'I perceive you are not one of its inhabitants, sir,' said St. Aubert.

'No, sir, I am only a wanderer here.'

The carriage drove on, and the increasing dusk made the travellers very

thankful that they had a guide; the frequent glens, too, that now opened

among the mountains, would likewise have added to their perplexity.

Emily, as she looked up one of these, saw something at a great distance

like a bright cloud in the air.

'What light is yonder, sir?' said she.

St. Aubert looked, and perceived that it was the snowy summit of a

mountain, so much higher than any around it, that it still reflected the

sun's rays, while those below lay in deep shade.

At length, the village lights were seen to twinkle through the dusk,

and, soon after, some cottages were discovered in the valley, or rather

were seen by reflection in the stream, on whose margin they stood, and

which still gleamed with the evening light.

The stranger now came up, and St. Aubert, on further enquiry, found not

only that there was no inn in the place, but not any sort of house of

public reception. The stranger, however, offered to walk on, and enquire

for a cottage to accommodate them; for which further civility St. Aubert

returned his thanks, and said, that, as the village was so near, he

would alight, and walk with him. Emily followed slowly in the carriage.

On the way, St. Aubert asked his companion what success he had had

in the chase. 'Not much, sir,' he replied, 'nor do I aim at it. I am

pleased with the country, and mean to saunter away a few weeks among

its scenes. My dogs I take with me more for companionship than for game.

This dress, too, gives me an ostensible business, and procures me that

respect from the people, which would, perhaps, be refused to a lonely

stranger, who had no visible motive for coming among them.'

'I admire your taste,' said St. Aubert, 'and, if I was a younger man,

should like to pass a few weeks in your way exceedingly. I, too, am a

wanderer, but neither my plan nor pursuits are exactly like yours--I go

in search of health, as much as of amusement.' St. Aubert sighed, and

paused; and then, seeming to recollect himself, he resumed: 'If I can

hear of a tolerable road, that shall afford decent accommodation, it

is my intention to pass into Rousillon, and along the sea-shore to

Languedoc. You, sir, seem to be acquainted with the country, and can,

perhaps, give me information on the subject.'

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