"At least," said the sculptor, "tell me whether you recognize this


He pointed to a bust of Donatello. It was not the one which Kenyon had

begun to model at Monte Beni, but a reminiscence of the Count's face,

wrought under the influence of all the sculptor's knowledge of his

history, and of his personal and hereditary character. It stood on a

wooden pedestal, not nearly finished, but with fine white dust and small

chips of marble scattered about it, and itself incrusted all round with

the white, shapeless substance of the block. In the midst appeared

the features, lacking sharpness, and very much resembling a fossil

countenance,--but we have already used this simile, in reference to

Cleopatra, with the accumulations of long-past ages clinging to it.

And yet, strange to say, the face had an expression, and a more

recognizable one than Kenyon had succeeded in putting into the

clay model at Monte Beni. The reader is probably acquainted with

Thorwaldsen's three-fold analogy,--the clay model, the Life; the plaster

cast, the Death; and the sculptured marble, the Resurrection,--and

it seemed to be made good by the spirit that was kindling up these

imperfect features, like a lambent flame.

"I was not quite sure, at first glance, that I knew the face," observed

Hilda; "the likeness surely is not a striking one. There is a good

deal of external resemblance, still, to the features of the Faun of

Praxiteles, between whom and Donatello, you know, we once insisted that

there was a perfect twin-brotherhood. But the expression is now so very


"What do you take it to be?" asked the sculptor.

"I hardly know how to define it," she answered. "But it has an effect

as if I could see this countenance gradually brightening while I look

at it. It gives the impression of a growing intellectual power and

moral sense. Donatello's face used to evince little more than a genial,

pleasurable sort of vivacity, and capability of enjoyment. But here, a

soul is being breathed into him; it is the Faun, but advancing towards a

state of higher development."

"Hilda, do you see all this?" exclaimed Kenyon, in considerable

surprise. "I may have had such an idea in my mind, but was quite unaware

that I had succeeded in conveying it into the marble."

"Forgive me," said Hilda, "but I question whether this striking effect

has been brought about by any skill or purpose on the sculptor's part.

Is it not, perhaps, the chance result of the bust being just so far

shaped out, in the marble, as the process of moral growth had advanced

in the original? A few more strokes of the chisel might change the whole

expression, and so spoil it for what it is now worth."

"I believe you are right," answered Kenyon, thoughtfully examining his

work; "and, strangely enough, it was the very expression that I tried

unsuccessfully to produce in the clay model. Well; not another chip

shall be struck from the marble."

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