‘Well, yes, obviously,’ Silver said, as though it was too plain to need pointing out. ‘But please don’t think I’m trying to save you out of any misguided notions of charity. You’re simply too entertaining an adversary to waste.’

‘There you have it,’ Irene said drily. ‘Straight from the horse’s - forgive me, straight from the Fae’s - mouth.’ She folded her arms, feeling her anger rising. ‘Look what he’s doing to me. Why should he lie to you? I would …’ Her next words unexpectedly caught in her throat. ‘I would have appreciated your help. But I don’t want you to destroy yourself, and Kai wouldn’t thank me for it.’

Vale looked at her for a moment as if he wanted to say something, then turned sharply away from her. ‘Pray spare me your excuses, Winters. Your decision is quite clear. I have no wish to hinder your expertise, or to impede your path. I will merely be sure of the details from Lord Silver here, before I leave you to your little games. I can only hope that an innocent such as Strongrock will survive it.’

Irene felt the colour flare in her cheeks. Something in her heart shuddered at his words. That hurt. It really, genuinely hurt. She’d hoped that he’d accept her decision, but to have it thrown at her like that … She turned back to Silver, choosing to convert her anger into focus. ‘It seems Mr Vale is clear on the subject. When is this train? And what sort of disguise will I require?’

Silver touched his fingers to his lips, failing to conceal a smile at Irene’s capitulation. ‘We will leave within the hour, and Lady Guantes will also be waiting at the station. I will take care to have other retainers who are also cloaked, so that we can smuggle you on board amongst them. As to costume - you must dress as a traveller from some other sphere. I will look in my cupboards.’

Irene didn’t bother answering. She merely drew her cloak open to reveal her anachronistic business suit.

‘Yes,’ Silver said, his eyes stroking up from her ankles to her knees. ‘That will do very nicely. I will give you a small token of my power - not enough to damage you, my little Librarian, but simply to allow you to pass for Fae. We cannot tell from a mere glance that you are of the Library, and my token will ensure that nobody thinks you are to be played with like a toy. Johnson wears one. Show Miss Winters, Johnson.’

Irene turned, and saw Johnson slip a large brass watch out of his pocket. Its design was surprisingly intricate, traced over with a pattern that slipped away from the eye. He nodded to Irene.

‘And perhaps some minor alterations to the hair, the eyes …’ Silver went on. ‘It is a pity that we’re taking you rather than dear Vale, my Librarian. He would be so much better at changing his appearance.’ He rose to his feet and strode over to one of the high cupboards in the corner, opening it to reveal an array of low-cut dresses and hooded cloaks. He seemed to have flipped from despair to manic enthusiasm. ‘I’ll let one of the maids handle it. Blue? Perhaps if I could find a blonde wig? No, perhaps if we dressed you as a maid to start with … ‘

Irene was beginning to suspect why the Guantes’ plans worked and Silver’s didn’t, as he fussed over the clothing. ‘Where does the train leave from?’ she asked.

‘From Paddington.’

‘Why Paddington?’ Irene asked.

‘We must travel towards water, therefore westwards. And that means the Great Western line, which leaves from there.’ Silver tossed off the answer as though it made sense. Perhaps it did, from the Fae viewpoint.

Vale took a deep breath, then set his shoulders. ‘I will see you later, Winters - assuming you come out of this escapade in one piece. You know my thoughts on the matter. I will not trouble myself to repeat them. I can only hope that your concern for Strongrock is somewhat greater than your fascination with these politics.’

Irene met his dark gaze, feeling furious. She truly had not expected this snideness from Vale. He was behaving as pettily as Silver might have done. ‘You know perfectly well why I’m doing this. This has nothing to do with politics or the threat of war. Sometimes I do things simply because I don’t want to see someone die. Or worse—’

He cut her off with a gesture. ‘Spare me your histrionics, madam. I suggest that you save them for your play-acting. A good night to you both.’ He turned, raising the hood of his cloak once again, and swept out before Irene could say anything.

‘Johnson,’ Silver said smoothly, ‘see Mr Vale out. Ensure that he comes to no harm.’

Johnson sidled past her, as quiet as a shadow. The door opened and shut again in a breath of air.

Now Irene had an amused Silver in front of her, and Kai to worry about. And she didn’t like being alone with the totally untrustworthy Silver. The thought of sharing this whole enterprise with him was less than enthralling. Or, rather, enthralling might be the problem if he decided to use his Fae wiles on her again.

Silver was still considering Vale’s parting shot. ‘Charming as it would be if he met with some accident, I fear he will leave untouched. Would you like him to?’ He looked at her from under his eyelashes. ‘He was most crassly rude to you, my little mouse, and you are under my protection at the moment.’

‘I’m more concerned at Kai’s predicament than any offence Vale may have given or taken,’ Irene said sharply.

Silver sighed. ‘Would that I had longer to enjoy your company, but we must get ready for the voyage. This is the sort of thing that Lord Guantes has his lady for, besides the fact that she can actually keep him to one plan at a time. I cannot understand how she enjoys the details quite so much.’ He yawned lavishly. ‘Johnson will be back in a moment, and he will leave you to the maids while he dresses me. You can carry one of the bags. I trust that you can carry a bag, my mouse?’

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