Within a few days, Madame Montoni, as she had promised, gave a

magnificent entertainment to a very numerous company, among whom was

Valancourt; but at which Madame Clairval excused herself from attending.

There was a concert, ball and supper. Valancourt was, of course, Emily's

partner, and though, when he gave a look to the decorations of the

apartments, he could not but remember, that they were designed for

other festivities, than those they now contributed to celebrate, he

endeavoured to check his concern by considering, that a little

while only would elapse before they would be given to their original

destination. During this evening, Madame Montoni danced, laughed

and talked incessantly; while Montoni, silent, reserved and somewhat

haughty, seemed weary of the parade, and of the frivolous company it had

drawn together.

This was the first and the last entertainment, given in celebration

of their nuptials. Montoni, though the severity of his temper and the

gloominess of his pride prevented him from enjoying such festivities,

was extremely willing to promote them. It was seldom, that he could meet

in any company a man of more address, and still seldomer one of more

understanding, than himself; the balance of advantage in such parties,

or in the connections, which might arise from them, must, therefore, be

on his side; and, knowing, as he did, the selfish purposes, for which

they are generally frequented, he had no objection to measure his

talents of dissimulation with those of any other competitor for

distinction and plunder. But his wife, who, when her own interest was

immediately concerned, had sometimes more discernment than vanity,

acquired a consciousness of her inferiority to other women, in personal

attractions, which, uniting with the jealousy natural to the discovery,

counteracted his readiness for mingling with all the parties Tholouse

could afford. Till she had, as she supposed, the affections of an

husband to lose, she had no motive for discovering the unwelcome truth,

and it had never obtruded itself upon her; but, now that it influenced

her policy, she opposed her husband's inclination for company, with the

more eagerness, because she believed him to be really as well received

in the female society of the place, as, during his addresses to her, he

had affected to be.

A few weeks only had elapsed, since the marriage, when Madame Montoni

informed Emily, that the Signor intended to return to Italy, as soon as

the necessary preparation could be made for so long a journey. 'We shall

go to Venice,' said she, 'where the Signor has a fine mansion, and from

thence to his estate in Tuscany. Why do you look so grave, child?--You,

who are so fond of a romantic country and fine views, will doubtless be

delighted with this journey.'

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