” I didn’t know then “

” ok. If I believe you then why didn’t you tell me when you met him here ? Didn’t we talk daily ?”

” I wasn’t sure how you would react ?”

” So you knew that I wouldn’t be happy ? Then shouldn’t you have told me ? Didn’t you think I would trust you ?”

” I am sorry Vikram I should have told you . But believe me I would have told you when I came back “

” Forget it . Did you sleep with him Sunaina? Just tell me , is he a better lover ? But then you can’t compare because we have never made live yet ? Is he the reason you didn’t consummate our marriage ? Speak up Sunaina will you ?”

” No I haven’t slept with anyone . I don’t love him I love you dammit . And why are you not calling me doll or darling ?”

” Because you don’t deserve it . From now on you are. only Sunaina and no one else “

” Please believe me I have done nothing wrong Vikram “

” Believe you my foot . At present I don’t feel like looking at your slutty face even “

He threw the cushions from the sofa and left the room in a rage .

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