'Where is she? Signor,' said he, in a voice of

impatience: 'tell us where she is.' 'I have already told you that I

do not know,' replied Montoni, who seemed to be somewhat overcome with

wine; 'but she is most probably gone to her apartment.' Verezzi

and Bertolini now desisted from their enquiries, and sprang to the

stair-case together, while Emily, who, during this discourse, had

trembled so excessively, that she had with difficulty supported herself,

seemed inspired with new strength, the moment she heard the sound

of their steps, and ran along the gallery, dark as it was, with the

fleetness of a fawn. But, long before she reached its extremity, the

light, which Verezzi carried, flashed upon the walls; both appeared,

and, instantly perceiving Emily, pursued her. At this moment, Bertolini,

whose steps, though swift, were not steady, and whose impatience

overcame wh

at little caution he had hitherto used, stumbled, and fell

at his length. The lamp fell with him, and was presently expiring on the

floor; but Verezzi, regardless of saving it, seized the advantage this

accident gave him over his rival, and followed Emily, to whom, however,

the light had shown one of the passages that branched from the gallery,

and she instantly turned into it. Verezzi could just discern the way she

had taken, and this he pursued; but the sound of her steps soon sunk

in distance, while he, less acquainted with the passage, was obliged

to proceed through the dark, with caution, lest he should fall down

a flight of steps, such as in this extensive old castle frequently

terminated an avenue.

This passage at length brought Emily to the

corridor, into which her own chamber opened, and, not hearing any

footstep, she paused to take breath, and consider what was the safest

design to be adopted. She had followed this passage, merely because it

was the first that appeared, and now that she had reached the end of it,

was as perplexed as before. Whither to go, or how further to find her

way in the dark, she knew not; she was aware only that she must not seek

her apartment, for there she would certainly be sought, and her danger

increased every instant, while she remained near it. Her spirits and her

breath, however, were so much exhausted, that she was compelled to rest,

for a few minutes, at the end of the passage, and still she heard no

steps approaching.

As thus she stood, light glimmered under an opposite

door of the gallery, and, from its situation, she knew, that it was

the door of that mysterious chamber, where she had made a discovery so

shocking, that she never remembered it but with the utmost horror. That

there should be light in this chamber, and at this hour, excited her

strong surprise, and she felt a momentary terror concerning it, which

did not permit her to look again, for her spirits were now in such a

state of weakness, that she almost expected to see the door slowly open,

and some horrible object appear at it. Still she listened for a

step along the passage, and looked up it, where, not a ray of light

appearing, she concluded, that Verezzi had gone back for the lamp; and,

believing that he would shortly be there, she again considered which way

she should go, or rather which way she could find in the dark.

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