, in which St. Aubert

died, that Francis Beauveau, Count De Villefort, came into possession

of the mansion and extensive domain called Chateau-le-Blanc, situated

in the province of Languedoc, on the shore of the Mediterranean. This

estate, which, during some centuries, had belonged to his family,

now descended to him, on the decease of his relative, the Marquis De

Villeroi, who had been latterly a man of reserved manners and austere

character; circumstances, which, together with the duties of his

profession, that often called him into the field, had prevented any

degree of intimacy with his cousin, the Count De Villefort.

For many years, they had known little of each other, and the Count received the

first intelligence of his death, which happened in a distant part of

France, together with the instruments, that gave him possession of the

domain Chateau-le-Blanc; but it was not till the following year, that

he determined to visit that estate, when he designed to pass the autumn


The scenes of Chateau-le-Blanc often came to his remembrance,

heightened by the touches, which a warm imagination gives to the

recollection of early pleasures; for, many years before, in the

life-time of the Marchioness, and at that age when the mind is

particularly sensible to impressions of gaiety and delight, he had once

visited this spot, and, though he had passed a long intervening period

amidst the vexations and tumults of public affairs, which too frequently

corrode the heart, and vitiate the taste, the shades of Languedoc and

the grandeur of its distant scenery had never been remembered by him

with indifference.

During many years, the chateau had been abandoned by the late Marquis,

and, being inhabited only by an old steward and his wife, had been

suffered to fall much into decay. To superintend the repairs, that would

be requisite to make it a comfortable residence, had been a principal

motive with the Count for passing the autumnal months in Languedoc; and

neither the remonstrances, or the tears of the Countess, for, on

urgent occasions, she could weep, were powerful enough to overcome his


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