Afterwards, she was inclined to believe, that Count Morano had obtained

admittance into the castle; but she soon recollected the difficulties

and dangers, that must have opposed such an enterprise, and that, if he

had so far succeeded, to come alone and in silence to her casement at

midnight was not the conduct he would have adopted, particularly since

the private stair-case, communicating with her apartment, was known to

him; neither would he have uttered the dismal sounds she had heard.

Another suggestion represented, that this might be some person, who had

designs upon the castle; but the mournful sounds destroyed, also, that

probability. Thus, enquiry only perplexed her. Who, or what, it could be

that haunted this lonely hour, complaining in such doleful accents and

in such sweet music (for she was still inclined to believe, that the

former strains and the late appearance were connected,) she had no means

of ascertaining; and imagination again assumed her empire, and roused

the mysteries of superstition.

She determined, however, to watch on the following night, when her

doubts might, perhaps, be cleared up; and she almost resolved to address

the figure, if it should appear again. Copyright 2016 - 2024