Montoni being now certain that these were the bands of the victorious

Utaldo, leaned from the carriage window, and hailed their general

by waving his cap in the air; which compliment the chief returned by

raising his spear, and then letting it down again suddenly, while some

of his officers, who were riding at a distance from the troops, came up

to the carriage, and saluted Montoni as an old acquaintance. The captain

himself soon after arriving, his bands halted while he conversed with

Montoni, whom he appeared much rejoiced to see; and from what he said,

Emily understood that this was a victorious army, returning into their

own principality; while the numerous waggons, that accompanied them,

contained the rich spoils of the enemy, their own wounded soldiers, and

the prisoners they had taken in battle, who were to be ransomed when

the peace, then negociating between the neighbouring states, should be


The chiefs on the following day were to separate, and each,

taking his share of the spoil, was to return with his own band to his

castle. This was therefore to be an evening of uncommon and general

festivity, in commemoration of the victory they had accomplished

together, and of the farewell which the commanders were about to take of

each other. Emily, as these officers conversed with Montoni, observed with

admiration, tinctured with awe, their high martial air, mingled with

the haughtiness of the nobless of those days, and heightened by the

gallantry of their dress, by the plumes towering on their caps, the

armorial coat, Persian sash, and ancient Spanish cloak. Utaldo, telling

Montoni that his army were going to encamp for the night near a village

at only a few miles distance, invited him to turn back and partake

of their festivity, assuring the ladies also, that they should be

pleasantly accommodated; but Montoni excused himself, adding, that

it was his design to reach Verona that evening; and, after some

conversation concerning the state of the country towards that city, they


The travellers proceeded without any interruption; but it was some hours

after sun-set before they arrived at Verona, whose beautiful environs

were therefore not seen by Emily till the following morning; when,

leaving that pleasant town at an early hour, they set off for Padua,

where they embarked on the Brenta for Venice. Here the scene was

entirely changed; no vestiges of war, such as had deformed the plains of

the Milanese, appeared; on the contrary, all was peace and elegance. The

verdant banks of the Brenta exhibited a continued landscape of beauty,

gaiety, and splendour. Emily gazed with admiration on the villas of the

Venetian noblesse, with their cool porticos and colonnades, overhung

with poplars and cypresses of majestic height and lively verdure; on

their rich orangeries, whose blossoms perfumed the air, and on the

luxuriant willows, that dipped their light leaves in the wave, and

sheltered from the sun the gay parties whose music came at intervals on

the breeze. The Carnival did, indeed, appear to extend from Venice along

the whole line of these enchanting shores; the river was gay with boats

passing to that city, exhibiting the fantastic diversity of a masquerade

in the dresses of the people within them; and, towards evening, groups

of dancers frequently were seen beneath the trees. Copyright 2016 - 2024