He schooled his features, ensuring he didn’t show anything other than pleasure that she’d shared honestly with him. “See how easy that was?” He didn’t wait for her to answer, but continued. “You have a question for me?”

She wanted to deny it, the idea seemed to hold some merit for her, but she looked straight at him and said, “I would like your permission to have an orgasm, Sir.”

He was suddenly glad she didn’t answer his question the first time, because it gave him an idea. “Of course. In fact, for the next three days, you may come as often as you’re able.” She opened her mouth, probably to thank him, so he went on. “With conditions. Do you have an anal plug?”

She didn’t appear as happy as she had been moments before. “No, Sir.”

“Wait here for a moment.”

He slipped into his bedroom and took a wrapped package from the nightstand’s bottom drawer. Sasha was still frowning when he handed it to her.

“It’s a medium-sized one. You’re not an anal virgin, so you don’t need a small one, but you haven’t had overly positive experiences, so it’s smaller than, say, my cock.”

She stared at the wrapped plug as if it would bite her.

“My condition is, you may come as often as you’re able as long as you’re wearing the plug. In fact, I command you to have at least two orgasms a day for the next three days.”

She was silent.

“You’re forgetting something, Sasha.”

“Yes, Sir, I understand your instructions.”

He crossed his arms and waited. She shifted her weight.

When it became obvious she wasn’t going to say anything else, he spoke.

“You thanked me a few days ago for saying Peter wouldn’t be calling you again. What did I say in response?”

She repeated his words flawlessly. “Thank me when I show you mercy or when I allow you to climax.”

“Where’s your journal?”

She nodded toward the corner where she’d placed her personal items. “In my purse.”

He took a black pen from his desk, pulled her journal from her purse, and held them out to her. “Number Three: Failure to thank Master Johnson for his generous allowance of two orgasms a day.”

She shook her head. “But I—”

“Hush. You have two choices. One: apologize, thank me, and write it down. After which, we move into the sitting room and continue your retraining. Or two: you talk back or argue and I introduce you to a very, very uncomfortable non-corporal punishment you will hate. After which, you will still apologize, thank me, and write it down. Of course, it’ll be too late for your retraining session, so you’ll have to come back tomorrow.” He gave her a pointed stare. “Decision is yours.”

She hesitated, a move he took to mean she gave serious thought to arguing, but then she sighed. “Forgive me, Sir, for my failure to acknowledge your generosity.”

“Apology accepted. Your discipline has been deferred to a future date, to be determined by me.”

“And thank you for allowing me two orgasms a day for three days.”

She didn’t seem thankful, but he’d learned early on that if one said the words often enough, the intent and gratitude would follow. “You’re welcome. Your second assignment is to document each orgasm. Write it down so you don’t forget, then write your third infraction in the back along with the other two. When you’re finished, we’ll move into the sitting room.”

It didn’t take her long to write everything down. She finished and placed the journal on the floor.

“Finished?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

“I’m going to blindfold you before we go to the sitting room.”

He stood up, taking with him the heavy blindfold he put on the edge of the desk earlier. She showed no concern at his statement. Still, he watched her carefully. “I’m going to touch your head,” he said before he secured the material over her eyes and around her head. Her breathing remained calm.

“You’re totally dependent upon me to be your eyes now.” He curled his fingers into a fist so he wouldn’t be tempted to touch her again. “You have my assurance I will not misguide you. Place your trust completely in me. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Stand up for me, little one.”

She moved slowly to her feet, using her arms to balance herself. “It’s a bit scary, Sir.”

“That’s why you have to rely on me. You’ve already said I don’t scare you.”

“That was before you took my sight away, Sir.”

“What is the primary foundation for any Dominant/submissive relationship?”

“Trust, Sir.”

“Correct. I’m going to push you during our time together. Your mind must learn that I am completely trustworthy, so even when your body balks at what I ask, your mind knows the answer instinctively.”

A shiver ran through her. “You ask for a lot, Sir,” she whispered.

“And I give so much more. I’m going to take your hand.” He touched her hand and her fingers wrapped around his. “Come with me, now. Six steps forward and we’ll be at the door.”

•   •   •

Step by step, he led her to the sitting room. She knew because he’d told her and it made sense with what she knew about the layout of the guesthouse. Once there, he stopped her at the entrance. Sasha held tightly to his hand, telling herself not to be scared, that she was with Cole and he’d promised he wouldn’t hurt her. She had to trust someone at some point, and she wanted to trust him.

“You know where we are?” he asked, his accent so smooth. She could listen to him forever.

“The sitting room.”

“Yes, but it’s been modified. You wouldn’t recognize it.” He squeezed her hand. “I’m going to let go now and tell you how to navigate the room. You’ll be fine as long as you listen and follow my commands. But if you don’t?” He chuckled. “Each bump into a table, chair, or wall carries a penalty. Make it into the sunroom without a penalty and you’ll earn a reward.”

Nothing too bad was going to happen, she told herself. Even if she bumped into something, the worse he’d probably do was make her write dirty sentences. On the other hand, if she made it?

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