The repugnance intimated in his tone at the idea of this gloomy

staircase and these ghostly, dimly lighted rooms, reminded Kenyon of the

original Donatello, much more than his present custom of midnight vigils

on the battlements.

"I shall be glad to share your watch," said the guest; "especially by

moonlight. The prospect of this broad valley must be very fine. But I

was not aware, my friend, that these were your country habits. I have

fancied you in a sort of Arcadian life, tasting rich figs, and squeezing

the juice out of the sunniest grapes, and sleeping soundly all night,

after a day of simple pleasures."

"I may have known such a life, when I was younger," answered the Count

gravely. "I am not a boy now. Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow


The sculptor could not but smile at the triteness of the remark, which,

nevertheless, had a kind of originality as coming from Donatello. He had

thought it out from his own experience, and perhaps considered himself

as communicating a new truth to mankind.

They were now advancing up the courtyard; and the long extent of the

villa, with its iron-barred lower windows and balconied upper ones,

became visible, stretching back towards a grove of trees.

"At some period of your family history," observed Kenyon, "the Counts

of Monte Beni must have led a patriarchal life in this vast house. A

great-grandsire and all his descendants might find ample verge here, and

with space, too, for each separate brood of little ones to play within

its own precincts. Is your present household a large one?"

"Only myself," answered Donatello, "and Tomaso, who has been butler

since my grandfather's time, and old Stella, who goes sweeping and

dusting about the chambers, and Girolamo, the cook, who has but an idle

life of it. He shall send you up a chicken forthwith. But, first of all,

I must summon one of the contadini from the farmhouse yonder, to take

your horse to the stable."

Accordingly, the young Count shouted again, and with such effect that,

after several repetitions of the outcry, an old gray woman protruded

her head and a broom-handle from a chamber window; the venerable butler

emerged from a recess in the side of the house, where was a well, or

reservoir, in which he had been cleansing a small wine cask; and

a sunburnt contadino, in his shirt-sleeves, showed himself on the

outskirts of the vineyard, with some kind of a farming tool in his

hand. Donatello found employment for all these retainers in providing

accommodation for his guest and steed, and then ushered the sculptor

into the vestibule of the house.

It was a square and lofty entrance-room, which, by the solidity of its

construction, might have been an Etruscan tomb, being paved and walled

with heavy blocks of stone, and vaulted almost as massively overhead.

On two sides there were doors, opening into long suites of anterooms

and saloons; on the third side, a stone staircase of spacious breadth,

ascending, by dignified degrees and with wide resting-places, to another

floor of similar extent. Through one of the doors, which was ajar,

Kenyon beheld an almost interminable vista of apartments, opening one

beyond the other, and reminding him of the hundred rooms in Blue Beard's

castle, or the countless halls in some palace of the Arabian Nights. Copyright 2016 - 2024