She pointed to the brick. “Have to watch out for the brick. That would be killer on the knees.”

“Trust me.” His eyes had darkened. “Her knees would be the least of her concerns. But you bring up an interesting point. If you were a slave and your Master brought you out here, would you kneel if he asked?”

She eyed the rough-looking brick. “Can I ask a question before I answer, Sir?”


“Why would the Master ask his slave to do something that could potentially be painful and uncomfortable?”

“For several reasons. To push her. Because he wants her on her knees. Or maybe to see if she’s willing to be uncomfortable in order to please and serve him. For a slave, her Master’s wants and needs always come before hers.”

There was an intensity in his eyes whenever he spoke of the workings of a Master/slave relationship. What would it be like to be the ongoing focus of that intensity? He would watch his slave with that same stare. Her wants and needs might be second to his, but Sasha knew any slave of Cole’s would be protected and cherished.

“And,” he continued, “if our time outside became a bit rough, I would care for her body so thoroughly afterward, she wouldn’t think twice about doing it again.”

Sasha’s mouth suddenly felt very dry. It didn’t help at all that he moved to stand beside her and seductively whispered in her ear.

“Tell me, Sasha, if I told you to present yourself on the brick, kneeling and naked so I could use you, would you do it?”

She didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. You would make your Master very happy, and he would reward you appropriately.”

They jumped apart at the sound of the agent’s voice.

“Sorry about that. Child drama.” The agent approached them with a wide smile. “So what do you think?”

Funny how the house seemed almost secondary to everything else that had just happened.

“I like it,” Cole said. “But I’m not sure I’m ready to make an offer just yet.”

“Just so you know, it’s new to the market and priced to sell.”

He waved her comment away as if inconsequential. “I’m not worried, and I won’t be rushed into making a decision.”

“Do you have any questions, or can I show you another property?”

“No, I think Sasha and I will go to lunch and think this one over. I’ll call you by tomorrow afternoon.”

They all three walked back to their cars, the agent chatting about the house’s location and surrounding areas. Cole didn’t ask any questions, just nodded at what she said. He’d probably already researched the area.

Once they got in his car, Cole glanced over to Sasha. “Are you okay to have lunch, or do you need to get back home?”

“I can do lunch.”

“I know just the place.” He raised an eyebrow. “Ice cream for dessert?”

“Sounds divine.”

The drive to the restaurant took just under fifteen minutes. She enjoyed the peaceful-looking scenery, but wondered if Cole wouldn’t feel more comfortable in an urban setting. He just seemed like someone who would do better with the heartbeat of a city nearby.

“Here we are,” he said, pulling into a long driveway on a property that looked more residential than commercial.

“Friends of yours?” she asked.

“No, I’ve actually never been here. Daniel told me about it.”

Looking through the tree limbs, she saw a two-story building with a wraparound porch. “A bed and breakfast!”

“I take it you have no objections?”

“No, it’s perfect.” She loved little out-of-the-way places. Few went to the obscure sites, but those who did often returned time and again.

“They make their own ice cream, too.”

“I like it even more.”

He parked the car and walked around to open her door. The inn’s gardens were beautiful, and she pointed out several of her favorite flowers.

“I’ll have to get your input on flowers when I move into my new place,” he said.

Just thinking about helping him with his landscaping made her excited. She pictured the grounds of the house they’d looked at today and the changes she’d make. “I’m not a landscaper, Sir.”

“Maybe not, but I saw the excitement in your eyes when I brought it up just now.”

“You Dominants don’t miss anything,” she huffed.

“If we’re good, we don’t.” They’d made their way to the hostess. “Two for lunch, please.”

After they sat down at a table overlooking the gardens, he passed her a menu. “I’d be honored for you to design my new garden.”

She watched his eyes carefully, but found no hint of untruth. Of course, she’d already been around him enough to know he didn’t lie. So why did she doubt him when it came to her occupation?

“Thank you, Sir.” She spoke around the lump in her throat. “Does that mean you’re going to make an offer on the house we saw today?”

“I think I will. It had everything I was looking for.” He shot her a sexy-as-hell smile. “And those countertops? Perfection.”

“Lot of room, for someone single.” She bit her lip as soon as the words left her mouth, not believing she said them out loud.

He didn’t seem fazed by her outburst. “Probably, but I do like having a lot of space. And it’ll be a good spot for play parties. Not only are there plenty of rooms, but you don’t have to worry about shocking the neighbors with your party outfits.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “I know you aren’t buying a house simply because it’d be handy for parties.”

“Of course not. I want to bend someone over that island and fuck her senseless.”

He said it in all sincerity, though there was still a hint of a smile on his lips.

“You’re serious,” she finally said.

“I usually am.”

She started to read her menu, but he stopped her. “Eyes on me, Sasha.”

She put the menu down and looked up.

“Tell me what you’d wear to the party at my house, little one. And don’t take your eyes off of mine to see if anyone’s listening. That’s my job.”

Damn, he knew her well. She took a deep breath and forced her eyes to remain on his. “I’d wear whatever my Master wanted me to wear.” Copyright 2016 - 2024