“More alcohol?”

“Better. Let’s go. She should be naked by now.” The Mistress clapped her hands together and rubbed them with maniacal glee in the hopes of getting a laugh out of Robert. He did laugh but he didn’t sound like he meant it.

The Mistress put her hands on his face and forced him to meet her eyes.

“Trust me, Robert. I know what I’m doing. Say that you trust me.”

“I trust you, Mistress.”

“Good. Now let’s go beat and fuck your wife.”

The Mistress took Robert by the shoulders and spun him toward the bedroom door. When he touched the knob The Mistress spoke one last word of warning to him.

“Don’t be afraid. And if you are, don’t act like it. Got me?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Let’s do it.”

Robert opened the door and inhaled sharply when he saw Cara kneeling naked at the edge of the bed. She was a sight to behold with her dark red hair coming just to the top of her long elegant naked neck. Impossible to believe the woman had carried a child once. She had smooth creamy skin, a taut body and full, high breasts, and only her softly rounded stomach betrayed her age and experience.

“My God...” Robert whispered at the doorway, whispered so quietly only The Mistress could hear. “That’s my wife.”

“Your wife and your property. Go claim her.”

Nodding, Robert headed toward the bed with eager footsteps. He started to reach out for Cara’s hand that rested on top of her thigh.

“Is that the part of her you really want to touch?” The Mistress asked softly as she stood at his side.

“I always—”

“I know. You always touch her hand before you touch any other part of her. She’s your property. You own her whole body and can use it any way you want. You don’t have to pussyfoot around your own property. Touch her how you want to touch her, not how you think you should touch her.”

Robert pulled his hand back. The Mistress watched. She knew this was the crucial moment, the moment when Robert would either reclaim his bedroom dominance or remain a scared, vanilla husband.

“You own her,” The Mistress reminded him. Cara stayed still with her eyes closed. She seemed to be holding her breath.

“Yes,” he said and gripped his wife by the back of the neck. “Yes, I do.”

The Mistress would have applauded but she was too busy enjoying the show.

Cara gasped as Robert brought his mouth down hard onto her shoulder and bit into the soft skin. He stood behind her and cupped both breasts in his hands. Soft murmurs of pleasure escaped Cara’s lips. The Mistress bent and opened her toy bag. She pulled out one special item and held it out in front of Cara’s face.

“What is that?” Robert asked, eyeing the object.

“Blindfold. Use it.”


“I told you to trust me.” The Mistress gave him her steadiest, most commanding stare. Robert took the black silk blindfold and wrapped it around Cara’s eyes and tied it at the back of her head. Cara smiled with silent understanding. “Now you’re wife isn’t blind anymore. She’s just blindfolded.”

Robert looked at The Mistress for a long quiet moment. He mouthed a mute “thank you.” The Mistress merely bowed her head toward the blindfolded Cara.

“Do it,” The Mistress ordered.

He did it.

Robert’s ex-lover Toni had loved being blindfolded. Anything to intensify a scene. He was used to this, dominating a woman in a blindfold. Now the reason Cara couldn’t see had nothing to do with an accident and injury. Now she couldn’t see because Robert had blindfolded her. He owned all her body now, even her eyes.

Without any further diffidence or hesitation, Robert took control of Cara’s body. He slid his hands down her chest and held her breasts again. Her nipples went hard at his touch. One hand slid farther down and found her clitoris nestled inside the soft red curls at the apex of her thighs. He kneaded it gently as Cara began to moan and move her hips.

“You like that, don’t you?” Robert rasped the words into Cara’s ear.

“Yes, Sir.”

“You’re a slut for my touch, aren’t you?” He punctuated the question with another bite on her neck.

“Only yours, Sir.”

“Better be.” He took her by the shoulder and pushed her forward onto the bed. Robert kneeled between her legs and shoved her thighs open with his knees. “I know this is mine and nobody else’s.”

He reached between her legs and shoved two thick fingers into her. Cara clung to the sheets even as she raised her hips to take him deeper. He fucked her with his hand for a few minutes, digging into her as she writhed and squirmed with need.

“I think you might like that too much,” Robert said as he pulled his hand out of her. “I don’t think you’ve earned an orgasm yet, have you?”

He gave her a viciously hard spank that left even The Mistress flinching. The Mistress gave him two thumbs up. She knew a nice hit when she saw it. And the bright red handprint on Cara’s bottom certainly testified to the force of that blow.

“No, Sir. But I want to earn it,” Cara said as Robert bodily flipped her onto her back.

“Pleasure’s earned with pain. You ready to earn it? Don’t answer. I don’t care if you’re ready or not.”

The Mistress nodded her approval as Robert dragged Cara off the bed and pulled her to her feet. Back into her toy bag she dove and came out holding a set of dark leather wrist cuffs and a snap hook.

“I think you know what to do with these.”

Robert did. He took the cuffs and buckled them onto Cara’s wrists. Using the snap hook he locked her arms high above her head over the top bar of the canopy bed. Good thing Cara was nearly as tall as he. Still she had to strain to stay on her toes. It had to be uncomfortable for her. Good.

The Mistress handed Robert a light flogger. It would sting nicely but not cause too much of a shock. Better to break in a new sub slowly. She’d learned that lesson the hard way.

With a possessive hand, Robert caressed Cara’s unmarked back, her full hips and bottom, her long shapely thighs. He glanced at The Mistress once and she winked at him.

“Turn that white girl red,” she said by way of encouragement. It was all the encouragement he needed.

He took his stance behind Cara, raised the flogger over his head and hit clean and hard right at the center of her back. Cara gasped and flinched. Robert gave no quarter. Another hit followed on the heels of the first one. And another and another. He worked his way down her back and up again.

“Like riding a bike,” The Mistress said with an approving courtesy clap. The man might not have flogged a woman in ten years but he still had the chops for it.

He aimed lower and struck the sides of her hips, her bottom and the back of her thighs, before making the circuit again. Cara moaned in the back of her throat, cried out a time or two, but she never uttered her safe word or begged for mercy.

When a strike to her thigh unleashed an expletive-laden protest, Robert immediately ceased the flogging. The Mistress tensed. Pain was par for the course in S&M scenes. A Dominant couldn’t afford to have a weak stomach with a submissive who wanted the real deal. It hurt. Of course it hurt. That was the point, after all.

“Do you think you’ve had enough pain?” Robert asked, the flogger still aloft. “Answer me.”

“Yes, Sir,” Cara panted, trying to sag into her bonds but not able to.

“Really? Because I don’t.” Robert let one more strike fall hard and fast and right on her ass. The Mistress beamed with pride.

Then and only then did Robert drop the flogger. Once more he ran his hands over his wife’s body.

“You’re bright red from your neck to your knees,” he said into her ear. “You remember what bright red looks like, don’t you?”

“I remember,” she said, smiling at his touch.

“Maybe next time I’ll turn you black and blue to go along with your red.”

“I’d like that, Sir. If I can’t see colors, I’d at least like to be colors.”

“That’s my girl.” He slapped her bottom right on the reddest spot and she released another cry of pain and shock. Reaching up, he released the snap hook and her arms fell to her sides. Cara herself nearly fell to the floor but Robert caught her just in time. He picked her up and threw her roughly onto the bed. While she grimaced in discomfort from her welts, Robert positioned her between the bed posts, her hips right at the edge of the mattress.

“Rope,” he said to The Mistress with the authority of a doctor demanding a scalpel from his faithful nurse.

“Coming right up.”

The Mistress dug into her toy bag and pulled out two lengths of silk rope. While Robert tied Cara’s right ankle to one bed post, The Mistress tied her left ankle to other. Her legs formed a V. She couldn’t close her thighs to hide herself even if she wanted to. And as wet as she appeared, Cara clearly didn’t want to.

“What would you suggest I do to this little slut of mine, Mistress?” Robert asked as he gave his wife an appraising look.

“She did take the beating beautifully. Perhaps she’s earned a little of this.” The Mistress pulled a large phallic-shaped vibrator out of her bag and covered it in a condom.

“Or maybe a lot of this...” Robert took the vibrator, turned it on to a medium setting and pressed it to Cara’s clitoris. She flinched again but this time in obvious pleasure.

“Shall I help make this more interesting?” The Mistress offered, pulling a set of nipple clamps from her bag.

“By all means.”

The Mistress ran a hand over Cara’s breast while Robert continued to massage her clitoris and outer labia with the vibrator while Cara pleaded for penetration. Such a tease. He was damn good at this.

With fingers that knew exactly how to touch a woman, The Mistress kneaded Cara’s nipple until it swelled and hardened. She carefully applied one nipple clamp and let it dangle provocatively from her breast. The other nipple clamp provoked an even stronger reaction.

“I have rope and clothespins if you get in the mood for a zipper.” The Mistress gazed mischievously at Robert.

“We’ll have to save something for next time. Zipper sounds good for a second session.”

“A zipper?” Cara asked, her voice flush with fear and desire, a combination The Mistress had come to think of as the sound of submission.

Robert pressed the tip of the vibrator an inch into his wife.

“You get thin rope and thread it through clothespins,” he explained. “You take the clothespins and put them all over the sub’s body. Then you take the end of the rope and yank. It’s excruciating.”

“I do them all the time,” The Mistress said. “I’ll even give you my spare bag of pins. You know...for next time.”

Cara shivered but The Mistress couldn’t tell if was from fear or pleasure. Probably both.

“You’re about to kill your poor wife, you know?” The Mistress nodded toward the area of erotic torture.

“Well...I am pretty fond of her. Can’t have her dying,” Robert said before plunging the vibrator deep into her.

Something bordering on a scream of ecstasy emanated from Cara’s throat loud enough to send both Robert and The Mistress laughing. Inflicting pleasure could be nearly as enjoyable as inflicting pain. And often just as humiliating for the writhing submissive.

Robert fucked his wife long and hard with the vibrator, plunging it into her over and over again. He pushed the tip into her G-spot, shoved it deep into the back of her vagina and pulled it out to massage her labia once more. As much as she panted and moaned, Robert didn’t let her orgasm. Vicious man. The Mistress wanted to give him a medal.

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