She immediately followed him, accompanied by Mons. Du Pont, down the

stair-case, and along a vaulted passage, when suddenly she recollected

Annette, and enquired for her. 'She awaits us further on, Signora,' said

Ludovico, almost breathless with haste; 'the gates were open, a moment

since, to a party just come in from the mountains: they will be shut,

I fear, before we can reach them! Through this door, Signora,' added

Ludovico, holding down the lamp, 'take care, here are two steps.'

Emily followed, trembling still more, than before she had understood,

that her escape from the castle, depended upon the present moment; while

Du Pont supported her, and endeavoured, as they passed along, to cheer

her spirits. 'Speak low, Signor,' said Ludovico, 'these passages send echoes all

round the castle.' 'Take care of the light,' cried Emily, 'you go so fast, that the air

will extinguish it.' Ludovico now opened another door, where they found Annette, and the

party then descended a short flight of steps into a passage, which,

Ludovico said, led round the inner court of the castle, and opened into

the outer one.

As they advanced, confused and tumultuous sounds, that

seemed to come from the inner court, alarmed Emily. 'Nay, Signora,' said

Ludovico, 'our only hope is in that tumult; while the Signor's people

are busied about the men, who are just arrived, we may, perhaps, pass

unnoticed through the gates. But hush!' he added, as they approached the

small door, that opened into the outer court, 'if you will remain here a

moment, I will go to see whether the gates are open, and any body is

in the way. Pray extinguish the light, Signor, if you hear me talking,'

continued Ludovico, delivering the lamp to Du Pont, 'and remain quite

still.' Saying this, he stepped out upon the court, and they closed the door,

listening anxiously to his departing steps. No voice, however, was heard

in the court, which he was crossing, though a confusion of many voices

yet issued from the inner one. 'We shall soon be beyond the walls,' said

Du Pont softly to Emily, 'support yourself a little longer, Madam, and

all will be well.'

But soon they heard Ludovico speaking loud, and the voice also of some

other person, and Du Pont immediately extinguished the lamp. 'Ah! it

is too late!' exclaimed Emily, 'what is to become of us?' They listened

again, and then perceived, that Ludovico was talking with a sentinel,

whose voices were heard also by Emily's favourite dog, that had followed

her from the chamber, and now barked loudly. 'This dog will betray us!'

said Du Pont, 'I will hold him.' 'I fear he has already betrayed us!'

replied Emily. Du Pont, however, caught him up, and, again listening

to what was going on without, they heard Ludovico say, 'I'll watch the

gates the while.' Copyright 2016 - 2024